1. Establishing or modifying a policy
  2. MNSA Policies
  3. Substantial unanimity
  4. MNSA elected positions
  5. Area World Service Committee
  6. Assemblies
  7. Standing committees
  8. Coordinators
  9. Area finances
  10. Miscellaneous policies
  11. Alateen safety policy

Terms used in this Policy Folder

Manual Al‑Anon Alateen Service Manual
Alt GR Alternate Group Representative
Alt DR Alternate District Rrepresentative
AMIAS Al‑Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service
ASC Alateen Safety Committee
AC Action Committee
AAPP Area Alateen Process Person
ASE Area Service Event
CAL Conference Approved Literature
DR District Representative
GR Group Representative
MNSA Minnesota South Area
Folder MNSA Policy Folder
PRC Policy Review Commitee
RDM Regional Delegates’ Meeting
WSC World Service Conference
WSO World Service Office



  1. Establishing or modifying a policy
    1. Changes in policies can be made using one of the two following options:
      1. A motion for a policy change, addition, or amendment may be made at the AWSC for review and discussion; then presented to GRs at an Assembly for discussion and possible vote. If the GR’s approve the motion by substantial unanimity, the motion becomes policy.
      2. A motion for a policy change, addition, or amendment may be presented at an Assembly without having been reviewed by the AWSC. If the motion is approved by GRs at an Assembly by substantial unanimity, the motion then must be presented a second time at the following Assembly for a final vote.
      3. The AWSC cannot set MNSA policy
  2. MNSA Policies
    1. MNSA business shall be conducted in accordance with the Manual.
    2. MNSA policies that differ from the Manual will be incorporated in this Folder.
    3. The Folder is to be updated annually.
    4. All MNSA policies are in effect only for MNSA.
    5. Any motion to establish policy should be so stated.
    6. The PRC secretary will keep a log of policy changes and add them to the Folder at the end of each calendar year.
  3. Substantial unanimity
    1. Substantial unanimity is decided early in each meeting.
    2. Substantial unanimity is the proportion of those voting required to pass a motion.
  4. MNSA elected positions
    1. MNSA elects Officers, including: Delegate, Alternate Delegate, Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
    2. MNSA elects its AAPP.
  5. AWSC
    1. Members of the AWSC include: Officers, DRs, Coordinators, AC chairs, AAPP, Liaisons, past Delegates and past Alternate Delegates.
    2. Officers, DRs, Coordinators, AC chairs, AAPP, and Liaisons have voice and vote.
    3. Past Delegates and Past Alternate Delegates have voice only, unless the individual is also simultaneously serving in a position that has voice and vote.
    4. The AWSC meets twice a year on the first Saturday of February and the first Saturday of August. The dates may be changed in an emergency, by the Officers and Assembly Activities Coordinator.
    5. The purpose of the AWSC meeting is to plan the Assembly agenda, convey information, provide reports, and made decisions that cannot wait until the next Assembly.
  6. Assemblies
    1. An assembly is held twice a year, the first Saturday of April and the first Saturday of October. The dates may be changed, for good reason, by the AWSC or, in an emergency, they may be changed by the Officers and Assembly Activities Coordinator.
    2. Assemblies are hosted by districts, when possible. In each calendar year one assembly is hosted by a district outside the twin city metro area and one assembly is hosted by a district within the twin city metro area. The Minneapolis and St. Paul areas are encouraged to alternate hosting.
    3. Assembly Agenda
      1. Budget: Budgets are approved at the Fall Assembly for the following year. If necessary, a budget may be revised at the Spring Assembly.
      2. Announcements:
        1. The Delegate or Chair must pre-approve announcements and fliers.
        2. At each Assembly, a disclaimer is to be made stating MNSA neither approves nor disapproves of the announced events.
      3. Workshops:
        1. Are to be conducted by Al‑Anon/Alateen members.
        2. Must use only Conference Approved Literature.
        3. Are to be service related only.
        4. Are not to be held at the same time as the Assembly agenda.
      4. Speakers:
        1. Must be Al‑Anon/Alateen members.
        2. If a WSO representative is invited to speak, the invitation must be approved by the AWSC at least six months prior to the Assembly.
        3. The AWSC will determine the amount of the speaker’s expenses that will be paid by Area funds. Arrangements for speakers are made through the Assembly Activities Coordinator.
    4. CAL sold at assemblies
      1. An Al‑Anon Intergroup or Information Service Center may be asked to sell CAL at an Assembly.
      2. At the request of the Assembly, the Area may provide an Al‑Anon Intergroup or Information Service Center an advance to purchase literature to be sold at an Assembly. The amount of the advance is to be determined by the Chair and Treasurer. The advance is to be reimbursed within 30 days after the Assembly.
    5. Hosting assemblies
      1. Host District:
        1. The DR serves as the host committee chair or may appoint a GR as chair.
        2. The host district is responsible for having funds in a checking account that is not a personal account.
        3. A written report, including a financial statement, is to be submitted to the Assembly Activities Coordinator within one month after an Assembly.
        4. Assembly fliers are to be pre-approved by the AWSC or the Assembly Activities Coordinator and the Officers, prior to being sent. Fliers are to be sent to all registered MNSA Al‑Anon/Alateen groups.
      2. Host district finance
        1. The host district is responsible for all Assembly finances, except flier printing and postage, which is be paid by the Area.
        2. Assembly registration fees should be set to cover all other expenses.
        3. Only Al‑Anon members handle Assembly monies.
        4. Al‑Anon and Alateen groups are responsible for paying the registration fees to match the number of pre-registrations.
        5. The host district may apply for an advance from the Area, if necessary. An advance must be reimbursed within thirty days of the Assembly.
        6. The Area has the ultimate financial responsibility for the expenses of assemblies. If an unforeseen act of nature results in a financial loss to the host district, the Area has the ultimate financial responsibility. The host district will be expected attempt to raise the money necessary to pay the financial loss by mailing an appeal letter to districts. The cost of the appeal letters will be paid by Area funds.
        7. Following an Assembly, after all host district expenses are met, the remaining registration money is provided to the Treasurer.
    6. Election assembly
      1. Handbook election procedures are set aside for MNSA elections as follows:
        1. Only current GRs have vote at an Election Assembly, unless an alternate GR stands in, but each group has only one vote.
        2. A questionnaire will be sent to each eligible candidate prior to an Election Assembly to determine interests and collect service resume information.
        3. All serving as an Officer, DR, Coordinator, or AC chair at the time of an Election Assembly is eligible to stand for office.
      2. Nominations for Officers can be taken from the floor on the day of an Election Assembly.
      3. The Chair shall read a short service resume for each person standing for election, prior to voting.
    7. Area Service Event
      MNSA will hold an ASE during the first year of every panel.
    8. Delegate’s Report
      1. The Delegate will report to MNSA on the WSC.
      2. The Delegate may choose to make the report at a Report Assembly or at several Area meetings.
      3. If a Report Assembly is held, it is typically held the second or third week in June.
  7. Standing committees
    1. Policy Review Committee
      1. The purpose is to review Area policies for update and clarification.
      2. The secretary of this committee Is to update the Folder at the end of each calendar year.
      3. Current Delegate, current Alternate Delegate, current Chair, current Treasurer, immediate past Delegate, and DRs elected by the AWSC to make up an eight member committee.
      4. To ensure a full committee, Alt DRs are eligible for election provided should there be an insufficient number of DRs willing to serve on this committee. The ADRs and DRs elected to the PRC must be from different districts.
    2. Finance Committee
      1. The purpose is to recommend a proposed budget to the AWSC and to review budget overruns.
      2. Consists of the Delegate, Alternate Delegate, Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
      3. A budget line overrun of more than 5% must be approved by the Finance Committee.
    3. Alateen Safety Committee
      1. The purpose is to review the Alateen Safety section of the Folder, monitor AMIAS certification procedures; and to provide safety guidelines for the protection of Alateen members and AMIAS, in accordance with WSO and MNSA requirements.
      2. Consists of the AAPP, the Alateen Coordinator, the Alternate Delegate (or another PRC member who is an AMIAS), the immediate past AAPP or Alateen Coordinator, and three active AMIAS who are elected by the Assembly.
      3. Meets annually and as needed.
      4. The current AAPP is not required to be an AMIAS unless that individual is going to have direct contact with the Alateen members. The immediate past AAPP is required to become an AMIAS to continue to serve on this committee.
    4. Action Committees
      1. MNSA has the following action committees:
        1. Fellowship Communication
        2. Group Services
        3. Membership Outreach
        4. Public Outreach
      2. Each Action committee has a chair, who is appointed by the Chair.
  8. Coordinators
    1. MNSA has the following Coordinators:
      1. Alateen, WSO Guideline G-24
      2. Archivist, WSO Guideline G-30
      3. Assembly Activities, no WSO Guideline
      4. Forum, WSO Guideline G-32
      5. Group Records, WSO Guideline G-36
      6. Literature, WSDO Guideline G-6
      7. Newsletter Editor, WSO Guideline G-21
      8. Public Outreach, WSO Guideline G-38
      9. Web, WSO Guideline G-40
      10. AAPP, no WSO Guideline
    2. Guidelines are approved as MNSA policy.
    3. Public Outreach Coordinator
      At the beginning of each Panel, the Public Outreach Coordinator will write a letter to all MNSA private and public facilities stating the purpose and principles of Al‑Anon/Alateen and the availability of the Public Outreach Coordinator.
    4. Newsletter
      1. The newsletter editor is to determine the content of the newsletter, according to MNSA policy and Al‑Anon principles.
      2. Individual MNSA Al‑Anon/Alateen members may subscribe to the newsletter.
      3. Past Delegates receive a lifetime subscription to the newsletter.
  9. Area finances
    1. Area Treasurer
      1. The Treasurer will be bonded.
      2. Annually and before the end of January, the preceding year’s Treasurer’s books are to be audited by a committee appointed by the Chair.
      3. The use of separate bank accounts is at the discretion of the Treasurer. The Treasurer may maintain three accounts for bookkeeping and accounting purposes: an Operating account, an ASE account, and a Prudent Reserve account. The Treasurer will consult with the Finance Committee on the details of reporting the separate accounts.
      4. The Area’s ultimate financial goal is to maintain an ample reserve equal to approximately one half of the previous calendar year’s expenses.
    2. Financial contributions to MNSA
      1. Two appeal letters per year are to be sent out by the Treasurer, the first no later than March 1 and the second no later than September 1.
      2. The Delegate and Treasurer should keep accurate records on contributions to MNSA and report twice per year:
        1. The Delegate receives a report of all group contributions and districts from the Treasurer.
        2. The Treasurer is to report group contributions only to each group’s respective DR.
        3. Names of groups contributing will be listed in the newsletter.
    3. Expenses paid by Area Funds
      1. Requests for reimbursement are to be made on forms provided by the Treasurer. All expenses must be identified and itemized.
      2. Expenses for Area activities that qualify for reimbursement, include:
        1. Expenses necessary for carrying out the duties of the Officers, Coordinators, AC chairs, and standing committee chairs.
        2. Reimbursable expenses for AWSC members include, but are not limited to, postage, telephone, supplies, printing, and literature.
        3. Expenses incurred by trusted servant, who is not an AWSC member, but incurred the expense for an MNSA activities. These types of expenses must be approved in advance and submitted by the AWSC member involved with said activity.
        4. Reimbursable expenses include: registration, travel (at a rate of $0.25 per mile), and lodging (up to $50 per night). Any lodging expense exceeding $50 must have prior approval by the Finance Committee to be reimbursed. Trusted servants are encouraged to share lodging to minimize expenses.
        5. DRs and Alternate DRs’ expenses associated with the duties of a DR when district funds are not available. Reimbursable expenses may include: mileage to and from groups, meeting room rental, telephone, printing, postage, and literature. An Alternate DR’s mileage to and from groups may be reimbursed if submitted by the DR.
        6. Expenses for one or two trusted servants who are invited by the AWSC to provide literature at assemblies, including: travel, lodging, and registration.
        7. Expenses incurred when hosting a Delegate’s Report, if report is initiated by the Delegate
        8. Expenses incurred when hosting an AWSC.
        9. All expenses incurred by the Delegate for the WSC will be fully paid by Area funds, including the WSO stated actual expense for attendance and any additional expenses incurred for attendance at the WSC.
        10. RDM expenses incurred by the Delegate will be fully reimbursed. Expenses incurred by the immediate past Delegate, the current Alternate Delegate, and the current Chair will be reimbursed, in part, by dividing, in equal amounts, the amount identified on the Area’s RDM budget line.
        11. ASE registration fee will be reimbursed for incoming and outgoing AWSC members. Other expenses will be reimbursed based on the availability of monies.
        12. Expenses associated with a hospitality room at the Minnesota Al‑Anon/Alateen Conference.
  10. Miscellaneous policies
    1. The Delegate serves as the Alternate Chair.
    2. Stationery will be printed with MNSA’s letterhead.
    3. MNSA groups’ contact information may be used as a mailing list for functions deemed appropriate by a Coordinator or Officer.
  11. Alateen safety policy

    Currently under review; contact the Minnesota South AAPP.

    1. Purpose of the Policy. Alateen is of paramount importance to all of us in Al‑Anon, as we seek recovery for our families, our friends, and ourselves from the disease of alcoholism. Alateen members have suffered as we have and are desperately in need of the Twelve Step recovery that Alateen can provide. MNSA strives to provide safe places for our younger family members to find the hope and healing that we have found in Al‑Anon.

      Therefore, in accordance with the requirements from the Trustees and the WSO, MNSA developed this Policy for Alateen safety in MNSA. It will be incumbent on the Alateen Coordinator, the ASC, AMIAS, and all Al‑Anon members to accept this Policy and carry it out.

    2. Support of Alateen Groups.
      1. Alateen groups need to stay in touch with other Alateen and Al‑Anon groups. This begins with attending district meetings and Assemblies. Contacts are made within the fellowship that provide resources to strengthen groups, to cooperate in public outreach, to learn new program ideas, and to experience personal relationships.
      2. It is the support of Al‑Anon, especially groups meeting at the same time as Alateen, that help Alateen groups survive and thrive. Children from the families of Al‑Anon and AA members hear about Alateen because of outreach within the fellowships. Future AMIAS (as defined below) and support for AMIAS come from Al‑Anon groups. A DR can also be a great support for an Alateen group and the AMIAS. A DR may be invited to come to the Alateen meeting to share his/her recovery experience.
    3. Definition of AMIAS. An AMIAS is a person directly involved with Alateen members in the context of service to Alateen.
      1. AMIAS fall into the following categories:
        1. Primary AMIAS: an AMIAS sponsoring an Alateen meeting on a regular b
        2. Substitute AMIAS: an AMIAS sponsoring an Alateen meeting when a Primary Group Sponsor is absent.
        3. Conference AMIAS: an AMIAS working with Alateen members to plan, organize, or supervise Alateen activities at any conference that has Alateen meetings, speakers or other activities. This includes Alateen-specific conferences, such as Midlake, in which Minnesota Alateen groups and AMIAS participate in planning.
        4. Transportation AMIAS: an AMIAS who provides rides for Alateen members going to and from meetings, conferences, or speaking engagements. This does not apply to private arrangements initiated by an Alateen member or the parent or guardian of an Alateen member.
      2. All AMIAS must be certified as described in Section D of this Policy and must meet the minimum safety and behavior requirements in accordance with Section E of this Policy.
    4. AMIAS Certification
      1. To be certified, every AMIAS must:
        1. Regularly attend Al‑Anon meetings.
        2. Actively work with an Al‑Anon sponsor.
        3. Be at least 21 years old.
        4. Have at least two years in Al‑Anon, in addition to any time spent in Alateen.
        5. Complete a background check process verifying that s/he has not been convicted of a felony and has not been charged with child abuse or any other inappropriate sexual behavior in accordance with Section D (3) of this Policy.
        6. Not have demonstrated emotional problems, which could result in harm to Alateen members, as determined by the Alateen Safety Committee with the advisement of the Alateen Coordinator and the AAPP, through reasonable judgment and discretion.
          Not have demonstrated emotional problems which could result in harm to Alateen members.
      2. Primary AMIAS and Substitute AMIAS must attend at least one AMIAS workshop prior to serving a group and one AMIAS training annually to be certified as an AMIAS.
      3. For the protection and safety of Alateen members and AMIAS, the following policies must be practiced in the AMIAS certification process:
        1. The contracted background check agency will store all background check applications and reports.
        2. MNSA will pay the cost of background checks for all AMIAS.
        3. The AAPP and Alateen Coordinator are the trusted servants with administrative access to the background check agency website. When necessary, an Officer who also serves as an AMIAS can be designated to assist.
      4. AMIAS certification procedures will be reviewed and upheld by the Alateen Safety Committee.
    5. Minimum Safety and Behavior Requirements. The following minimum safety and behavior requirements must be met by all AMIAS, Alateen members, and attendees at conferences with Alateen participation in MNSA. All Alateen members, AMIAS, and other participants must adhere to MNSA’s safety and behavioral requirements or they will be prohibited from participating in Alateen service.
      1. For the protection of Alateen members and the AMIAS, there must be at least one AMIAS at every Alateen meeting.
      2. AMIAS are prohibited from engaging in overt or covert sexual interactions with Alateen members.
      3. Alateen members are prohibited from engaging in overt or covert sexual interactions on meeting property.
      4. AMIAS are prohibited from engaging in behavior that is prohibited in federal, state, and local law.
      5. AMIAS are prohibited from using alcohol or illegal substances at Alateen meetings and on meeting property.
    6. Supervision of Alateen Members.
      1. AMIAS will supervise Alateen members at:
        1. Regular Alateen meetings: in the Alateen room, for the duration of Alateen meetings or activities.
        2. Conferences with Alateen participation: whenever Alateen members are in the Alateen room.
        3. Alateen-specific conferences: whenever Alateens are on the conference property, for the duration of the conference.
      2. AMIAS are NOT responsible for supervising Alateens at:
        1. Regular Alateen meetings: before and after regular Alateen meetings or when the Alateen members are not in the meeting room.
        2. Conferences with Alateen participation: whenever Alateen members are not in the Alateen room.
    7. Alateen Participation at Conferences.
      1. There must be one AMIAS in attendance for every four Alateen members at Alateen-specific conferences such as Midlake, MNSA events, events occurring in MNSA or events planned by MNSA AMIAS and Alateen members.
      2. Alateen members attending Alateen-specific conferences, such as Midlake, must have prior approval from their Primary Group AMIAS to attend the Conference.
      3. All conferences with Alateen participation, including Alateen-specific conferences, must have a liaison to MNSA Assembly.
      4. Written permission from a parent or legal guardian is required when transporting Alateen members to meetings or conferences. A medical release signed by parent or legal guardian must be secured when an Alateen member will be away from home overnight [See Alateen Guideline G34 for suggested forms for parental permission and medical release]. Completed permission forms and medical releases must be maintained by the Primary Group AMIAS. When unforeseen circumstances arise and a written parental/legal guardian permission form has not been obtained, AMIAS must obtain verbal AND text/e-mail authorization to transport the Alateen member before doing so. AMIAS should document any verbal authorization and documentation must be maintained by the Primary Group AMIAS. Where unforeseen circumstance arises, and written permission of a parent or guardian has not previously obtained, Sponsors should attempt to obtain verbal authorization to transport teens before doing so.
    8. Problem Solving in Alateen Groups.
      1. Resources for problem solving support within an Alateen group. If there is a problem in an Alateen group that cannot be resolved informally within the group, an AMIAS, Alateen member, or parent or guardian of an Alateen member may contact a DR, the Alateen Coordinator, the AAPP, or any Alateen Safety Committee member for help. The Twelve Traditions and the Concepts of Service may be studied to search for solutions. A DR, Alateen Coordinator, AAPP, or Alateen Safety Committee member may assist holding a discussion about the problem or conducting a group conscience.
        If there are problems in the Alateen group that cannot be easily resolved within the group, a District Representative and/or the Alateen Coordinator is the first person to contact for help. Contact can be made by an Alateen member, a sponsor, or a parent. The Twelve Traditions and the Concepts of Service can be studied to help find solutions. A District Representative can help the Alateen group discuss the problems and have a group conscience.
      2. There may be problems of a more serious nature that would not be appropriate for a group discussion or group problem solving, such as violent behavior or an accusation of sexual abuse.
        1. If a situation arises involving allegations that an AMIAS engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct, violence, threatening behavior, or other serious conduct, the following steps must be taken.
          1. The AMIAS must immediately cease participation as an AMIAS
          2. The group’s DR and the Alateen Coordinator will meet with the Alateen group to discuss this change, to help the group members determine their needs, and help find a new AMIAS for the group. Confidential information relating to the allegation will not be shared with the group.
          3. The Alateen Coordinator and the ASC will determine if a referral for an outside investigation is appropriate under the circumstances. Nothing decided by the Alateen coordinator and ASC precludes an individual from making such a referral.
          4. Pending results of an outside investigation, an Alateen group may decide by group conscience to invite an AMIAS to return, provided the AMIAS still meets all of the minimum safety and behavior requirements.
        2. If a situation arises involving allegations that an Alateen member has engaged in inappropriate sexual contact, violence, threatening behavior or other serious conduct, the following steps must be taken.
          1. The Alateen member will be removed from the event or group.
          2. The group’s AMIAS and the Alateen Coordinator will meet with the group to discuss the problem and to assist the group members in determining their needs.
          3. The Alateen Coordinator and the ASC will determine if a referral for an outside investigation is appropriate. Nothing decided by the Alateen Coordinator or the ASC precludes an individual from making a referral.
          4. Pending the results of an outside investigation, the group and their AMIAS may decide by group conscience to invite the Alateen member involved in the allegation to return to the group.
    9. Additional Suggested Guidelines. In addition to the foregoing, the following guidelines shall be followed, when practicable.
      1. Alateen meetings should be scheduled at the same time and in the same place as an Al‑Anon meeting.
      2. Each Alateen meeting should have an Al‑Anon group committed to support the Alateen group and its AMIAS.
      3. AMIAS should confirm that all Alateen members have transportation home from Alateen meetings before leaving the property.
      4. It is preferred that AMIAS make a commitment of two years.
      5. When an AMIAS is stepping down from service, time should be taken to find, certify, and orient a new AMIAS prior to the exiting AMIAS’s last meeting.
      6. MNSA’s Alateen Safety Policy has been reviewed by legal counsel and will be reviewed on an annual basis.