Welcome to Al‑Anon/Alateen
in the Greater Minneapolis and St. Paul Area
Jointly sponsored by Minneapolis Al‑Anon/Alateen Information Services and St. Paul Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup

Al‑Anon’s Twelve Concepts of Service

The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions are guides for personal growth and group unity. The Twelve Concepts are guides for service. They show how Twelth Step work can be done on a broad scale and how members of a World Service Office can relate to each other and to the groups, through a World Service Conference, to spread Al‑Anon's message worldwide.

1. The ultimate responsibility and authority for Al‑Anon world services belongs to the Al‑Anon groups.
2. The Al‑Anon Family Groups have delegated complete administrative and operational authority to their Conference and its service arms.
3. The right of decision makes effective leadership possible.
4. Participation is the key to harmony.
5. The rights of appeal and petition protect minorities and insure that they be heard.
6. The Conference acknowledges the primary administrative responsibility of the Trustees.
7. The Trustees have legal rights while the rights of the Conference are traditional.
8. The Board of Trustees delegates full authority for routine management of Al‑Anon Headquarters to its executive committees.
9. Good personal leadership at all service levels is a necessity. In the field of world service the Board of Trustees assumes the primary leadership.
10. Service responsibility is balanced by carefully defined service authority and double-headed management is avoided.
11. The World Service Office is composed of selected committees, executives and staff members.
12. The spiritual foundation for Al‑Anon’s world services is contained in the General Warranties of the Conference, Article 12 of the Charter.

General Warranties of the Conference

In all proceedings the World Service Conference of Al‑Anon shall observe the spirit of the Traditions:

1. that only sufficient operating funds, including an ample reserve, be its prudent financial principle;
2. that no Conference member shall be placed in unqualified authority over other members;
3. that all decisions be reached by discussion, vote, and whenever possible, by unanimity;
4. that no Conference action ever be personally punitive or an incitement to public controversy;
5. that though the Conference serves Al‑Anon it shall never perform any act of government; and that like the fellowship of Al‑Anon Family Groups which it serves, it shall always remain democratic in thought and action.

Al‑Anon’s Twelve Concepts of Service, copyright 1996 by Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Reprinted with permission of Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.

Updated 2 January 2024

Al‑Anon / Alateen Information Services of Greater Minneapolis, Minnesota
7204 West 27th Street
Suite 101
St. Louis Park, MN 55426-3112 USA (map)

Hours: MTWThF 9am - 4pm, Sa 9am - 1pm;
please call before you come.

Email: info@aismpls.org
Phone: 952-920-3961

Minneapolis AIS Home Page

St. Paul Area Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup
253 State Street
Saint Paul, MN 55107-1612 USA (map)

Hours: Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Noon to 4 pm, Wednesday Noon to 8 pm, Saturday Closed

Email: stpaulafg@pobox.com
Phone: 651-771-2208

St. Paul Intergroup Home Page

Minnesota South Area
P.O. Box 1059
Minnetonka, MN 55345-0059

Email: info@minnesotasouth-al-anon.com

Minnesota South Area Website: www.minnesotasouth-al-anon.com

Al‑Anon Faces Alcholism 2021
Al‑Anon Faces Alcoholism

(download PDF file)
(Spanish, French)

Cover of the current Forum

The Forum
Al‑Anon’s Monthly Magazine