Frequently Asked Questions About St. Paul Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup

What is Intergroup?
St. Paul Al-Anon/Alateen Intergroup is an Al-Anon Information Service (AIS) and a Literature Distribution Center (LDC). It serves the Al-Anon and Alateen groups in Dakota, Ramsey and Washington Counties, and a few groups in Isanti County.
An AIS exists to aid the groups it services in the common purpose of carrying the Al-Anon message to the suffering families and friends of alcoholics. An LDC provides Al-Anon members with local access to Al-Anon books, pamphlets, booklets, kits, posters, buidelines and other Al-Anon material.
Where is the Intergroup office?
The office is at 253 State Street on St. Paul’s West Side. This is just south of Plato Boulevard, two blocks east of Robert Street and one block west of highway US 52 (map). There is a sign on the street side of the building indicating the entrance.
There is usually a complete inventory of English language Al‑Anon and Alateen Conference Approved Literature in stock. We try to have a few titles in Spanish. In addition, anniversary medallions are for sale.
The office is scheduled to be open 12 noon – 4 pm, Monday through Friday and 9 am – 1 pm Saturday. Because we rely solely on member volunteers to open and staff the office, it’s a good idea to call ahead (651-771-2208) to confirm that the office is actually open.
How can I contact Intergroup?
The Intergroup phone number is 651-771-2208. This is answered in the office during office hours (Noon – 4 pm Monday through Friday, 9 am – 1 pm Saturday) when a volunteer is staffing the office. When the office is closed or unstaffed, calls are automatically forwarded to Minneapolis Al‑Anon/Alateen Information Services (952-920-3961).
You can email to If the person who checks email cannot provide the information needed, the email will be forwarded to an officer or committee chair.
What does Intergroup do?
It keeps open an office where literature is sold and where people can call for information and other help.
It maintains, together with Minneapolis Al‑Anon/Alateen Information Services, the Twin Cities Al‑Anon website (‑ where you can find complete schedules of Al‑Anon and Alateen meetings, announcements of open meetings and roundups and basic information about Al‑Anon and Alateen.
It publishes Al‑A‑News, the Intergroup newsletter. This is mailed to all the groups we serve. It is also emailed to individual members who so request. If you would like to receive it by email, send a request to
It finds Al‑Anon and Alateen speakers for events
It hosts an Al‑Anon/Alateen Gratitude Night potluck and speaker meeting each November and organizes workshops for members on such topics as taking a Fourth Step and on passing the message through speaking.
It tries to carry our message of hope to the wider community at health fairs and other public and professional events as requested. In recent years this has included participation in a resource fair for inmates soon to be released from Dakota County Jail and staffing a table at an Inver Hills College health fair. Another important activity has been providing meetings for families and friends at alcoholism treatment facilities.
How is Intergroup run?
Intergroup is run completely by volunteers. Plans are made and priorities set at the monthly meetings of Intergroup Representatives. Its officers – Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer – serve one year terms and are elected at the December Intergroup Representatives’ meeting.
The real work is done by Al-Anon and Alateen members. Some chair service committees that order literature, schedule office volunteers, provide Al‑Anon and Alateen members to speak at open meetings, edit and mail the newsletter, and organize outreach activities such as meetings for families at treatment facilities or staffing a booth at an college or school health fair. Others volunteer their time to staff the Intergroup office, to answer after-hours calls at home, to sell literature at open meetings and roundups, to participate in outreach activities, and to represent their groups at the Intergroup meetings.
You can find more information about what Intergroup volunteers do and their responsibilities on the volunteer opportunities page. There is a great need for more volunteers.
Where and when are Intergroup meetings?
Meetings are at 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month at 253 State St., St. Paul.
Some minutes and agendas of past meetings are available on-line. Minutes and agendas are also distributed by email. If you would like to to be added to this email list, send a message to
Who may attend Intergroup meetings?
Meetings are primarily for Intergroup Representatives (IRs). These are Al‑Anon and Alateen members elected by their groups to represent them at the monthly meetings. IRs are the only people who have a vote. This is a one night a month commitment, with a huge payback to you and your group.
You don’t need to be an IR to attend the monthly Intergroup meeting. Any Al‑Anon or Alateen members are welcome although they cannot vote unless they are an IR.
Note that an Intergroup Representative fills a different position from a Group Representative (GR) who represents their group at the Area Assembly and District Meetings. One person can fill both positions, but a better arrangement is to have both a GR and IR, with the GR also serving as an Alternate IR and the IR serving as an Alternate GR.
One difference between GRs and IRs is that an Al‑Anon member who is also a member of Alcoholics Anonymous can be an IR but not a GR.
What constitutes a quorum at Intergroup meetings?
To carry out important business at Intergroup meetings, our bylaws require that 5% of the groups we serve be represented. Currently this means there must be at least 6 voting members. At several recent meetings there were only 5 or fewer voting members present. This even occured at a meeting when we were to to elect a Treasurer. The result was that we were unable to elect someone who was willing to serve. This should underscore the importance of groups being represented.
How is Intergroup supported financially?
Intergroup has three sources of financial support:
Group contributions.
Many groups contribute on a regular basis, monthly, quarterly, yearly, or whatever the group feels comfortable with.
Individual contributions
We also receive contributions from individuals. Some contribute several times a year. A few send a contribution in honor of the anniversary of their first meeting.
Sale of literature and medallions
Intergroup is able to purchase literature from the World Service Office at a discount from the listed retail price. Our sales at the retail price cover the cost plus shipping plus a small profit. Although the sale of literature important to our financial health, it is far from sufficient, making up less than a quarter of our income.

St. Paul Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup home page
Twin Cities Al‑Anon/Alateen home page

Updated February 27, 2020