The links below are to edited versions of minutes of St. Paul Al-Anon/Alateen Intergroup meetings. The primary purpose of the editing was to remove personally identifiable information. In some cases, minutes were reorganized for the sake of clarity.
As is clear, not all meeting minutes are available, in many cases because an editable copy was not received. In other cases, time did not permit the editing necessary for posting on the web.
Note: Minutes have been edited for the web; they do not exactly match what was distributed at meetings.
Meetings are primarily for Intergroup Representatives (IRs). These are Al-Anon and Alateen members elected by their groups to represent their groups at the monthly meetings. This is a one night a month commitment, with a huge payback to you and your group.
Note that an Intergroup Representative fills a different position from a Group Representative (GR) who represents their group at the Area Assembly and District Meetings. One person can fill both positions, but a better arrangement is to have both a GR and IR, with the GR also serving as an Alternate IR and the IR serving as an Alternate GR.
You don’t need to be an IR to attend. Any Al-Anon or Alateen member is welcome at the monthly meetings.
We try to keep meetings short and interesting. You will leave each meeting knowing that you have helped Al-Anon’s primary purpose, to help families and friends of alcoholics.
St. Paul Al-Anon/Alateen Intergroup Home Page | Index of agendas for Intergroup meetings