(revised 1/18/2015)

Table of Contents

  1. Procedures for arriving at policies
  2. Where to find policies
  3. Substantial unanimity
  4. Assemblies
  5. Area World Service Committee
  6. Standing committees
  7. Coordinators
  8. Area finances
  9. Miscellaneous policies
  10. Alateen safety policy

How to use this folder

The Minnesota South Area adheres to the policies set forth by the World Service Conference and follows the procedures listed in the World Service Handbook (pp. 123-158 of the 2010-2013 Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual), except where special procedures in the Handbook have been set aside.

When you have a question about policy, it is important to look both in the World Service Handbook and in the most current version of this folder.

The content of this folder contains all policies approved or modified by the Minnesota South Area Assembly through the October 1, 2011 Assembly.

The policy statements and guidelines on the following pages grew out of the questions and opinions from Al-Anon and Alateen Area-wide in regard to the functioning of the MN South Area.

As Minnesota South Area Al-Anon/Alateen grows and more ideas and questions are received, other than those set forth on the following pages, changes and additions will be made, as circumstances and our growth requires.


  1. Procedures for arriving at policies
    1. The Area World Service Committee meeting is held twice a year on the first Saturday of February and the first Saturday of August. The dates may be changed for good reason, by the Area World Service Committee or, in an emergency, by the Area officers and the Assembly Activities Coordinator. At the Area World Service Committee meeting, ideas, questions, and problems, in regard to the Assembly, are discussed. Recommendations may be made to the Assembly to form a particular policy; however, the Area World Service Committee cannot itself set policy for the Area.

    2. Area World Service Committee presents policy recommendations to the Assembly for discussion and vote by group representatives. If the recommendation is approved by substantial unanimity, it becomes policy. A recommendation for a policy can also be made at the Assembly without being reviewed by the Area World Service Committee. Such a recommendation would be voted on at the next appropriate Assembly.

    3. In addition to new policies, the same procedure is required for major revisions of and amendments to current policies

  2. Where to find our policies
    1. World Service Handbook
      Business shall be conducted by the area in accordance with the World Service Handbook.
    2. Policy manual
      All policies that alter the World Service Handbook and are in effect for the Minnesota South Area will be incorporated in a manual to be kept up to date with future changes.
    3. Annual list of changes
      Any motion that is made that will establish policy should be so stated. The Policy Review Committee secretary will list the policies to be added to the Minnesota South Area Policies at the end of each year.
  3. Substantial unanimity

    All important decisions of the assembly and Area World Service Committee shall be made by substantial unanimity. The proportion of those voting required to pass a motion is to be decided near the start of each meeting.

  4. Assemblies
    1. Dates of Assemblies
      An Assembly is held twice a year, the first Saturday of April and the first Saturday of October. The dates may be changed, for good reason, by the Area World Service Committee or, in an emergency, by the Area officers and the Assembly Activities Coordinator.

    2. Locations of Assemblies
      The Assembly is hosted by various districts of the Area. In each calendar year, one Assembly is hosted by a district outside the twin city metro area and one Assembly is hosted by a district within that area. The Minneapolis and St. Paul metro areas are encouraged to alternate hosting.

    3. Assembly officers
      The Minnesota South Area will have the following elected officers: Delegate, Alternate Delegate, Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Delegate is the Alternate Chair of the Area.

    4. Assembly agenda
      1. Budget
        The budget for the following year is to be approved at the fall Assembly. If necessary, it may be revised at the spring Assembly.
      2. Announcements
        1. Only announcements and fliers for Al-Anon or Alateen functions are allowed at the Assembly.
        2. The delegate or chair must pre-approve the announcements and fliers.
        3. A disclaimer will be made that the Assembly neither approves nor disapproves such functions.
      3. Workshops
        1. Workshops, if any, are to be conducted by Al-Anon/Alateen members.
        2. Only Conference Approved Literature is to be used.
        3. Workshops are to be service related only.
        4. Workshops, if any, are not to be held at the same time as the Assembly agenda.
      4. Speakers
        1. Speakers, if any, must be Al-Anon/Alateen members.
        2. Invitation of a World Service Office representative must be approved by the Area World Service Committee at least 6 months prior to the Assembly. Expenses of such a speaker, up to an amount to be determined by the Area World Service Committee, will be paid by the Area. Arrangements are to be made through the Assembly Activities Coordinator.
      5. Conference Approved Literature at Assemblies
        1. An Al-Anon Intergroup or Information Service may be asked to sell Conference Approved Literature at an Assembly.
        2. The area may advance an Al-Anon Intergroup or Information Service a loan to purchase literature for sale at an Assembly at the request of the Assembly. The amount of the loan is to be determined by the Area Chair and Treasurer. The loan is to be repaid within 30 days after the Assembly.
    5. Hosting Assemblies
      1. Host District
        1. The District Representative serves as the chair of the host committee or appoints this responsibility to another Group Representative.
        2. The host district is responsible for having funds in a checking account (not a personal account).
        3. A written report, including a financial statement, is to be submitted to the Assembly Activities Coordinator one month after the Assembly.
        4. Assembly fliers are to be pre-approved before sending them out by the Area World Service Committee or the Assembly Activities Coordinator and the officers. Fliers are to be sent to all registered Al-Anon/Alateen groups in the Minnesota South Area.
      2. Host district finance
        1. The host district is responsible for all finances regarding the Assembly, except the printing and postage for the fliers, which will be paid for by the Area. The registration fee should be set to cover all other expenses.
        2. Only Al-Anon/ Alateen members handle any of the monies involved.
        3. The Al-Anon/Alateen groups are responsible for paying the registration fees to match the number of pre-registrations.
        4. The host district may apply for an Area loan, if necessary, which is to be paid back within thirty (30) days of the Assembly. The loan is to be approved by the Area World Service Committee or the Assembly Activities Coordinator, Chair, and Treasurer.
        5. The Area has the ultimate financial responsibility for hosting Assemblies. If some unforeseen act of nature results in a financial loss to the host district, the Area has the ultimate financial responsibility. The host district will be expected to mail appeal letters at area expense in an attempt to raise necessary funds.
        6. After all host district expenses and/or commitments have been met, any remaining balance of money will be given to the Area treasury.
    6. Election Assembly
      The Assembly will set aside the Handbook for elections, as follows:

      1. Only current Group Representatives will have a vote at the Election Assembly.
      2. Any person serving as an elected officer, District Representative, Area Coordinator or Action Committee Chair at the time of the election is eligible for any elected office.
      3. Nominations for officers can be taken from the floor the day of the election.
      4. The chair of the area shall read a short resumé of service of each nominee before the election. A questionnaire will be sent to each eligible candidate prior to the election to determine interests of each and collect resumé data.
    7. Area Service Event
      The MNSA will hold an Area service event in the first year of every panel.
    8. World Service Delegate’s report
      The World Service Delegate will report to the Area on the World Service Conference.

      1. The Delegate may choose to report at a Report Assembly or at several meetings around the Area.
      2. If a Report Assembly is held, it will normally be the second or third week in June.
  5. Area World Service Committee Membership
    1. Past Delegates and Past Alternate Delegates are members of the Area World Service Committee with voice. They have no vote unless they are also an officer, District Representative, Coordinator, Action Committee Chair or Liaison.
    2. Action Committee Chairs are members of the Area World Service Committee with voice and vote.
    3. Liaisons from the Al-Anon/Alateen conferences or conventions in the Minnesota South Area are voting members of the Area World Service Committee.
  6. Standing committees
    The Area has the following standing committees:
    1. Policy Review Committee
      1. Present Delegate, present Alternate Delegate, present Chair, present Treasurer, immediate past Delegate, and District Representative elected by the Area World Service Committee to make up an eight member committee. To ensure a full committee, Alternate District Representatives are eligible for election provided an insufficient number of District Representatives is willing and further provided that District Representatives and Alternate District Representatives are from different districts.
      2. The purpose is to review Area policies for update and clarification. The secretary of this committee is to update the Policy Folder at the end of each year.
    2. Finance Committee
      1. The members of the Finance Committee are the Delegate, Alternate Delegate, Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
      2. The purpose is to recommend a proposed budget to the Area World Service Committee and to review budget overruns.
      3. Any budget line overrun of more than 5% must be approved by the Finance Committee.
    3. Alateen Safety Committee
      1. Working committee consisting of Certified Alateen Sponsors* meeting annually and as needed. Members include the Area Alateen Process Person, the Area Alateen Coordinator, the Area Alternate Delegate (or other Area Policy Review Committee member who is a qualified Alateen Sponsor), the Immediate past AAPP or Alateen Coordinator, and 3 Active Alateen Sponsors elected by the AWSC (or enough to total seven members).

        *The current Area Alateen Process Person (AAPP) is not required to be a Certified Alateen Sponsor unless there is direct contact with the Alateens; however, the immediate past AAPP would be required to becvome a Certified Alateen Sponsor to continue to serve on this committee. (approved 4/4/09)
      2. Review Alateen section of the Area Policy Folder, research, develop, and uphold AMIAS Certification Procedures, provide guidelines for the safety and protection of Alateen members and Alateen Sponsors in accordance with WSO and MNSA requirements.
    4. Action Committees
      1. The area has the following action committees:
        1. Fellowship Communication Action Committee
        2. Group Services Action Committee
        3. Membership Outreach Action Committee
        4. Public Outreach Action Committee
      2. Each committee shall have a chairperson
  7. Coordinators
    1. The Area has the following Coordinators:
      1. Alateen Coordinator
        WSO Guideline G-24
      2. Archivist
        WSO Guideline G-30
      3. Assembly Activities Coordinator
        No WSO Guideline
      4. Forum Coordinator
        WSO Guideline G-32
      5. Group Records Coordinator
        WSO Guideline G-36
      6. Literature Coordinator
        WSO Guideline G-6
      7. Newsletter Editor
        WSO Guideline G-21
      8. Public Outreach Coordinator
        WSO Guideline G-38
      9. Web Coordinator
        WSO Guideline G-40
      10. Area Alateen Process Person (AAPP)
        No WSO Guideline
        AAPP is an elected coordinator position
    2. Guidelines approved as policy
      1. Public Outreach Coordinator.
        1. At the beginning of each assembly period, the Public Outreach Coordinator will write a letter to all private and state institutions in the Minnesota South Area stating the purpose and principles of Al-Anon/Alateen and his/her availability as Coordinator.
      2. Newsletter.
        1. The newsletter editor is to determine the content of the newsletter, according to Area policy and Al-Anon principles.
        2. The Minnesota South Area Assembly will allow individual Al-Anon/ Alateen members to take out a subscription to the Area newsletter.
        3. Past Delegates of the Minnesota South Area will receive a lifetime subscription to the Minnesota South Area newsletter.
  8. Area finances
    1. Area Treasurer
      1. The Treasurer of the Area will be bonded.
      2. Annually, before the end of January, the preceding year’s Treasurer’s books are to be audited by a committee appointed by the Area Chair.
      3. The Treasurer will maintain three accounts for book keeping and accounting purposes: an Operating account, an Area Service Event account, and a Prudent Reserve account. The use of separate bank accounts will be left to the discretion of the Treasurer. The Treasurer will consult with the Finance Committee on the details of reporting the separate accounts.
      4. The ultimate goal is to maintain a balance in the Prudent Reserve account equal to one half of the current year’s expenses.
    2. Contributions to Area funds
      1. Two appeal letters per year will be sent out by the Area Treasurer, the first no later than March 1 and the second no later than September 1.
      2. The Delegate and Treasurer should keep accurate records and report twice per year on contributions in the following manner:
        1. The Delegate will receive a report of the contributions of all groups in all districts from the Treasurer.
        2. Contributions to the area by the groups in a district should be reported by the Treasurer to the District Representative of that district only.
        3. Names of groups contributing will be listed in the Area newsletter.
    3. Expenses paid by area funds
      1. Requests for reimbursement are to be made on forms provided by the Area Treasurer. All expenses must be itemized and identified.
      2. The Area will reimburse expenses in connection with Area activities as follows:
        1. Expenses necessary for carrying out the duties of officers, Coordinators, Action Committee Chairs, and members of Area standing committees. These include, but are not limited to, registration fees for the Area World Service Committee, Area assembly, travel, lodging, postage, telephone, supplies, printing, and literature.
        2. Expenses of others who are not members of the Area World Service Committee, incurred in connection with Area activities, if approved and submitted by the officer, Coordinator, or Action Committee Chair most concerned.
        3. Assembly expenses for
          1. Area officers’, Coordinators’, and Action Committee Chairs’ expenses for registration, travel, and lodging (up to $50 per night), except when their expense as a Group Representative are paid by their group.
          2. Past Delegates’ and past Alternate Delegates’ registration and mileage, except when their expense as Group Representatives are paid by their group. (approved 10/6/07)
        4. The Area will reimburse Area World Service Committee member’s expenses for registration, travel, and lodging (up to $50 per night).
        5. District Representatives’ and Alternate District Representatives’ expenses.
          1. Expenses associated with the duties of District Representatives, except when these are paid for from district funds. These expenses are mileage to and from groups, meeting room rental, telephone, printing, postage, and literature. An Alternate District Representative’s mileage to and from groups may be reimbursed if submitted by the District Representative.
          2. The Area will reimburse incoming District Representatives’ travel and lodging expenses (up to $50 per night) in connection with the Area World Service Committee meetings
        6. Travel, lodging, and registration of one or two invited people, who supply literature at assemblies.
        7. Lodging is to be reimbursed up to $50 per night for necessary motel/hotel expenses. Any expense exceeding $50 must be approved by the Area Finance Committee. Members are encouraged to share lodging to minimize expenses.
        8. Mileage is to be reimbursed at a rate of $.25 per mile.
        9. Hosting expenses.
          1. Expenses connected with hosting a Delegate’s Report when initiated by the Delegate
          2. Expenses connected with hosting an Area World Service Committee meeting.
        10. All expenses incurred by the Delegate to attend the World Service Conference will be paid by the Area. This includes the full amount as specified by the World Service Office as well as any additional expenses.
        11. Regional Delegate meeting expenses
          1. The World Service Delegate’s expenses to the Regional Delegates meeting will be fully paid.
          2. Expenses of the immediate past Delegate, Alternate Delegate, and Chair will be partially reimbursed in equal amounts from the budget line created for that expense.
        12. For expenses to an Area Service event, in our region, the area will pay the registration fee for both incoming and outgoing Area World Service Committee members attending. Other expenses will be reimbursed based on the availability of monies.
        13. The area may pay expenses associated with a hospitality room at the Minnesota Al-Anon/Alateen Conference.
  9. Miscellaneous policies
    1. Stationery will be printed with the Minnesota South Area letterhead.
    2. The Minnesota South Area group information may be used as a mailing list for functions deemed appropriate by a Coordinator or officer of the Minnesota South Area.
    3. Contributions to the World Service Office by the groups in a district should be reported by the Delegate to the District Representative of that district only.
  10. Alateen safety policy
    1. Responsibility for Alateen. Alateen is the responsibility of all of us in Al-Anon, as we seek recovery for our families, our friends, and ourselves from the disease of alcoholism. Alateens have suffered as we have and are desperately in need of the twelve step recovery that Alateen can provide. We in the South Area of Minnesota accept the responsibility to provide safe places for our younger family members to find the hope and healing that we have found in Al-Anon.

      Therefore, in accordance with the requirements from the Trustees and the World Service Office, the Minnesota South Area/Alateen Safety Ad Hoc Committee has developed a policy for Alateen safety in Minnesota South Area. The Safety Committee has written this policy, but it will be incumbent on the Alateen Coordinator, the Alateen Safety Committee, Alateen sponsors, and all Al-Anon members to accept this policy and carry it out.

    2. A sponsor is any person who is directly involved with Alateens in the context of service to Alateen. Sponsors include:

      1. Primary Group Sponsor: Al-Anon member sponsoring an Alateen meeting on a regular basis.

      2. Substitute Group Sponsor: An Al-Anon member sponsoring an Alateen meeting when a Primary Group Sponsor is absent.

      3. Conference Sponsor: A person working with Alateens to plan, organize, or supervise Alateen activities at any conference that has Alateen meetings, speakers or other activities. This includes Alateen-specific conferences, such as Midlake, in which Minnesota Alateen groups and sponsors participate in planning.

      4. Transportation Sponsor: A person who provides rides for Alateens going to and from meetings, conferences, or speaking engagements. This does not apply to private arrangements initiated by an Alateen or parent.

      Anyone available to serve Alateen in these capacities shall be referred to as an “Alateen Sponsor” and must meet the minimum safety and behavior requirements defined below. For the purposes of this document, all sponsors will be referred to as “ Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service.”

    3. Responsibility for supervision of Alateens

      1. Alateen sponsors will supervise Alateens at:
        1. Regular Alateen meetings: in the Alateen room, for the duration of Alateen meetings or activities.
        2. Conferences with Alateen participation, only when they are in the Alateen room.
        3. Alateen-specific conferences while on the conference property, for the duration of the conference.
      2. Alateen sponsors are NOT responsible for supervising Alateens at:
        1. Regular Alateen meetings: before and after regular Alateen meetings and when the Alateens are not in the meeting room.
        2. Conferences with Alateen participation: whenever the Alateen is not in the Alateen room.
    4. Minimum safety and behavior requirements: What follows are the minimum requirements that must be met by all Alateen sponsors (as defined above), Alateen groups, and conferences with Alateen participation in Minnesota South Area. All Alateens, Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service, and other participants must adhere to the Area’s safety and behavioral requirements or they will be prohibited from participating in Alateen Service.

      1. Every Al-Anon member involved in Alateen service must:
        1. Be an Al-Anon member regularly attending Al-Anon meetings.
        2. Be actively working with his/her Al-Anon sponsor.
        3. Be at least 21 years old.
        4. Have at least two years in Al-Anon, in addition to any time spent in Alateen.
        5. Complete a background check process verifying that s/he has not been convicted of a felony and has not been charged with child abuse or any other inappropriate sexual behavior.
        6. Not have demonstrated emotional problems, which could result in harm to Alateen members.
      2. Number of Al-Anon members involved in Alateen service at Alateen meetings: There must be at least one Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service at every Alateen meeting. For the protection of Alateens and their sponsors, it is strongly recommended that there be two Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service present at every Alateen meeting.

      3. Overt or covert sexual interaction: Overt or covert sexual interaction between any adult and Alateen member is prohibited. Overt or covert sexual interaction between Alateen members on meeting property is prohibited.

      4. Conduct contrary to law: Members Involved in Alateen Service and Alateens are prohibited from engaging in behavior that is contrary to federal, state, and local law. Use of alcohol or illegal substances by Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service and Alateens is prohibited at Alateen meetings and on meeting property.

      5. Alateens and conferences
        1. Ratio of Alateens to Alateen sponsors: There must be one Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service in attendance for every four Alateen members at Alateen-specific conferences such as Midlake, taking place in Minnesota South Area or planned by Sponsors and Alateens from Minnesota South Area.

        2. Approval of Primary Group Sponsors: Alateens attending Alateen-specific conferences, such as Midlake, must have the approval of their Primary Group Sponsors, prior to attending the conference.

        3. Liaison requirement: All conferences with Alateen participation, including Alateen-specific conferences, must have a liaison to the Minnesota South Area assembly.

        4. Parental permission requirement for transportation or overnights: Written permission of a parent or guardian is required when transporting Alateens to meetings or conferences. A medical release signed by parent or guardian must be secured when the Alateen will be away from home overnight. See G34, Alateen Guidelines, for suggested forms to use for parental permission and medical release. Where unforeseen circumstances arise and written permission of a parent or guardian has not previously been obtained, Sponsors should attempt to obtain verbal authorization to transport teens before doing so.

      6. Workshop requirements: Primary Group Sponsors and Substitute Group Sponsors must attend at least one Alateen Sponsor workshop prior to sponsoring, and one Alateen sponsor meeting or workshop annually while they continue to serve as a Sponsor. It is highly recommended that sponsors attend two meetings.

      7. Approval and Review of Alateen policies and procedures
        1. The Alateen section of the Minnesota South Area Policy has been approved by legal counsel and will be reviewed on an annual basis.
        2. The Alateen sponsor certification procedures will be reviewed and upheld by the Alateen Safety Committee as defined under Standing Committees in the Area policies.
        3. For the protection and safety of Alateens and Alateen sponsors, the following policies must be practiced in the Alateen Sponsors qualification process:
          1. The agency providing the background checks will store all background check applications and reports.
          2. Minnesota South Area will cover the cost of background checks for all Alateen sponsors.
          3. The Area Alateen Process Person (AAPP) and Alateen Coordinator will be persons with administrative access to the background check agency website or an area officer who is a certified Alateen sponsor will be designated to assist, if needed.
    5. Additional suggested guidelines
      1. Alateen meetings
        1. Meeting time and place. It is recommended that Alateen meetings be scheduled at the same time and in the same place as an Al-Anon meeting, whenever possible.
        2. Support by an Al-Anon group. Alternatively, each Alateen meeting should have an Al-Anon group committed to support the Alateen group and its Sponsors.
        3. Transportation home from Alateen meetings. Alateen Sponsors should confirm that all Alateens have transportation home from Alateen meetings before leaving the property.
      2. Group sponsor commitment. A commitment of one year, preferably two years, is strongly recommended for Group Sponsors. When stepping down as a sponsor, time should be taken to find, qualify, and orient a new sponsor before the final meeting.

    6. Steps to take if there are problems in an Alateen group
      1. Support of Alateen Groups
        1. Staying in touch. Alateen groups need to stay in touch with other Alateen and Al-Anon groups. This begins with attending district meetings and the Area Assemblies. Contacts are made within the fellowship that provides resources to strengthen the groups in cooperating in public outreach, new program ideas, and personal relationships.
        2. Support for Alateen. It is the support of Al-Anon, especially groups meeting at the same time as Alateen, that help Alateen groups survive and thrive. Children from the families of Al-Anon and AA members hear about Alateen because of outreach within the fellowships. Future sponsors and support for sponsors come from the Al-Anon groups. A District Representative can also be a great support for the Alateen group and the sponsors. A District Representative can be invited to come to the Alateen meeting to share his/her recovery experience.
      2. Solving problems in Alateen groups.
        1. Help for solving problems within an Alateen group. If there are problems in the Alateen group that cannot be easily resolved within the group, a District Representative and/or the Alateen Coordinator is the first person to contact for help. Contact can be made by an Alateen member, a sponsor, or a parent. The Twelve Traditions and the Concepts of Service can be studied to help find solutions. A District Representative can help the Alateen group discuss the problems and have a group conscience.

        2. Solving problems not appropriate for a group discussion. There may be problems of a more serious nature that would not be appropriate for group discussion or problem solving, such as violent behavior or an accusation of sexual abuse. If situation of this nature occurs, the following steps must be taken.

    7. Steps to take if there are problems with a sponsor. If an accusation of inappropriate sexual conduct, violence, or threatening behavior is made about an Alateen sponsor, the following steps must be taken:
      1. Accused sponsor. The sponsor will step down from sponsorship.
      2. The District Representative and Area Alateen Coordinator will meet the Alateen group to discuss this change and to help the group members determine their needs and help find a new sponsor for the group. Confidential information relating to the accusation will not be shared with the group.
      3. The Alateen Coordinator and the Alateen Safety Committee will determine if a referral to an outside investigation is appropriate under the circumstances. Nothing decided by the Alateen coordinator and Alateen Safety Committee precludes an individual from making such a referral.
      4. Inviting a Sponsor back to the group. Pending results of an outside investigation, the Alateen group can decide by group conscience to invite a sponsor back, provided that the sponsor still meets all of the minimum safetyand behavior requirements.
    8. Steps to take if there are problems with an Alateen member. If an accusation of inappropriate sexual conduct, violence, or threatening behavior is made about an Alateen member, the following steps must be taken:
      1. Accused Alateen. The Alateen member will be removed from the event or group.
      2. Group sponsor and Area Alateen Coordinator. The Group Sponsor and the Area Alateen Coordinator will meet with the Alateen group to discuss the problem and to help the group members determine their needs.
      3. Referral to outside investigation. The Alateen Coordinator and the Alateen Safety Committee will determine if a referral to an outside investigation is appropriate under the circumstances. Nothing decided by the Alateen Coordinator and Alateen Safety Committee precludes an individual from making such a referral.
      4. Inviting Alateen back to the group. Pending the results of the outside investigation, the Alateen group and their sponsor can decide by group conscience to invite the teen back.