There are many ways to enrich your Al-Anon program by getting involved in Saint Paul Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup. Here are some of the volunteer positions that enable Intergroup to carry out its mission.
Intergroup Representatives (IRs) are Al-Anon and Alateen members who represent their groups at the monthly Intergroup meetings. Since the start of Covid, these have been on Zoom at 7 PM on second Tuesdays. This is a one night a month commitment, with a huge payback to you and your group. We try to keep meetings short and interesting. You will leave each meeting knowing that you have helped Al-Anon’s primary purpose, to help families and friends of alcoholics. This is a different position from Group Representative (GR) who represents a group at District meetings and the Area Assembly.
Office volunteers are Al-Anon members willing to commit to a few hours per month at the bookstore in the Recovery Church on Saint Paul’s West Side. We have the goal of keeping the bookstore open from 12 to 4 weekdays and Saturday 9-1, plus 4 to 8 pm Wednesdays.
Office volunteers sell literature and answer the phone, provide information on group meetings and are a first Al-Anon voice for someone seeking help. You would be trained on what to do. If you can’t sign up on a regular basis, you could be a backup office volunteer to fill in when a regular couldn’t make it.
Currently the office not open Saturdays because of lack of volunteers.
The Office manager is an office volunteer who is willing to come in every week or two to make sure everything is in place for the regular volunteers to get their jobs done. This includes aiding the Inside Literature Committee (see below) in ordering books and pamphlets from the WSO.
The Chair plans the agenda for Intergroup meetings, presides at meetings, and appoints committee chairs.
The Vice Chair presides at Intergroup meetings in the absence of the Chair and is the Chair of the Program Committee helping plan an organize open meetings such as Gratitude Night.
The Secretary records minutes of Intergroup meetings, emails them to members in advance of the next meeting, and summarizes them at the next meeting.
The Treasurer ensures that funds received are deposited and bills are paid, keeps records on all transactions, bank accounts and taxes, and provides a Treasurer’s report at each Intergroup meeting.
The Assistant Treasurer assists the treasurer as needed.
Committee chairs and members. Committees do the work of Intergroup. Sometimes they consist only of a chair, but ideally they should function as actual committees, with several members sharing ideas and spreading responsibilities. There is an immediate need for Al-Anon members who are willing to assume leadership roles as Committee Chairs. These positions are an exciting way to get involved in carrying our message.
Here are some of the positions that should be filled every year:
The Outside Literature Sales Committee arranges for the sale of literature at special events such as Potlucks, Area Assemblies and Gopher State Roundup. There are about four regularly scheduled events per year.
The Inside Literature Committee deals with all aspects of the sale of literature at the office. In particular, members make sure the shelves are stocked, keep a running inventory and order new literature as needed.
The Public Information Committee members are Al-Anon’s liaisons with the public. They contact the media about our program, provide radio and TV public service announcements and other information and arrange for Al-Anon booths or tables at events like jail resource fairs. Our dream is to reach everyone whose life is adversely affected by someone else’s drinking.
Institutions Committee members coordinate Al-Anon meetings in institutions and reach out to professionals in hospitals, treatment centers, and correctional facilities, to let them know about Al-Anon and Alateen.
Alateen Committee members keep lists of groups and sponsors, cooperate with the Minnesota South Area Alateen Coordinator, and generally serve as a resource for Alateen. There are all too few Alateen groups in the St. Paul area. An active Alateen Committee could be a great help in getting groups started and supporting sponsors.
The Newsletter Committee, chaired by an Editor, prepares and mails or emails a newsletter to keep groups informed about Intergroup and upcoming events. The Newsletter is a essential link in the chain of communication among groups and with Intergroup.
Group Liaison Committee members visit groups to explain what Intergroup is, help in organizing new groups, and advising groups with group problems. Many groups have little idea of what Intergroup is, and don’t have an Intergroup Representative. By personal contact, members of this committee help increase participation in Intergroup.
The Group Records Committee keeps our mailing and emailing lists up-to-date and and ensures the Area and Twin Cities Al-Anon websites hase up-to-date information. The chair of this committee should be reasonably “computer savvy.”
Speakers Bureau members help planners of Anon/Alateen meetings and special events find Al-Anon and Alateen speakers.
Archives Committee members keep a record of all Intergroup activities. When there are opportunities, they may make a display for special events, such as the annual Gratitude Night.