St. Paul Al-Anon/Alateen Intergroup
August 13, 2013 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was convened at 7:00 pm with the Serenity Prayer.

Chair, Inner Peace Thursday 11 am Al-Anon
Treasurer, IR Summit Hill Wednesday 5 pm
Secretary, IR, Uptown Monday 8 pm Al-Anon
Vice Chair, IR, Uptown Tuesday 6:30 A
IR, Compassion Al-Anon, St. Paul
Newsletter Editor, Summit Hill Wednesday 5 pm Al-Anon

There were readings on Tradition 8 and Concept 8.


1. Fellowship Weekend
Registration opens at 4 pm. We have been told that no beverages are needed. Saturday dinner will be vegetarian chili, with cooking prep work on Thursday August 29 at 6:30 pm. Bring dessert, knife and cutting board to the vice chair’s house. Saturday lunch will be pita, cucumbers, and carrots. Bring Tupperware and cooking pot.
Literature is already ordered and packed.
2. Office issues
a. Discussion on a possible change in telephone and internet provider was postponed until the next meeting.
b. Discussion on replacement of the office copier was also postponed.
3. Newsletter
The editor is writing it and the vice chair will provide an article on service.


She reported she had received good feedback on a knowledgeable office volunteer.
Vice Chair
Planning for the 4th Step Workshop is in the works for Saturday, October 12th from 2 to 4 pm. She is looking for five minute speakers on the importance of Steps 1 – 3 and on how Step 4 has gone for individuals personally.
She is looking for AA and Al-Anon speakers for Gratitude Night on November 9.
The minutes of the July meeting were reviewed. Thanks were offered to the member who sat in for the secretary in July.
She will be gone next month and will not do a report but will have one ready in October
Assistant Treasurer
He was absent but his report was summarized. Sales of literature and medallions totaled $2,014. 14 group contributions totalled $723 and 4 individual contributions totaled $83.
Office volunteers
Only two days this month remain unfilled.
A motion was made and seconded to increase the price of the soft cover How Al-Anon Works by $1.00 to $7.00 to match a similar increase in the list price. The motion passed unanimously.
Liaison to Minnesota South Area Assembly
No report. We will be selling literature at Fellowship Weekend.
Liaison to Minnesota South Area Assembly
She highlighted discussion of Conference Approved Literature (CAL), noting that member sharing is not conference approved. Wording could be changed to “Al-Anon Literature” instead of “CAL”. This is something for groups to think about and decide on individually.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm with the Al-Anon Declaration.

The next meeting will be October 8 at 7 pm at the Griggs Midway building.

St. Paul Al-Anon/Alateen Intergroup Home Page | Index of Available Minutes

Edited for the web 12 September 2013