This is a revised version of the 2012 Bylaws, approved January 2013. A completed draft was given preliminary approval at the June 11, 2015 Intergroup meeting. The bylaws require that the final approval must be by a 2/3 majority “following a written notification to all groups of pending changes.” The notice in the July Newsleter constitutes this notification. The final vote on the changes will be at the August 11, 2015 meeting.
Any text to be eliminated or changed will look like this. New text will look like this. The only proposed change is to Part B of Article VII Section 3.
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Bills may be paid by check or electronically. Oversight shall be achieved by using an effective method for at least one officer to monitor the debit activity on the account independent of the officer conducting the debiting actions. The same person shall not make debits and reconcile accounts.