St. Paul Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup
Minutes of January 13, 2015 Meeting

The meeting opened at 7 pm with the Serenity Prayer.

Chair, IR, Uptown Tuesday 6:30 pm A
Treasurer and Newsletter Editor, IR, Midway Men's Al-Anon, 7:15 pm
IR, Summit Hill Wednesday 5 pm
Past Treasurer, Summit Hill Wednesday 5 pm
Literature Chair, IR, Summit Hill Monday 6 pm
Member, Summit Hill Monday 6 pm
Web/Directory Chair, IR, Midway Wednesday 6:30 pm
Institutions Chair, IR, Compassion Al-Anon, St. Paul
Member, Mendota Heights AFG
IR, Serenity Seekers AFG
IR, Breakfast Club Al-Anon

There were readings on Tradition 1 and Concept 1.

It was noted that a quorum (5% of groups, that is, 6 or more) was present so substantive decisions could be made.


1. Nominations for 2015 officers
The only unfilled officer position is Secretary. No one volunteered or was nominated so it remains open. A member volunteered to be Secretary pro tem for the evening.
2. Other 2015 service positions
The member from Mendota Heights Al-Anon volunteered and was appointed by the Chair to be the Liaison to the Minnesota South Area.
A member from Summit Hill Monday 6 pm Al-Anon volunteered and was appointed as chair of Event Sales. It was announced that we are not selling literature at the February Folderol. The next event we expect to sell at is the District potluck on January 24.
The Literature Chair was reappointed by the Chair for 2015.
The Newsletter Editor was reappointed by the Chair for 2015.
The Website/Directory Chair was reappointed by the Chair for 2015.
The Institutions Chair was reappointed by the Chair for 2015.
The Office Manager was reappointed by the Chair for 2015.
The current Speaker Chair is not willing to continue in the position so it is is open.
4. Open Service Committee Positions for 2015
These are Group Liaison, Alateen, Archives, Public Outreach and Speaker. Priority should be given to finding Public Outreach and Speaker chairs.
It was brought up that event sales and public outreach would be great positions for groups to take on.
5. Bylaw Review
Our bylaws state that they should be reviewed every three years. The last review started in 2012 so we need to start again this year. Copies of the bylaws will be at the February meeting. They are also available online at
6. 2014 Audit
The Treasurer reminded us that a yearly audit of the Intergroup books was required. The Chair appointed three members to conduct an audit and report to her.
7. Intergroup Review and Action List
We were reminded that, at each meeting for the last several months, we addressed questions from an Intergroup inventory sheet. A member offered to collect the answers as reported in the minutes.
8. Budget funds for beverages/candy for volunteers in the office
One of the volunteers has been spending $10 to $15 per month for candy and bottled water. A motion was made, seconded and voted to spend up to $15 per month out of Intergroup funds for this.
9. Updating the guidelines for Intergroup service poisitions
This is in progress. A question was raised as to whether the guidelines should be posted on the web. The consensus was that they should not.
10. Discontinuing stocking certain books
A member pointed out that Intergroup rarely sells certain books, notably The Al-Anon Family Group – Classic Edition and Many Voices – One Journey. She thought they were taking up valuable shelf space. A member said Many Voices … was going to be discontinued. There was no consensus as to what to do, but general agreement that if and when they are sold out, only a small number, perhaps 0, should be reordered.
It was suggested that something attractive about these books that might result in more sales should be written for the newsletter;.
11. Intergroup’s sponsorship of the Saturday meeting at Hazelden’s Fellowship Club
Last July, Intergroup agreed on a six month trial basis to sponsor the Al-Anon meeting that had been started at Fellowship Club for families of its clients. The Institutions Chair reported that the funds advanced to buy literature had been repaid, and now the meeting was a “cash calf” for Intergroup. It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously thatIntergroup sponsorship be continued indefinitely.
12. Office clean-up day
A member reported that the office needed to be cleaned, and a bunch of stuff, including an obsolete computer, copier and microwave needed to removed. The Chair will draft an invitation to help out. March 7 is set as a tentative date.
13. Questions/Concerns/Other business
A question was raised as to who would sell literature at the district potluck January 24. The Newsletter Editor and the new Event Sales Chair said they would.


She will get out an email on the clean up and the open positions. She urged us to take to our groups that home phone volunteers were needed and that Intergroup needs a Secretary, a Public Outreach Chair and a Speaker Chair.
Vice Chair
No report.
Secretary (posiiton open)
It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously that minutes for the December meeting be approved.
The sales income for December was $1,913 ($1,645 literature sales + $132 medallion sales + $135 sale tax). Contributions totaled $573. Total expenses were $5,215 including $3,280 for literature purchase, $725 for rent, $150 phone answering and $127 4th Step workshop expenses, and $564 new printer/copier and toner. There are other unpaid literature bills not included.
Two current signatories on the Intergroup checking accoung signed a document saying they wanted to be removed as signatories. A time needs to be set up for the Chair, the Treaurer and the Assistant Treasurer to meet at the bank to get their signatures recorded.
Assistant Treasurer
Her report was included in the Treasurer’s Report.
Office volunteers
No report.
Newsletter editor
He explained he is editor, but does not create content. Get stuff to him for the next newsletter which will appear quarterly.
He recently put a call for home phone volunteers on the front page of the website.
Event sales
No report.
She had completed the annual inventory. The total value of books and pamphlets is $11,323 and the value of medallions on hand is $647.

The meeting closed at 8:02 pm with the Al-Anon Declaration.

The next meeting will be February 10, 2015 at 7 pm at the Griggs Midway building.

St. Paul Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup Home Page | Index of Available Minutes

Edited for the web 24 January 2015