St. Paul Al-Anon Intergroup By-Laws Revision dates: March 2004
Article I NAME
The name of this organization is “St. Paul Area
Al-Anon/Alateen Intergroup.”
Section 1
The purpose of Intergroup is to aid Al-Anon Groups, serving
the common purpose of carrying the Al-Anon message to the
suffering families and friends of alcoholics.
Section 2
Among the principal functions of Intergroup are maintaining an
office that is open on a regular schedule for the sale of
literature and providing twenty-four hour telephone information
about Al-Anon and about meeting times. A professional answering
service may be engaged to answer the phone when volunteers are not
Section 3
The guiding principles of Intergroup are the Al-Anon/Alateen
Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts, together with the policies
set forth in the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
Section 1
Membership in Intergroup is open to all Al-Anon Groups in the
Greater St. Paul area.
Section 2
Each group may select one Intergroup Representative (IR) and
one Alternate IR whose term will be for one year starting January
1. Any group may select a replacement IR or Alternate IR at any
time to serve the remainder of the year.
Section 1
The officers are Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, Treasurer and
Assistant Treasurer. They must be active Al-Anon members and
preferably be present or past IR’s. Their responsibilities are
set forth in Appendix A.
Section 2
Officers shall serve a term of one year starting January 1 and
may serve no more than two consecutive terms in a single
Section 3
Officers for the coming year shall be nominated at the
November and December meetings and elected at the December
meeting. Elections shall be in the following order – Chair,
Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Treasurer.
Section 4
Officer vacancies shall be filled by special election.
Replacement officers who are elected in January, February or March
of any year shall be considered full term officers.
Section 1
Meetings shall be held once a month unless a motion to omit a
meeting is carried by substantial unanimity at the preceding
Section 2
Groups shall be notified through a newsletter or otherwise by
mail as to the date, time and place of Intergroup meetings.
Section 3
Each Group shall have one vote. In the absence of a group’s
IR, the Alternate IR may vote. No IR, Alternate IR, or individual
may represent / vote for more than one group.
Section 4
All important decisions shall be made in accordance with the
principle of Substantial Unanimity (2/3 majority or greater as may
be decided by majority vote).
Section 5
Additional meetings may be called by the Chair or by the Vice
Chair. Groups shall be notified of such meetings at least two
weeks in advance.
Section 6
The regular monthly meetings shall include but are not limited
to the following:
Summary of the minutes of the last meeting
Report of the Treasurer
Other reports from Committees and liaisons
Unfinished business
New business
Section 7
No important decision shall be made without a quorum
consisting of representatives from at least 5 percent of the
Greater St. Paul Area Al-Anon Groups.
Section 8
Both incoming and outgoing IRs are to attend the December
meeting. The outgoing officers shall preside.
Section 1
Whenever possible, the functions of Intergroup are carried out
by Standing Committees, the Office Committee and other Committees
as may be established for particular purposes.
Section 2
Committee Chairs, with the exception of the chairs of the
Office and Program Committees, shall be appointed by the
Intergroup Chair.
Committees may have Co-chairs. In particular, this may be
advantageous for the Volunteer and Literature Committees.
Committee chairs and co-chairs should be IRs or Alternate IRs,
whenever possible. Other committee members should be active
Al-Anon members.
Section 3
Standing Committees shall be as follows:
Public Outreach
Speakers Bureau
Group Liaison
These committees shall follow World Service Office guidelines,
where appropriate. Specific guidelines for some committees are in
Appendix B to these By-Laws.
Section 4
The Office Committee oversees the operation of the Intergroup
office, including paid employees, if any. It shall consist of past
and current Chairs, Volunteer Committee Chair, two officers other
than the Intergroup Chair, and IR’s to bring its membership to 5.
The IR members shall normally be elected at the January Intergroup
The office committee shall elect its own chair and
It makes recommendations about Office hours and practices,
about major purchases, including office equipment and insurance,
and about the advisability of having one or more paid
Section 5
At any time when there are paid employees, the Office
Committee will establish and revise job descriptions and titles,
act as a hiring committee, periodically review employee
performance and recommend salary changes. Upon appropriate cause
it may recommend termination of employment.
Office Committee meetings will be open to all IR’s and
Section 6
The Chair of Intergroup shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of all
Section 7
Liaisons to other Al-Anon service organizations such as
Minneapolis Information Service, the Minnesota South Area Assembly
and conference planning committees may be appointed when
Section 1
A paid employee shall have a voice but no vote at Office
Committee and Intergroup meetings.
Section 2
Paid employees shall report directly to the Office Committee
Section 1
Intergroup shall be a non-profit organization, undertaking no
activities or assuming any obligations which might result in
financial deficits unless offset by receipts from contributions or
Al-Anon activities such as open meetings.
Section 2
In accordance with Tradition 7, Intergroup is self-supporting,
declining outside contributions. Appeals may be made to groups
and individuals for financial support. Contributions may be
accepted from Alcoholics Anonymous conferences and roundups that
have substantial Al-Anon participation.
Section 4
Intergroup shall maintain its funds in an insured checking
account subject to the following policies.
There shall be at least three officers who can sign
checks, including but not limited to the Chair, Treasurer and
Assistant Treasurer; all must be bonded.
Checks and other withdrawals shall require two
signatures. Under no circumstances should a blank check ever
be signed.
The Treasurer shall make monthly written financial reports
to Intergroup
An Audit Committee composed of three IRs shall be
appointed by the Intergroup Chair each December for the
purpose of reconciling bank statements, journals and
treasurer’s reports and reviewing sales invoices, orders and
Section 4
Office equipment and literature inventory shall be insured up
to value each year.
These By-Laws may be amended at any regular business meeting by a
vote of two thirds of all groups represented, following a written
notification to all groups of pending changes. The By-Laws shall be
reviewed and any necessary revisions recommended to Intergroup every
three years by an appointed committee. Next review (October 2003) to be read at the January (2004) meeting.
Copies of these by-laws shall be available at all Intergroup
meetings. The Chair shall summarize the by-laws at the first regular
meeting in January. By-Laws shall be given to the new IRs at the
January meeting.
The By-Laws were drawn from the following sources:
Al-Anon Alateen Service Manual.
WSO Al-Anon Guidelines.
Appendix A
Presides at Intergroup meetings.
Appoints chairs of committees.
Plans the agenda for Intergroup Meetings in consultation
with other officers. Is an ex-officio non-voting member of
all Committees.
Is a voting member of the Office Committee.
Vice Chair
Presides at Intergroup meetings in the absence of the
Chair of the Program Committee. In particular, the Vice Chair
directs the planning and organization of open meetings such as
Gratitude Night.
Records minutes of Intergroup meetings and mails them to
members in advance of the next meeting
Summarizes them at the next meeting.
Maintains a list of recent attendees at Intergroup
Keeps records on all transactions.
Maintains accurate records of bank accounts.
Reports to the membership on expenses and income in the
preceding month and cumulatively from the start of the year.
Ensures that funds received are deposited and bills are paid
in a timely manner.
Maintains records on sales and payroll taxes owed and files
necessary returns in a timely manner.
Assistant Treasurer
Assists the treasurer as requested.
Maintains records on individual contributions and sends
acknowledgements with thanks.
Appendix B
Archives Committee
Keeps a history of Intergroup activities.
Provides a display reflecting Intergroup’s history when requested
Alateen Committee
Keeps lists of groups and sponsors.
Helps find sponsors for new groups.
Conducts Alateen workshops.
Directory Committee
Keeps the directory up-to-date
Publishes a new directory as needed.
Provides mailing labels for the newsletter and other
Intergroup mailings.
Group Liaison Committee
Visits groups to explain what Intergroup is and how it serves.
Assists in organizing new groups.
Helps groups having group problems.
Literature Committee
Office sales
Orders literature and medallions for sale.
Stocks literature depot shelves.
Keeps inventory on literature and medallions, specifically
a dollar inventory as of December 31st each year and a running
inventory to membership and Treasurer.
Sells literature at special events.
Program Committee
Planning and organization of any open meetings, e.g., Gratitude Night.
Speakers bureau
Keeps a list of Al-Anon/Alateen speakers.
Seeks volunteers for speakers list.
Provides the names and phone numbers of speakers for open,
closed meetings and special events.
Volunteer Committee
Keeps a list of volunteers to work at the office and a list of
persons with keys. The Chair or their desgnee is responsible for
retrieval of keys from any person who no longer provides volunteer
Schedules volunteers for the Center
Find and schedule telephone volunteers to liaise with the
Minneapols Al-Anon Information Service when the office is not open.
Trains and orients office and telephone volunteers.
Communicate directory changes to telephone volunteers and the
Answering Service.