Welcome to Al‑Anon/Alateen
in the Greater Minneapolis and St. Paul Area
Jointly sponsored by Minneapolis Al‑Anon/Alateen Information Services and St. Paul Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup

Information on Virtual Meetings and Status of Other Meetings

In response to the threat of COVID-19, almost all Al‑Anon and Alateen groups were suspended or began to meet virtually, most commonly using Zoom. By now, most groups have restarted in person, although many continue to meet virtually or in a “hybrid” format. This page will try to provide up-to-date on the status of all groups, whether in-person, virtual or hybrid. For most virtual or hybrid groups, it provides login information. You can find details for in-person groups on the regular meeting schedule pages.

Although this website focusses on groups in the Twin Cities Metro area, it previously included information on some virtual groups in the wider Minnesota South Area because such information was lacking on the Area website. Since the Area website now has information on virtual meetings, non-metro groups are no longer on this page. For details on in-person and virtual meetings outside the metro area, see the Minnesota South Area website or the national Al‑Anon website.

If you know of meetings or events in the Twin Cities metropolitan area that are postponed, cancelled, suspended, restarted or become virtual, please notify AIS (Minneapolis Al-Anon/Alateen Information Service) by calling 952-920-3961 or emailing info@aismpls.org.

If your group meets virtually and would like to attract newcomers but don’t want full connection information posted online, provide AIS with the information, and the schedule will say "Call AIS (952-920-3961) for connection information." A better way is to get a non-personal email specific to your group (e.g., satvirtualafg@gmail.com) so that the instructions can read "Email satvirtualafg@gmail.com for connection information."

If your group changes its status, e.g., virtual to in-person or vice versa, please notify AIS.

There are currently no official restrictions on in-person recovery meetings such as Al‑Anon. None the less, a few in-person groups are requiring or stongly recommending that masks be worn.

Below is a list of suspended and in-person meetings followed by a schedule of virtual neetings we know about.

Anonymity and Privacy Issues With Virtual Meetings (Important!)

You should be aware that there are real issues of loss of anonymity and privacy with some of the services enabling virtual meetings. Before you set one up, you should carefully read the terms of use and privacy policy. Some of the most popular virtual meeting solutions state in their privacy policies that they cross reference multiple databases to identify you personally, anyone else in your online meeting, and even any contacts on your device they are able to access.

In spite of privacy and anonymity issues, many Al‑Anon and Alateen groups are conducting virtual meetings. One of the most popular providers is Zoom. We have prepared a Zoom information page which, among other things, suggests specific settings that should be changed to minimize risk to anonymity.

Whatever virtual meeting service is used – Zoom, Skype or some other – it is essential that, every time you log on, you check to see you are using the most recent version of the app or client program required. If not, you should download it only from the official website for the service. For an app on your phone or tablet, download from the Apple App Store (iPhone, iPad) or using Google Play on Android. For Zoom on a PC, Macintosh or Linux, go to zoom.us/download.

Because of well founded privacy concerns with some browsers, you should never partipate in a virtual meeting through a browser. Instead you should use an app or client program installed on your device. Using a special browser “extension” does not mitigate the problem.

Similarly you should never log in to Zoom meetings using Facebook, Google, Twitter or other third party accounts. Doing so breaches your anonymity and perhaps that of others in your meeting

You can lose anonymity in a way that is easy to overlook – by the “hovering” by others in your household, whether done accidentally or purposefully. If anyone can see what is on your screen or hear what is being said, the anonymity and privacy of others in the meeting are in danger. Make every effort to shield your screen and sound from others’ eyes and ears.

Another often overlooked threat to anonymity is the smart speaker such as Amazon Echo with Alexa, Google Home with Google Assistant, or Apple HomePod with Siri. They are constantly listening for key words and may record audible voices in the room. All smart speakers should either be put in another room or turned off entirely when a virtual Al‑Anon or Alateen meeting is in progress.

District Zoom accounts

Several Al-Anon districts have established Zoom accounts that can be used by Al‑Anon or Alateen groups in a district. These have all been set up carefully so as to minimize threats to anonymity and privacy. If your group would like to use such an account, contact the districts as shown in the following table,

District Geography Contact
4 Olmsted, Winona, Fillmore and Houston counties Email District 4 at district4mnsa@gmail.com
8 City of Saint Paul Email District 8 at mnsa.d8.sap@mail.com
13 Carver and Scott Counties Contact DR for information

Alano societies and other places multiple groups meet

Here is what we know about Alano Societies and other places multiple Al‑Anon or Alateen groups meet.

Fridley Alano, 6279 University Ave NE, Fridley has re-opened. Most of the Al‑Anon and Alateen groups meeting there have restarted in person or are meeting virtually.

Hutchinson Alano Club, 1170 Highway 7 W, Hutchinson has re-opened. Some groups meeting there have restarted in person or are meeting virtually.

New Hope Alano, 7550 Bass Lake Rd in New Hope, has re-openend but some Al‑Anon grroups may not yet be meeting or are meeting virtually.

Plymouth II Alano, 610 Hopkins Crossroad in Minnetonka, has re-opened. Some of the Al‑Anon groups that meet there have restarted in person, are meeting virtually, or both.

Uptown House, 1344 Summit Ave in Saint Paul, has re-opened with no restrictions for Al‑Anon and AA meetings. Groups wanting to restart in person should notify the Uptown House steering committee (info@uptowngroupstpaul.com). Some groups are meeting virtually. See below.

Information About the Current Status of In-person Al‑Anon and Alateen Groups

The following primarily pink and yellow table is a list of groups known to be meeting in-person or which are still suspended. Some in-person grooups are also meeting virtually, many in “hybrid” format, that is, with some members on site in person and others meeting electronically. In includes a few groups that have disbanded permanently.

To find information about virtual groups including login instructions see the schedules of virtual meetings below.

To find the addresses and directions for Twin Cities metro area in-person meetings, click on an underlined “in person” in the Location or Instructions column, or see the regular schedule of Al‑Anon and Alateen meetings.

For meetings outside the metro area go to the Minnesota South Area or WSO find meetings pages.

Because groups sometimes don’t let us know when their status changes, it is possible that some of the groups listed below as suspended are actually meeting virtually, in person or both.

The schedule tables include district numbers and there is a schedule of virtual meetings arranged by district. District 99 indicates a group is in Minnesota North Area or in Wisconsin and Upper Peninsula Michigan Area.

In-Person and Suspended meetings in the Twin Cities Area
Schedules of Virtual Meetings

All Al‑Anon and Alateen groups welcome new members

Schedule of In-Person and Suspended Meetings by City

[District, ID]
Day & Time Location When In Person Updated ID & District # Name
[5, 30505975]
Tues. 7:00 PM Andover Alano Soc.
Meeting in person
1/25/24 30505975, 5 Andover Alateen
[5, 503332]
Tues. 7:00 PM Andover Alano Soc.
Meeting in person
8/3/21 503332, 5 Andover Tuesday Night #1
[5, 7097]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Andover Alano Soc.
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
8/3/21 7097, 5 Andover #2 Al‑Anon
[15, 7102]
Tues. 8:00 PM United Methodist Church
Meeting in person with masks and distancing
4/28/21 7102, 15 Annandale Lakers Al‑Anon
[5, 30515925]
Sun. 8:30 AM Anoka Today Alano
Meeting in person with no restrictions
Also meeting virtually
5/31/21 30515925, 5 Sunday AM 11th Step Meditation Meeting
[5, 30528383]
Mon. 6:30 PM Anoka Today Alano
Meeting in person with optional masks
7/7/21 30528383, 5 Anoka Men’s Al‑Anon
[5, 60684]
Wed. 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
8/27/21 60684, 5 New Beginnings AFG
[5, 504049]
Sat. 8:00 AM Anoka Today Alano
Meeting in person; no longer meeting virtually
11/13/24 504049, 5 Anoka Saturday Morning Beginners Meeting
[5, 7113]
Sat. 9:30 AM Anoka Today Alano
Meeting in person
8/25/21 7113, 5 Anoka Saturday AM AFG
Apple Valley
[2, 30635461]
Tues. 7:00 PM Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
6/20/22 30635461, 2 Pursuing Hope Apple Valley AFG
Apple Valley
[2, 7116]
Wed. 1:00 PM Grace Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
6/30/21 7116, 2 Grace Al‑Anon
Apple Valley
[2, 7117]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Christus Victor Lutheran Church
Meeting in person with masks and distancing
11/29/24 7117, 2 Apple Valley Thurs. PM AFG
Apple Valley
[2, 501906]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Christus Victor Lutheran Church
Meeting in person. Masks may be required
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
11/29/24 501906, 2 Apple Valley Alateen
[13, 7120]
Mon. 8:00 PM St Mary’s Catholic Church
Meeting in person
10/15/22 7120, 13 Arlington AFG
[1, 30528674]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Previously in Hudson, WI
Meeting in person with masks and distancing
1/17/2022 30528674, 1 Serenity Seekers Thursday Night AFG
Belle Plaine
[13, 7138]
Wed. 8:00 PM Belle Plaine AA Club
Meeting in person
1/6/22 7138, 13 Belle Plaine AFG
Big Lake
[99, unknown]
Mon. 7:00 PM Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church
Meeting in person with masks and distancing
By playground, weather permitting; bring chair.
Otherwise in church annex
4/13/21 -999, 99 Big Lake Al‑Anon
[12, 30839439]
Mon. 7:00 PM Westwood Community Church Bush Lake Campus
New in person group
11/21/24 30839439, 12 Hope For Today Al‑Anon
[12, 29884]
Wed. 6:00 PM Richfield/Bloomington Alano Club
Meeting in person
12/21/21 29884, 12 Women’s Wednesday Welcomer’s AFG
[12, 51790]
Wed. 6:00 PM Richfield/​Bloomington Alano
Meeting in person
9/2/21 51790, 12 Serenity Seekers Group F
[12, 7172]
Wed. 7:00 PM
New time
Bloomington Alano
Meeting in person
6/3/22 7172, 12 Wednesday 7 PM Al‑Anon
[12, 7164]
Thurs. 10:00 AM St. Edward’s Church
Neeting in person only
4/8/23 7164, 12 Bloomington-Hyland Thurs AM AFG
[12, 7168]
Thurs. 7:30 PM St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
Meeting in person with masks recommended
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
8/22/24 7168, 12 Quiet Moments Al‑Anon
[12, 24037]
Fri. 8:00 PM Bloomington Alano
No longer meeting
11/21/24 24037, 12 Fri 8:00 PM Al‑Anon Squad 51
[12, 30653861]
Sat. 10:30 AM Bloomington Alano
Meeting in person with masks and distancing
9/04/20 30653861, 12 Saturday Morning Al‑Anon
Brooklyn Center
[9, 7196]
Wed. 6:15 PM Twin Lake Alano
Meeting in person
12/12/21 7196, 9 Twin Lake Al‑Anon - Group 6
[15, 64915]
Mon. 7:30 PM Buffalo Evangelical Free Church
Meeting in person with distancing and masks
7/23/20 64915, 15 Monday Al‑Anon
[15, 7208]
Thurs. 7:30 PM Buffalo Evangelical Free Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
6/4/22 7208, 15 Buffalo Thursday Night AFG
[2, 503606]
Tues. 7:00 PM River Hills Methodist Church
#Meeting in person and virtually in hybrid format
2/28/24 503606, 2 A New View Parents Group
[2, 7215]
Wed. 9:30 AM Lutheran Church of the Ascension
Meeting in person with masks and distancing
1/12/24 7215, 2 Serenity Seekers Women AFG
[2, 30503393]
Thurs. 7:30 PM St. James Lutheran Church
Meeting in person indoors with masks and distancing
10/19/20 30503393, 2 Burnsville/Prior Lake/Savage Al‑Anon
[2, 30525697]
Sat. 9:30 AM Grace United Methodist Church
Meeting in person
6/1/21 30525697, 2 Hope for Today Al‑Anon
Center City
[1, 27141]
Tues. 7:00 PM Chisago Lake Lutheran Church
Meeting in person at the church
No longer meeting virtually
9/8/22 27141, 1 Chisago Lakes AFG
[9, 30520818]
Tues. 7:00 PM Servant of Christ Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
1/6/23 30520818, 9 Champlin Black Belt Al‑Anon
[9, 30542738]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Champlin United Methodist Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
4/9/22 30542738, 9 Alone No More AFG
[13, 502800]
Mon. 7:00 PM Westwood Community Church Chanhassan Campus
Meeting in person with masks and distancing.
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format.
10/19/24 502800, 13 Westwood Al‑Anon
[13, 36825]
Tues. 7:30 PM Chaska Moravian Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually in hybrid forma
1/11/22 36825, 13 Serenity Seekers Al‑Anon
[13, 30692217]
Tues. 7:30 PM Chaska Moravian Church
First meeting is October 24
Meeting in person
10/12/23 30692217, 13 Teen Time Alateen
[13, 30644768]
Wed. 6:30 PM Chaska Moravian Church
Meeting in person at new location
No longer meeting virtually
7/25/22 30644768, 13 Fairway to Hope AFG
[15, 65428]
Sun. 7:00 PM United Methodist Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
5/29/21 65428, 15 Clearwater Al‑Anon
Columbia Heights
[10, 30844533]
Wed. 5:30 PM Our Friends Alano
New literature group focusing on How Al‑Anon Works
Meeting in person
9/3/24 30844533, 10 Just for Tonight Wednesday Evening AFG
Coon Rapids
[5, 30512844]
Mon. 6:30 PM
Was temporarily Tuesday 5:30 PM
Coon Rapids Alano
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
6/23/21 30512844, 5 Steps to Serenity Al‑Anon
Coon Rapids
[5, 30646847]
Tues. 2:00 PM Coon Rapids Alano
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
6/25/20 30646847, 5 Tension Relievers Tuesday 2 pm Al‑Anon
Coon Rapids
[5, 40610]
Tues. 7:00 PM Members’ homes
2nd Tuesdays only
9/5/23 40610, 5 12 Steppers AFG
Cottage Grove
[1, 7266]
Wed. 9:30 AM All Saints Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
4/7/21 7266, 1 Cottage Grove Wednesday
[15, 7280]
Mon. 7:00 & 7:30 PM Light of Christ Lutheran Church
Meeting in person; masks required by church
No longer meeting virtually
7/4/23 7280, 15 Delano Monday Al‑Anon
[2, 63970]
Mon. 7:00 PM St. John Neumann Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
1/20/25 meeting shifted to Wed. 1/22
1/12/25 63970, 2 Monday Night Al‑Anon
[2, 30702333]
Mon. 7:00 PM Sage Prairie Treatment Center
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
5/23/21 30702333, 2 Stepping Into Serenity
[2, 30688954]
Mon. 7:00 PM St. John Neumann Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
1/20/25 meeting shifted to Wed. 1/22
1/12/25 30688954, 2 Eagan Monday Alateen
[2, 30503562]
Thurs. 6:30 PM Eagan Burnsville Savage groups
Meeting in person
8/20/21 30503562, 2 EBS Al‑Anon
[2, 30539856]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Saint Thomas Becket Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
5/2/21 30539856, 2 Thursday Night Al‑Anon
[2, 7311]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Dakota Alano
Meeting in person with distancing & masks
Also meeting virtually via dial-in phone
11/16/21 7311, 2 Dakota Thursday Evening Al‑Anon
[2, 30653864]
Sat. 9:15 AM Easter Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
12/31/22 30653864, 2 Next Right Thing AFG
[2, 30545804]
Sat. 9:30 AM St. John Neumann Church
Meeting in person
1/28/22 30545804, 2 Saturday AM AFG
Eden Prairie
[11, 24134]
Mon. 7:00 PM City Hill Church
Meeting in person with distancing; no longer meeting virtually
6/2/21 24134, 11 River Valley Al‑Anon
Eden Prairie
[11, 32283]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Pax Christi Catholic Community
Meeting in person
6/7/21 32283, 11 Prairie Peace Al‑Anon
[11, 7318]
Tues. 7:00 PM New City Covenant Church
New location
Meeting only in person
2/28/24 7318, 11 Edina Step Al‑Anon
[11, 7316]
Tues. 8:00 PM Cavalier West Alano
Meeting in person
6/15/21 7316, 11 Tuesday Al‑Anon
[11, 53099]
Wed. 12:00 PM Normandale Lutheran Church
Meeting in person at new location
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
10/30/24 53099, 11 Wednesday Noon Edina Al‑Anon
New name
[11, 37619]
Fri. 7:00 PM St Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Meeting in person
11/16/23 37619, 11 Al‑Anon by the Creek
[11, 63223]
Sat. 9:00 AM Meetinghouse Church
New name
Meeting in person in church library
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
6/13/22 63223, 11 Free to Be Me Al‑Anon Adult Children
Elk River / Otsego
[99, 7327]
Mon. 7:00 PM Elk RIver Alano Society
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
Also meeting virtually
5/11/21 7327, 99 Monday Al‑Anon
Elk River / Otsego
[99, 30652614]
Tues. 6:30 PM
New time
Elk River Alano Society
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
Also meeting virtually
9/19/24 30652614, 99 Day by Day
Elk River / Otsego
[99, 30568764]
Wed. 6:30 PM Elk River Alano Society
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
9/19/24 30568764, 99 Hope for Today Al‑Anon
Elk River / Otsego
[99, 48768]
Wed. 6:30 PM Elk River Alano Society
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
9/19/24 48768, 99 Wed. 6:30 PM Al‑Anon
[11, 501662]
Mon. 7:15 PM Christ Community Church
New location
Meeting in person
7/6/21 501662, 11 New Beginning Al‑Anon
[2, 39458]
Thurs. 8:00 PM
Meeting at 7 PM
Farmington Lutheran Church
New location 3/25
Meeting in person
3/15/25 39458, 2 Thursday Night Al‑Anon
Forest Lake
[1, 7355]
Tues. 10:00 AM Hosanna Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
10/27/21 7355, 1 The Builders Al‑Anon
Forest Lake
[1, 30588995]
Tues. 7:00 PM 156 Club
Meeting in person
10/27/21 30588995, 1 Friends and Family Matter AFG
Forest Lake
[1, 30588994]
Thurs. 8:30 PM 156 Club
Meeting in person
10/27/21 30588994, 1 Forest Lake Thursday 8:30PM
[6, 7533]
Tues. 7:30 PM Fridley Alano
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
Also meeting virtually
2/11/22 7533, 6 Fridley Al‑Anon Group K
[6, 7534]
Wed. 10:15 AM Fridley Alano
Meeting in person with distancing & masks
2/11/22 7534, 6 Fridley Al‑Anon group L
[6, 51353]
Wed. 7:30 PM Fridley Alano
Meeting in person with distancing & masks
2/11/22 51353, 6 Fridley Al‑Anon Group C
[6, 51353]
Wed. 7:30 PM Fridley Alano
Meeting in person on 1st Wednesday of month
12/31/22 51353, 6 Fridley Beginner’s Meeting
[6, 502136]
Wed. 7:30 PM Fridley Alano
New in-person meeting
12/15/23 502136, 6 Fridley Alateen
[6, 7536]
Thurs. 7:30 PM Fridley Alano
Meeting in person with distancing & masks
2/11/22 7536, 6 Fridley Al‑Anon Group N
Golden Valley
[11, 7369]
Tues. 7:30 PM
1.5 hour
Calvery Lutheran Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
Also meeting virtually
1/26/21 7369, 11 Hope for Parents
Golden Valley
[11, 7809]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Perkins Restaurant 8/17/23/ 7809, 11 P.O.P. Al‑Anon
Ham Lake
[5, 7106]
Sun. 7:00 PM Blaine Alano
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
8/14/20 7106, 5 Sunday Night Hope Al‑Anon
Ham Lake
[5, 30609546]
Mon. 7:00 PM
New day (was on Thursdays)
Blaine Alano
Meeting in person indoors with masks & distancing
8/26/23 30609546, 5 Serenity Al‑Anon
Ham Lake
[5, 7155]
Thurs. 6:30 PM
On 3rd Thursdays only
Blaine Alano
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
8/26/23 7155, 5 Thurs. Beginners Meeting
Ham Lake
[5, 32644]
Thurs. 7:30 PM Blaine Alano
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
Does not meet on Thanksgiving
11/11/21 32644, 5 Thurs. Courage Meeting
[15, 30719806]
Tues. 7:00 PM St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Meeting in person; masks & distancing not required
Not meeting July 2
6/27/24 30719806, 15 Hanover Tuesday Night AFG
[2, 7388]
Mon. 7:00 PM Hasting Alano
Meeting in person
Continuing to meet virtually at 8:00 PM
7/15/21 7388, 2 Hastings Monday Night Al‑Anon
[2, 30505693]
Fri. 10:00 AM Hastings Alano
Meeting in person
6/13/22 30505693, 2 Hastings Friday Morning Al‑Anon
Hudson, WI
[99, 14714]
Tues. 7:00 PM Hudson Alano Club 9/19/24 14714, 99 Tuesday Night AFG
Hudson, WI
[99, 30559028]
Fri. 6:00 PM Hudson Alano Club 4/26/24 30559028, 99 By The Book AFG
[15, 7421]
Tues. 7:00 PM Hutchinson Alano Club
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
4/17/20 7421, 15 Just For Today Al‑Anon
[15, 47390]
Wed. 6:30 PM Hutchinson Alano Club
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
4/24/20 47390, 15 Hutchinson Step By Step Al‑Anon
[15, 45545]
Fri. 9:30 AM Hutchinson Alano Club
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
8/31/21 45545, 15 Serenity Seekers Al‑Anon
[99, unknown]
Mon. 7:00 PM Isanti Alano
Meeting in person
2/3/22 -999, 99 Isanti Monday Al‑Anon
[99, unknown]
Wed. 7:00 PM Isanti Alano
Meeting in person
2/3/22 -999, 99 Isanti Wednesday Night Al‑Anon
[99, unknown]
Thurs. 10:00 AM Isanti Alano
Meeting in person
2/3/22 -999, 99 Thursday Morning Hope Al‑Anon Adult Children
[13, 30733275]
Mon. 6:30 PM
New time
Hope Lutheran Church
Masks welcome but not required
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
1/1/25 30733275, 13 Experience Strength and Hope AFG
[2, 501663]
Mon. 7:00 PM Messiah Lutheran Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
4/15/21 501663, 2 South Suburban Monday Night Al‑Anon
[2, 62450]
Tues. 7:00 PM
New time
All Saints Church
Meeting in person
2/28/22 62450, 2 South Suburban Tuesday Night Al‑Anon
[2, 30697832]
Sat. 9:00 AM The Family of Christ Church
Meeting in person
1/10/24 30697832, 2 Keep It Simple Al‑Anon
[2, 30622246]
Sat. 9:30 AM Messiah Lutheran Church
Meeting in person with masks
4/24/24 30622246, 2 Finding Hope Newcomers Al‑Anon
Lino lakes
[5, 30653954]
Fri. 6:30 PM Living Waters Lutheran Church 9/29/24 30653954, 5 Lino Lakes AFG
[1, 51395]
Thurs. 11:00 AM St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
7/6/22 51395, 1 Inner Peace Thursday Al‑Anon
[1, 66848]
Fri. 7:00 PM St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
1/16/24 66848, 1 Al‑Anon Works Family Group
Maple Grove
[9, 30691180]
Sun. 6:00 PM
New time
Maple Grove Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
1/27/25 30691180, 9 Welcome Home AFG
Maple Grove
[9, 30573517]
Sun. 6:00 PM Lord of Life Lutheran Church
New location; formerly at Maple Grove Community Center
Meeting in person
1/3/24 30573517, 9 Serenity Twelve Step Group
Maple Grove
Previously in Plymouth

[9, 30687286]
Wed. 6:30 PM Suburban North Alano Club
Meeting in person
Also meeting in virtually in hybrid format
12/26/22 30687286, 9 Twelve Stepping to Recovery AFG
Maple Grove
[9, 503781]
Thurs. 6:30 PM Lord of Life Lutheran Church
Meeting in person on 1st Thursdays only
11/12/24 503781, 9 New Beginning Al‑Anon Beginner’s meeting
Maple Grove
[9, 503781]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Lord of Life Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
Meeting Mon 12/23 instead of Thurs 12/26
11/29/24 503781, 9 New Beginning Al‑Anon
Maple Grove
[9, 7701]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Suburban Alano Society
No further meetings because group has disbanded
9/14/24 7701, 9 Thurs. Evening Serenity Group
Maple Grove
[9, 30664354]
Sat. 10:00 AM Cross Winds UMC
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
7/6/21 30664354, 9 Maple Grove Saturday AM Al‑Anon
[7, 30538398]
Mon. 6:00 PM Maplewood Alano Club
Meeting in person
7/19/23 30538398, 7 Maplewood Monday Men’s
[7, 7690]
Mon. 7:30 PM Gethsemene Lutheran Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
7/27/20 7690, 7 Maplewood Just for Today Al‑Anon
[7, 7490]
Tues. 6:00 PM Maplewood Alano Club
Meeting in person
7/19/23 7490, 7 Maplewood Tuesday 6PM
[7, 7490]
Wed. 6:00 PM Maplewood Alano Club
Meeting in person
7/19/23 7490, 7 Maplewood Wednesday
[7, 501460]
Fri. 11:00 AM Beaver Lake Lutheran Church
Meeting only in person, no longer meeting virtually
10/28/23 501460, 7 Alive and Free Al‑Anon
[10, 30589906]
Sun. 1:00 PM St. Albert the Great Parish House
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
2/27/25 30589906, 10 Conscious Contact AFG
[11, 32083]
Sun. 8:00 PM Lake Harriet UMC
Meeting in person; masks are welcome but not required
Also meeting virtually
8/8/22 32083, 11 Lake Harriet Sunday Steps and Traditions AFG
[10, 30675062]
Mon. 1:30 PM Minnehaha United Methodist Church
Meeting in person
7/7/23 30675062, 10 Monday Minnehaha AFG
[10, 26946]
Mon. 5:45 PM Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
New location
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
12/14/23 26946, 10 1900 Men’s AFG
[10, 30623905]
Mon. 7:00 PM Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
24 30623905, 10 NE Beginners’ Meeting
[10, 7547]
Mon. 7:00 PM
New time
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting in virtually in hybrid format
1/30/23 7547, 10 Courage to Change Al‑Anon
New name
[11, 7565]
Mon. 7:30 PM Creekside UCC
Meeting in person only
3/11/25 7565, 11 Nu-Life Al‑Anon
[11, 501033]
Tues. 10:00 AM
New Day
Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
4/14/22 501033, 11 Read to Recover Group
[10, 30848593]
Tues. 12:00 PM Downtown YMCA
New group 11/24
Meeting in person
10/31/24 30848593, 10 In Tune At Noon Al‑Anon
[11, 61028]
Tues. 7:00 PM Lake Harriet UMC
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
11/30/24 61028, 11 Into Action AFG
[11, 64010]
Tues. 7:00 PM Mayflower Church
Meeting in person; also meeting virtually in hybrid format
2/8/24 64010, 11 Sky’s the Limit Alateen
[11, 29458]
Tues. 7:00 PM
New time
1.25 hour meeting
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
1/1/25 29458, 11 Listen and Learn Al‑Anon
[11, unknown]
Tues. 7:30 PM St John’s Episcopal Church
Meeting in person
8/22/23 Unregistered, 11 St John’s Al‑Anon
[10, 30712903]
Tues. 8:00 PM
Not meeting first Tuesdays
Arrive by 7
Meeting in person
Minneapolis American Indian Center 9/26/24 30712903, 10 Red Road Al‑Anon
[10, 7513]
Wed. 12:00 PM 410 N 2nd Ave
Meeting in person
Also meeting in virtually
4/20/22 7513, 10 Al‑Anon in the Sky
[10, unknown]
Wed. 7:00 PM
Two hour meeting
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
New in person Spanish meeting

-999, 10 Wednesday Spanish Al‑Anon
[10, 32878]
Wed. 7:30 PM St Joan of Arc Catholic Church
Meeting in person.
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
8/16/23 32878, 10 ARC Al‑Anon
[11, 7554]
Thurs. 12:00 PM Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
3/8/22 7554, 11 Lake of the Isles Thursday Noon
[10, 30847116]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Minneapolis Alano Society
New in-person group
10/07/24 30847116, 10 Unity and Hope Al‑Anon
[11, 47676]
Thurs. 7:00 PM St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Meeting in person
No longer meeting virtually
11/5/22 47676, 11 St Luke’s Thur PM Men’s Al‑Anon
[11, 500428]
Thurs. 7:30 PM
1.5 hour
Lake Harriet UMC
Previously at Wooddale Church in Edina
Meeting in person;
11/09/23 500428, 11 Al‑Anon for Parents
[11, 7548]
Fri. 9:30 AM Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Meeting in person with masks optional
Virtual branch of meeting is now a separate group
8/11/24 7548, 11 Friday Morning on France AFG
[10, 29764]
Fri. 10:00 AM Hennepin Ave Methodist Church
Meeting in person
Separate group from Steeple Women’s Al‑Anon Online
10/31/22 29764, 10 Steeple Friday Women’s Al‑Anon
[10, 7551]
Fri. 10:00 AM Minnehaha United Methodist Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
1/29/21 7551, 10 Keewayden Friday Al‑Anon
[10, 30707941]
Fri. 6:00 PM Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
2/3/22 30707941, 10 Southside Friday AFG
[10, 30515622]
Fri. 7:00 PM Yoga Studio at Solomon’s Porch
New location
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
10/3/22 30515622, 10 LGBTQ and Friends Community AFG
[10, 30728671]
Sat. 9:00 AM Northeast Recovery Room
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
10/25/22 30728671, 10 NE Minneapolis Men’s Al‑Anon
[11, 30526088]
Sat. 9:45 AM Lake Harriet UMC
Meeting in person
8/22/24 30526088, 11 Welcome Beginners Al‑Anon meeting
[11, 502058]
Sat. 9:45 AM Lake Harriet UMC
New location
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
11/3/22 502058, 11 TGIS Al‑Anon
[9, 30822640]
Sun. 4:40 PM Plymouth 2 Alano
No longer meeting because disbanded
3/15/25 30822640, 9 Literature Journey AFG
[11, 7615]
Mon. 7:00 PM Minnetonka Community Center
Meeting in person
1/18/24 7615, 11 Monday Evening AFG
[9, 7729]
Mon. 7:00 PM Oak Knoll Lutheran Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
8/17/21 7729, 9 Plymouth II Monday Nite Al‑Anon
[11, 30634519]
Tues. 9:30 AM Ridgewood Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
11/29/20 30634519, 11 Living the Legacies AFG
[11, 30753504]
Tues. 6:15 PM Minnetonka Community Center
Meeting in person with masks & distancing required
Also meeting virtually
11/10/20 30753504, 11 Minnetonka Men’s AFG
[9, 7617]
Tues. 7:30 PM Oak Knoll Lutheran Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
Also meeting virtually
5/25/21 7617, 9 Plymouth II Tuesday Al‑Anon
[11, 7619]
Tues. 7:30 PM West Suburban Alano Club
Meeting in person with masks
7/6/21 7619, 11 Parent’s Al‑Anon
[11, 48152]
Wed. 10:30 AM Minnetonka Community Center
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
10/7/24 48152, 11 Minnetonka Serenes
[11, 28016]
Thurs. 9:00 AM Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
Also meeting virtually
3/17/21 28016, 11 Thursday Morning Al‑Anon
[9, 54277]
Thurs. 12:00 noon Oak Knoll Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
6/23/21 54277, 9 Just for Today AFG
[11, 60391]
Thurs. 7:00 PM West Suburban Alano Club
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
10/27/22 60391, 11 Keep Coming Back AFG
[9, 65493]
Sat. 9:00 AM Plymouth II Alano
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
5/6/21 65493, 9 Women’s 4th Step Al‑Anon
[16, 7624]
Fri. 8:00 PM Montgomery Recovery Hub
New location
Meeting in person
11/20/23 7624, 16 Montgomery AFG
[15, 30707597]
Sun. 7:00 PM Monticello Alano Club
Meeting in person only with no restrictions
5/31/21 30707597, 15 The Serenity Group
[9, 30675059]
Wed. 7:00 PM Tonka Alano Club
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
11/2/21 30675059, 9 Serenity Seekers Al‑Anon
New name
Mounds View
[7, 7647]
Mon. 7:30 PM New Brighton Alano
Also meeting virtually
5/10/23 7647, 7 New Brighton/Mounds View Monday Al‑Anon
Mounds View
[7, 30584987]
Mon. 7:30 PM New Brighton Alano
Meeting in person only
3/19/24 30584987, 7 New Brighton Alateen
Mounds View
[7, 7647]
Wed. 7:30 PM New Brighton Alano
Meeting in person meeting
Also meeting virtually
7/28/21 7647, 7 New Brighton/Mounds View Wed Al‑Anon
Mounds View
[7, 7647]
Thurs. 5:30 PM New Brighton Alano
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
10/5/21 7647, 7 New Brighton/Mounds View Thursday Al‑Anon
New Hope
[9, 30837776]
Sun. 3:30 PM New Hope Alano
New in person group
5/2/24 30837776, 9 Full Serenity Women’s AFG
New Hope
[9, 36194]
Sun. 6:00 PM New Hope Alano
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
Also meeting virtually as separate meeting
5/8/21 36194, 9 Group I Sunday Night 6PM AFG
New Hope
[9, 30732608]
Mon. 5:00 PM New Hope Alano Club
Meeting in person
9/29/24 30732608, 9 New Hope 4th Step Al‑Anon
New Hope
[9, 30732606]
Mon. 6:30 PM
New time
New Hope Alano Club
Meeting in person at new time
6/15/21 30732606, 9 New Hope Men’s AFG Squad M
New Hope
[9, 7662]
Tues. 10:00 AM New Hope Alano Club
Meeting in person
9/30/21 7662, 9 Tuesday Morning AFG 10 AM Group D
New Hope
[9, 7664]
Wed. 7:30 PM
New time
New Hope Alano Club
Meeting in person at new time
10/14/21 7664, 9 New Hope Al‑Anon Squad G
New Hope
[9, 53261]
Fri. 7:00 PM
New time
New Hope Alano
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
5/14/21 53261, 9 Al‑Anon Squad J
New Prague
[16, 7665]
Mon. 7:00 PM
New time
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Meeting in person at new time
8/10/21 7665, 16 New Prague Mon. PM Al‑Anon
[3, 502103]
Mon. 11:30 AM Emmaus Baptist Church
Meeting in person

502103, 3 Tradition 5 Al‑Anon
[9, unknown]
Tues. 7:00 PM Hazelden Betty Ford
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
10/14/24 -999, 9 Our Journey Al‑Anon
Meeting for parents
[9, 54177]
Wed. 11:30 AM St. Mary of the Lake Church
Meeting in person
2/24/22 54177, 9 Women’s Journey to Serenity
[9, 7986]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Messiah Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
4/22/21 7986, 9 One Day At a Time Al‑Anon
[99, 36313]
Mon. 7:00 PM
Formerly met on Wednesdays
Princeton Evangelical Free Church
Meeting in person
5/17/24 36313, 99 Keys to Freedom Al‑Anon
[99, 30816130]
Mon. 7:00 PM Princeton Alano
Meeting in person
5/17/24 30816130, 99 Princeton Monday Al‑Anon
Prior Lake
[13, 7734]
Mon. 7:00 PM Holy Trinity Methodist Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtuallyin hybrid format
11/21/24 7734, 13 Island of Serenity
Red Wing
[3, 30124]
Thurs. 6:30 PM St. Joseph’s Church
Meeting in person
8/20/21 30124, 3 Al‑Anon Serenity Group
[11, 30803764]
Thurs. 6:30 PM St. Nicholas Episcopal Church
New in person meeting
1/17/23 30803764, 11 Thursday Al‑Anon on Penn
[9, 7750]
Wed. 7:00 PM Robbinsdale Alano
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
8/19/21 7750, 9 Robbinsdale Wednesday Night Al‑Anon
Roberts, WI
[99, unknown]
Mon. 6:00 PM Cross Lutheran Church 5/17/22 -999, 99 Community AFG
[2, 30848020]
Thurs. 6:30 PM Rosemount Alano Club 10/10/24 30848020, 2 Let It Begin With Me Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30599766]
Mon. 11:30 AM Church of St. Stanislaus
Meeting in person
A parallel group meets virtually
2/13/24 30599766, 8 Superior Street AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 30224]
Mon. 6:00 PM House of Hope Presbyterian Church
Meeting only in person
6/14/23 30224, 8 Summit Hill Monday AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 500590]
Mon. 6:00 PM St. John’s Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
9/29/21 500590, 8 Men’s Monday 6:00 Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, unknown]
Mon. 6:00 PM Uptown House
New in person meeting with masks optional
12/7/22 -999, 8 Stepping Into Recovery
Saint Paul
[8, 54699]
Mon. 7:00 PM Virginia Street Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
7/27/21 54699, 8 I Y F Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 7849]
Mon. 7:15 PM Midway Club
Meeting in person
Virtual branch is now a separate meeting
1/8/25 7849, 8 Midway Men’s Monday 7:15 AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 30785708]
Mon. 8:00 PM Recovery Church
New in person group
5/17/22 30785708, 8 Extending Hope Women’s Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 7881]
Tues. 9:30 AM Uptown House
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually as separate meeting
12/20/22 7881, 8 Uptown Tuesday 9 30 AM Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 7882]
Tues. 6:30 PM Uptown House
Meeting in person
Virtual part is now a separate meeting Just For Today Al‑Anon
8/1/23 7882, 8 Uptown Tuesday 6:30 A
Saint Paul
[8, 7883]
Tues. 6:30 PM Uptown House
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
6/15/21 7883, 8 Uptown Tuesday Al‑Anon B
Saint Paul
[8, 30606556]
Wed. 2:00 PM Episcopal Homes
Meeting in person; mask required to enter building
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
12/26/24 30606556, 8 Compassion Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 40499]
Wed. 5:00 PM Unity Church Unitarian
Meeting only in person
1/29/24 40499, 8 Summit Hill Wednesday AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 30820804]
Wed. 5:30 PM
1.5 hr on first and third Wednesdays
Christ Recovery Center
New in-person meeting
9/22/23 30820804, 8 Wings of Hope Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[2, 30533293]
Wed. 6:00 PM Alano Club
Meeting in person
7/20/21 30533293, 2 Luz Para Una Nueva Vida II
Saint Paul
[8, 45253]
Wed. 6:30 PM Macalester Plymouth United Church
Meeting in person with masks required
9/1/22 45253, 8 Unity Group Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 7851]
Wed. 6:30 PM Midway Club
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
6/3/21 7851, 8 Midway Wednesday Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30691183]
Wed. 6:45 PM Hazelden Betty Ford
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
6/8/22 30691183, 8 Our Journey Too Parents’ Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 7878]
Thurs. 9:30 AM Uptown House
Meeting in person
10/6/21 7878, 8 Uptown Thursday 9:30 AM Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 65425]
Thurs. 11:00 AM Uptown House
Meeting in person
3/10/22 65425, 8 Just For Today Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 7880]
Thurs. 8:00 PM Uptown House
Suspended group
6/17/21 7880, 8 Uptown Thursday Night 8 PM Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 45544]
Fri. 6:00 PM Uptown House
Meeting only in person
3/22/24 45544, 8 How Al‑Anon Workds Book Meeting
Formerly Uptown Friday 6 PM Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 37933]
Sat. 8:30 AM Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church
Meeting in person
3/20/25 37933, 8 Saturday 8:30 am Highland In-person Al‑Anon Family Group
Saint Paul
[8, 46497]
Sat. 9:45 AM Uptown House
Meeting in person with masks required
12/9/21 46497, 8 Uptown Beginners Meetings
Saint Paul
[8, 30518230]
Sat. 10:00 AM Immanuel Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
4/14/22 30518230, 8 Breakfast Club Too Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 28511]
Sat. 10:00 AM Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
6/19/21 28511, 8 Saturday 10:00 am Al‑Anon Adult Children
Saint Paul
[8, 51636]
Sat. 10:00 AM Uptown House
Meeting in person
1/25/23 51636, 8 Uptown Breakfast Club Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 503918]
Sat. 12:30 PM Uptown House
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
5/30/21 503918, 8 Uptown Saturday 12:30 PM Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[2, 30527989]
Sat. 5:30 PM Alano Club
Meeting in person
7/20/21 30527989, 2 Luz Para Una Nueva Vida
[7, 7838]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Presbyterian Church of the Way
Meeting in person with optional masks
Also meeting virtually
11/18/22 7838, 7 Fireside Al‑Anon
South St. Paul
[2, unknown]
Thurs. 5:00 PM 301 Club
New group 3/2023
Meeting in person
3/10/22 Unknown, 2 Thursday 301 Al‑Anon
St. Louis Park
[11, 30681715]
Tues. 7:00 AM Rojo Mexican Grill-Rojo Room
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
10/10/21 30681715, 11 Tuesday AM Al‑Anon
St. Louis Park
[11, 53562]
Tues. 6:30 PM Vista Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
9/26/23 53562, 11 Wooddale Women’s Al‑Anon
St. Louis Park
[11, 28917]
Wed. 7:30 PM
New time
Sahara Club
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
Formerly met at Minneapolis Alano Society
9/9/24 28917, 11 With Open Spirits AFG
[1, 7938]
Tues. 7:00 PM St. Croix Alano Society
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
10/7/24 7938, 1 Stillwater Tuesday Al‑Anon
[1, 30507120]
Wed. 6:00 PM St Croix Alano Society
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually
8/7/21 30507120, 1 Living in the Solution Al‑Anon
[1, unknown]
Thurs. 11:00 AM Pioneer Park
New in person group; will move to Trinity Lutheran Church in Fall
5/20/22 Unknown, 1 “Let go, let God” 12 Step meeting
[1, 30579679]
Fri. 10:00 AM St. Croix Alano Society
Meeting in person
women’s meeting
4/26/24 30579679, 1 But One Purpose AFG
[1, 30608378]
Fri. 6:30 PM St.Croix Alano Society
Meeting in person
8/5/21 30608378, 1 Stillwater Women’s Al‑Anon
[1, 30553323]
Sat. 8:00 AM Trinity Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
3/13/22 30553323, 1 Stillwater Saturday Al‑Anon
Sunfish Lake
[2, 7991]
Mon. 6:45 PM South Suburban Alano (St. Anne’s Church)
Meeting in person
8/23/23 7991, 2 South Suburban Group 1
[13, 61196]
Tues. 9:00 AM Trinity Lutheran Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
5/13/21 61196, 13 Gratitude Al‑Anon
[13, 7964]
Fri. 7:00 PM
New time
Faith Lutheran Church
Meeting in person with masks & distancing
5/26/21 7964, 13 Waconia Al‑Anon
[11, 49200]
Mon. 7:00 PM Redeemer Lutheran Church
Meeting in person with distancing; masks required to enter church
7/14/20 49200, 11 Just for Today
[11, 500459]
Mon. 7:30 PM Wayzata Community Church
Meeting in person with masks if unvaccinated
10/27/21 500459, 11 Mon. Night Al‑Anon
[11, 503616]
Tues. 7:00 PM The Retreat
Meeting only in person
5/9/23 503616, 11 Pathfinders Al‑Anon
[11, unknown]
Tues. 7:00 PM The Cottage at The Retreat
Meeting in person
12/17/23 -999, 11 Chance for ChangeA Alateen
[11, 7984]
Wed. 7:30 PM
New time
Wayzata Community Church
Meeting in person
9/25/23 7984, 11 Wayzata Al‑Anon
West St. Paul
[2, 30823360]
Sun. 6:30 PN 1641 S Robert St
Meeting in person
3/20/25 30823360, 2 La Nueva Actitud GFA
West St. Paul
[2, 7920]
Tues. 7:00 PM Augustana Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
5/14/21 7920, 2 Redeemer Family Al‑Anon
West St. Paul
[2, 30823360]
Fri. 6:30 PM 1641 S Robert St
Meeting in person
3/20/25 30823360, 2 La Nueva Actitud GFA
White Bear Lake
[7, 30522662]
Mon. 10:00 AM United Methodist Church
Meeting in person with masks if unvaccinated
7/20/21 30522662, 7 Hang Loose Women’s Al‑Anon
White Bear Lake
[7, 29080]
Mon. 7:00 PM First Presbyterian Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually by conference call
3/17/22 29080, 7 You're Not Alone Al‑Anon
White Bear Lake
[7, 7997]
Wed. 10:00 AM St. Stephen Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually by phone
5/8/24 7997, 7 Serenity Seekers
White Bear Lake
[7, 503173]
Sat. 11:00 AM South Shore Trinity Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
Also meeting virtually in hybrid format
2/12/24 503173, 7 Steps to Inner Peace Al‑Anon
[1, 8009]
Mon. 7:30 PM Woodbury Lutheran Church
Meeting in person
7/28/21 8009, 1 Monday Valley Creek Al‑Anon

Go to top

Schedules of Virtual Meetings in the Twin Cities Area

All Al‑Anon and Alateen groups welcome new members

Note: Non-metro groups are no longer included here. You can find information on them on the Minnesota South Area Website

The groups listed in the green tables below are conducting “virtual” meetings, some in “hybrid” format, that is, with some member on site in person and others taking part electronically. For reason of privacy and anonymity we do not post information on how to join unless we have been given that specifically. Where information is lacking, if you can, contact a member of the group such as a GR or IR for information on how to participate.

Whether you are setting up a virtual meeting or attending one, it is essential that you read what is said above about privacy and anonymity concerns. As emphasized there, it is important that you use only the most up-to-date version of the client program or app downloaded from the official website for the service. For Zoom this is zoom.us/download. Check every time you join. Never download from other than the official download site or from the Apple App Store (www.apple.com/app-store) or from Google Play (play.google.com/store/apps).

In the schedules below, for some meetings an email address is provided to contact for details on how to join the meeting. Others say to call AIS (Minneapolis Al-Anon/Alateen Informations Services) for contact information. For the remaining groups, for security reasons (see below for more), wherever possible we do not post clickable links. For Zoom meetings (the most common) we provide the Zoom meeting ID and, if required, the passcode. To connect to a Zoom meeting you should start up the app or client program on your device and manually enter the meeting ID and passcode given in the instructions. Before you enter the meeting, you should change the name that will be displayed to FirstName LastInitial to maintain anonymity.

A drawback of virtual meetings is that you may not have copies of the 12 Steps, the 12 Traditions, the Suggested Welcome and Suggested Closing, all of which are read at many Al‑Anon and Alateen meetings. Fortunately these readings and more are on pages 11 – 25 of the Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual which you can download here (PDF).

When you connect to a meeting by telephone, be aware that you may incur toll charges, depending on your calling plan. Also, in on-line meetings, whether on a computer or phone, it is essential that your microphone be muted when you are not talking. Otherwise everyone’s words will be hard to understand.

Whether connecting through the internet or by phone, you should turn off or put in another room speaker with Siri, Alexa or the like. This will prevent it listening to the meeting and possibly compromising someone’s anonymity.

“AIS” in connection instructions stands for [Minneapolis] Al‑Anon/Alateen Information Services.

NOTE: For security reasons, for Zoom meetings we post only the ID number and passcode (if needed) rather than providing a clickable link to join. Users should start up the Zoom client program or app on their device and enter the information when requested. This also provides the opportunity to change your screen name to Name+Initial to follow our traditions of anonymity.

To join a meeting by telephone, call 312-626-6799 or other Zoom phone number and provide the meeting ID and numerical passcode. If the passcode includes letters or punctuation, you can’t use the phone, although for a few Zoom meetings there is a different passcode for joining by telephone. Depending on your tellephone calling plan, this may be a toll call.

Safety and Anonymity Checklist

  • NEVER LOGIN TO ZOOM MEETINGS USING GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, APPLE OR OTHER THIRD PARTY ACCOUNTS. Doing so breaches your anonymity and possibly that of others in your meeting.
  • TURN OFF SIRI AND UNPLUG ALEXA, ECHO, DOT. Turn off any other digital assistants like Google Assistant and Samsung’s Bixby. They’ve all been confirmed to listen to everyone in Zoom meetings.
  • CLOSE ALL WEB BROWSERS (Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc.) on your device before joining a meeting.
  • NEVER JOIN ZOOM MEETINGS THROUGH A WEB BROWSER. They are designed to track and personally identify you and anyone else they can.

Schedule of Virtual Alateen Meetings

[District, ID]
Day & Time Location If In Person Instructions Updated ID & District # Name
Apple Valley
[2, 501906]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Christus Victor Lutheran Church Email AVTeens​@proton.me for Zoom meeting information
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
Not meeting 11/28
11/26/24 501906, 2 Apple Valley Alateen
[11, 64010]
Tues. 7:00 PM Mayflower Church Email skys_teens​@proton.me to request an invitation
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
10/8/24 64010, 11 Sky’s the Limit Alateen

Schedule of Virtual Meetings for Parents

[District, ID]
Day & Time Location If In Person Instructions Updated ID & District # Name
[2, 503606]
Tues. 7:00 PM River Hills Methodist Church Email newview​alanon​@gmail.com for connection instructions
Meeting virtually and in person in hybrid format
2/28/24 503606, 2 A New View Parents Group
Golden Valley
[11, 7369]
Tues. 7:30 PM
1.5 hour
Calvery Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 896 1886 6549, passcode is 797393
Also meeting in person
12/29/22 7369, 11 Hope for Parents
[9, unknown]
Tues. 7:00 PM
New time
Hazelden Betty Ford Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
10/14/24 -999, 9 Our Journey Al‑Anon
Meeting for parents
Saint Paul
[8, 30704128]
Wed. 10:00 AM On Zoom Zoom ID is 890 3840 8270, passcode is 207293 3/16/25 30704128, 8 Detach With Love Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30691183]
Wed. 6:45 PM Hazelden Betty Ford Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
6/8/22 30691183, 8 Our Journey Too Parents’ Al‑Anon

Schedule of Virtual Al‑Anon Adult Children Meetings

[District, ID]
Day & Time Location If In Person Instructions Updated ID & District # Name
[11, 63223]
Sat. 9:00 AM Meetinghouse Church
New name
Zoom ID is 896 8804 6752, passcode is 941658
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
6/13/22 63223, 11 Free to Be Me Al‑Anon Adult Children
Saint Paul
[8, 37933]
Sat. 8:30 AM On Zoom
Formerly at Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church
Zoom ID is 883 8501 8637, passcode is 170223 3/20/25 37933, 8 Virtual Saturday 8:30 AM 12X12 AAC Al‑Anon Family Group
Saint Paul
[8, 28511]
Sat. 10:00 AM Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church Zoom ID is 775 5417 6660, passcode is 3Dxc97
Also meeting in person
6/19/21 28511, 8 Saturday 10:00 am Al‑Anon Adult Children

Schedule of Virtual GLBTQ Meetings

[District, ID]
Day & Time Location If In Person Instructions Updated ID & District # Name
[10, 30515622]
Fri. 7:00 PM Yoga Studio at Solomon’s Porch
New location
Zoom ID is 295 236 860
Also meeting in person
2/5/22 30515622, 10 LGBTQ and Friends Community AFG

Schedule of Virtual Meetings for Women

[District, ID]
Day & Time Location If In Person Instructions Updated ID & District # Name
[10, 30809863]
Fri. 10:00 AM Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 879 3085 5340, normal passcode is RECOVERY12
For dial-in connection, call 312‑626‑6799, use passcode 4188305799
Separate group from Steeple Women’s Al‑Anon which meets in person
7/25/24 30809863, 10 Steeple Friday Women’s Al‑Anon Online
[10, 30741304]
Sat. 10:00 AM
New time
Northeast Recovery Room Zoom ID is 859 667 966
Women and non-binary only
1/2/23 30741304, 10 Women of Wisdom Al‑Anon
[9, 65493]
Sat. 9:00 AM Plymouth II Alano Zoom ID is 813 0039 1375 with passcode 735657
Also meeting in person with masks & distancing
12/21/21 65493, 9 Women’s 4th Step Al‑Anon
St. Louis Park
[11, 53562]
Tues. 6:30 PM Vista Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 885 6573 4801, passcode is Wooddale
To protects members anonymity, please turn on video and identify yourself
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/30/24 53562, 11 Wooddale Women’s Al‑Anon

Schedule of Virtual Meetings for Men

[District, ID]
Day & Time Location If In Person Instructions Updated ID & District # Name
[10, 26946]
Mon. 5:45 PM Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
New location
Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
12/14/23 26946, 10 1900 Men’s AFG
[10, 30728671]
Sat. 9:00 AM Northeast Recovery Room Zoom ID is 861 4003 6615, passcode is alanon
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
11/18/23 30728671, 10 NE Minneapolis Men’s Al‑Anon
[11, 30753504]
Tues. 6:15 PM Minnetonka Community Center Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person with masks & distancing required
11/11/20 30753504, 11 Minnetonka Men’s AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 500590]
Mon. 6:00 PM St. John’s Church Click to join Goolgle Meet meeting
Also meeting in person
8/11/22 500590, 8 Men’s Monday 6:00 Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30843068]
Mon. 7:15 PM On zoom Meeting only on Zoom
Zoom ID is 817 6932 2847, passcode is 420271
1/8/25 30843068, 8 Midway Men’s Monday Night Online AFG

Schedule of Virtual Meetings by City and Time
Schedule by Day and Time | Schedule by District and City

[District, ID]
Day & Time Location If In Person Instructions Updated ID & District # Name
[5, 7097]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Andover Alano Soc. Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
8/3/21 7097, 5 Andover #2 Al‑Anon
[5, 30515925]
Sun. 8:30 AM Anoka Today Alano Zoom ID is 108 643 633, passcode is qYzv0D
Also meeting in person
10/26/22 30515925, 5 Sunday AM 11th Step Meditation Meeting
[5, 60684]
Wed. 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Zoom ID is 510 307 760, passcode is 080312
Also meeting in person
8/27/21 60684, 5 New Beginnings AFG
[5, 7111]
Thurs. 7:00 PM
Join at 6:50
Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 960 867 3833, passcode is 8675309
Meeting only virtually
9/3/24 7111, 5 Hope in Al‑Anon
Apple Valley
[2, 7212]
Wed. 7:00 PM Only on Zoom
Formerly at Christus Victor Church
Zoom ID is 850 6000 1287, passcode is 144161 6/28/23 7212, 2 Cliff Hangers Al‑Anon
Apple Valley
[2, 501906]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Christus Victor Lutheran Church Email AVTeens​@proton.me for Zoom meeting information
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
Not meeting 11/28
11/26/24 501906, 2 Apple Valley Alateen
[12, 30229]
Mon. 9:30 AM Richfield/​Bloomington Alano Zoom ID is 861 623 7082, passcode is 487292 2/17/21 30229, 12 Monday Morning Al‑Anon “D”
[12, unknown]
Thurs. 10:00 AM Only on Zoom
New virtual group
Email hopespokenhereafg​@gmail.com for connection information 4/26/23 Unknown, 12 Hope Spoken Here Al‑Anon
[12, 7168]
Thurs. 7:30 PM St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
New location
Connect to the meeting through myrecovery.com/​online-meeting/
Also meeting in person with masks recommended
8/22/24 7168, 12 Quiet Moments Al‑Anon
[15, 7208]
Thurs. 7:30 PM Buffalo Evangelical Free Church Zoom ID is 306 986 301
Also meeting in person
8/5/21 7208, 15 Buffalo Thursday Night AFG
[2, 503606]
Tues. 7:00 PM River Hills Methodist Church Email newview​alanon​@gmail.com for connection instructions
Meeting virtually and in person in hybrid format
2/28/24 503606, 2 A New View Parents Group
[99, unknown]
Wed. 6:00 PM Joy Lutheran Church Parsonage 10/15/21 -999, 99 By the Book Al‑Anon
[9, 30542738]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Champlin United Methodist Church Zoom ID is 850 9831 4730, passcode is 611195
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
4/9/22 30542738, 9 Alone No More AFG
[13, 502800]
Mon. 7:00 PM Westwood Community Church Chanhassan Campus Email westwoodfamilygroup​@gmail.com for connection instructions
Also meeting in-person in hybrid format
10/19/24 502800, 13 Westwood Al‑Anon
[13, 36825]
Tues. 7:30 PM Chaska Moravian Church Zoom ID is 262 486 1663, passcode is 486915
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/12/22 36825, 13 Serenity Seekers Al‑Anon
[3, 62419]
Sat. 10:00 AM Little Prairie United Methodist Church Email littlepalanon​@gmail.com for connection information for Zoom meeting
No longer meeting in person
10/31/24 62419, 3 Little Prairie AFG
[2, 7311]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Dakota Alano Dial 978‑990‑5000, use Access Code 517521 to join by phone
Also meeting in person#
11/16/21 7311, 2 Dakota Thursday Evening Al‑Anon
[11, 53099]
Wed. 12:00 PM Normandale Lutheran Church
New location
Zoom ID: 822 5154 6626, passcode: noon
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/27/25 53099, 11 Wednesday Noon Edina Al‑Anon
New name
[11, 63223]
Sat. 9:00 AM Meetinghouse Church
New name
Zoom ID is 896 8804 6752, passcode is 941658
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
6/13/22 63223, 11 Free to Be Me Al‑Anon Adult Children
Elk River / Otsego
[99, 7327]
Mon. 7:00 PM Elk RIver Alano Society Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
9/19/24 7327, 99 Monday Al‑Anon
Elk River / Otsego
[99, 30652614]
Tues. 6:30 PM
New time
Elk River Alano Society Contact AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions to Zoom meeting.
Also meeting in person
9/29/24 30652614, 99 Day by Day
[6, 7533]
Tues. 7:30 PM Fridley Alano Zoom ID is 748 9001 2104, passcode is xJB9zq
Also meeting in person
4/20/21 7533, 6 Fridley Al‑Anon Group K
[2, 30839018]
Thurs. 2:00 PM Only on Zoom
For members who are caregivers for someone with Alzheimer’s, dementia or Parkinson’s
Email restoreustosanity2024@gmail.com for connection information
Also meeting online at 7:00 PM Thursdays
12/2/24 30839018, 2 Restore Us to Sanity Al‑Anon
[2, 30839018]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Only on Zoom
For members who are caregivers for someone with Alzheimer’s, dementia or Parkinson’s
Email restoreustosanity2024@gmail.com for connection information
Also meeting online at 2:00 PM Thursdays
12/2/24 30839018, 2 Restore Us to Sanity Al‑Anon
[6, 7544]
Sat. 11:00 AM
New time
Fridley Alano Contact AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions 4/10/21 7544, 6 Fridley Al‑Anon group W
Golden Valley
[11, 7369]
Tues. 7:30 PM
1.5 hour
Calvery Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 896 1886 6549, passcode is 797393
Also meeting in person
12/29/22 7369, 11 Hope for Parents
[2, 7388]
Mon. 8:00 PM Hasting Alano Zoom ID is 830 896 642, passcode is 948887
In person; at 7:00 PM
Continuing to meet virtually at 8:00 PM
7/15/21 7388, 2 Hastings Monday Night Al‑Anon
[13, 30733275]
Mon. 6:30 PM
New time
Hope Lutheran Church Email experiencestrength​hopealanon​@gmail.com for connection instructions.
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/1/25 30733275, 13 Experience Strength and Hope AFG
[1, 51395]
Thurs. 11:00 AM St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 862 1949 1262, passcode is 375468
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
2/17/23 51395, 1 Inner Peace Thursday Al‑Anon
[1, 66848]
Fri. 7:00 PM St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church To join conference call, dial 720‑844‑1225, then 701‑802‑5223, use pass code 5336143
Also meeting in person#
1/20/22 66848, 1 Al‑Anon Works Family Group
Maple Grove
[9, 30691180]
Sun. 6:00 PM
New time
Maple Grove Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 873 7724 9722, passcode is Welcome
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/27/25 30691180, 9 Welcome Home AFG
Maple Grove
[9, 30687286]
Wed. 6:30 PM Suburban North Alano
New location 12/2022
Zoom ID is 464 205 8755, password is 961976
Also meeting in person
12/26/22 30687286, 9 Twelve Stepping to Recovery AFG
[10, 30589906]
Sun. 1:00 PM St. Albert the Great Parish House Zoom ID is 781 8697 7041, passcode is tn4RB8
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
2/27/25 30589906, 10 Conscious Contact AFG
[11, 32083]
Sun. 8:00 PM Lake Harriet UMC Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
1/25/22 32083, 11 Lake Harriet Sunday Steps and Traditions AFG
[10, 7552]
Mon. 1:30 PM Keewaydin Neighborhood Center Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions 6/30/20 7552, 10 Keewaydin Mon PM Step Group
[10, 26946]
Mon. 5:45 PM Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
New location
Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
12/14/23 26946, 10 1900 Men’s AFG
[10, 7547]
Mon. 7:00 PM
New time
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 964 4965 4946, passcode is 058635
Also meeting in person
1/30/23 7547, 10 Courage to Change Al‑Anon
New name
[11, 61028]
Tues. 7:00 PM Lake Harriet UMC
New location
Zoom ID is 703 672 043, passcode is 286155
Also meeting in person in hybrid format at new location
11/9/22 61028, 11 Into Action AFG
[11, 64010]
Tues. 7:00 PM Mayflower Church Email skys_teens​@proton.me to request an invitation
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
10/8/24 64010, 11 Sky’s the Limit Alateen
[11, 29458]
Tues. 7:00 PM
1.25 hour meeting
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 886 2057 6326, passcode is 026358
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/1/25 29458, 11 Listen and Learn Al‑Anon
[10, 7513]
Wed. 12:00 PM 410 N 2nd Ave Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
4/20/22 7513, 10 Al‑Anon in the Sky
[10, 32878]
Wed. 7:30 PM St Joan of Arc Catholic Church Email ARCAlanon​@google​groups.com to request an invitation
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
8/16/23 32878, 10 ARC Al‑Anon
[11, 7554]
Thurs. 12:00 PM Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church Email islesafg​@gmail.com for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
3/8/22 7554, 11 Lake of the Isles Thursday Noon
[10, 52631]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Southeast Christian Church Call 617‑675‑4444, use PIN 833 248 978 9294# to connect on Google Meets 8/30/22 52631, 10 SE Minneapolis Al‑Anon
[10, 502105]
Fri. 7:00 AM Only on Zoom
Formerly at YWCA
Zoom ID is 835 7218 8114, passcode is 887965 12/22/23 502105, 10 Early Risers AFG
[11, 30838796]
Fri. 9:30 AM On Zoom Zoom ID is 829 5374 6851, passcode is 951448
Formerly part of Friday morning on France AFG
8/11/24 30838796, 11 Friday Morning Connect AFG
[10, 30809863]
Fri. 10:00 AM Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 879 3085 5340, normal passcode is RECOVERY12
For dial-in connection, call 312‑626‑6799, use passcode 4188305799
Separate group from Steeple Women’s Al‑Anon which meets in person
7/25/24 30809863, 10 Steeple Friday Women’s Al‑Anon Online
[10, 30515622]
Fri. 7:00 PM Yoga Studio at Solomon’s Porch
New location
Zoom ID is 295 236 860
Also meeting in person
2/5/22 30515622, 10 LGBTQ and Friends Community AFG
[10, 30728671]
Sat. 9:00 AM Northeast Recovery Room Zoom ID is 861 4003 6615, passcode is alanon
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
11/18/23 30728671, 10 NE Minneapolis Men’s Al‑Anon
[11, 502058]
Sat. 9:45 AM Lake Harriet UMC Connect to the meeting through
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
11/3/22 502058, 11 TGIS Al‑Anon
[10, 30741304]
Sat. 10:00 AM
New time
Northeast Recovery Room Zoom ID is 859 667 966
Women and non-binary only
1/2/23 30741304, 10 Women of Wisdom Al‑Anon
[11, 501890]
Tues. 9:30 AM Meeting only virtually Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions 4/10/23 501890, 11 Tuesday Morning Al‑Anon
[11, 30753504]
Tues. 6:15 PM Minnetonka Community Center Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person with masks & distancing required
11/11/20 30753504, 11 Minnetonka Men’s AFG
[9, 7617]
Tues. 7:30 PM Oak Knoll Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 836 2195 8204, passcode is 747909
Also meeting in person
7/12/23 7617, 9 Plymouth II Tuesday Al‑Anon
[11, 48152]
Wed. 10:30 AM Minnetonka Community Center Zoom ID is 819 4384 6271, passcode is 453070
Questions? Email mtkaserenes​@gmail.com
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
11/3/21 48152, 11 Minnetonka Serenes
[11, 28016]
Thurs. 9:00 AM Bethlehem Lutheran Church Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
3/17/21 28016, 11 Thursday Morning Al‑Anon
[11, 60391]
Thurs. 7:00 PM West Suburban Alano Club Zoom ID is 827 8276 0403, passcode is 898685
Also meeting in person
10/27/22 60391, 11 Keep Coming Back AFG
[9, 65493]
Sat. 9:00 AM Plymouth II Alano Zoom ID is 813 0039 1375 with passcode 735657
Also meeting in person with masks & distancing
12/21/21 65493, 9 Women’s 4th Step Al‑Anon
Mounds View
[7, 7647]
Mon. 7:30 PM New Brighton Alano Zoom ID is 949 2257 6143
For audio only, call 651‑372‑8299, enter Zoom ID
Also meeting in person
5/10/23 7647, 7 New Brighton/Mounds View Monday Al‑Anon
Mounds View
[7, 7647]
Wed. 7:30 PM New Brighton Alano 9/27/21 7647, 7 New Brighton/Mounds View Wed Al‑Anon
Mounds View
[7, 7647]
Thurs. 5:30 PM New Brighton Alano Zoom ID is 456 123 1212
Also meeting in person
11/12/21 7647, 7 New Brighton/Mounds View Thursday Al‑Anon
New Hope
[9, 36194]
Sun. 6:00 PM New Hope Alano Zoom ID is 845 4723 7481, passcode is Serenity
Also meeting in person as separate meeting
5/8/21 36194, 9 Combined New Hope Al‑Anon Groups
Norwood Young America
[13, 65949]
Thurs. 8:00 PM All Saints Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 827 1811 6071, passcode is 556907 7/25/24 65949, 13 NYA Step Group
[9, unknown]
Tues. 7:00 PM
New time
Hazelden Betty Ford Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
10/14/24 -999, 9 Our Journey Al‑Anon
Meeting for parents
[9, 7986]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Messiah Lutheran Church Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
4/22/21 7986, 9 One Day At a Time Al‑Anon
Prior Lake
[13, 7734]
Mon. 7:00 PM Holy Trinity Methodist Church Email ios16170pl​@gmail.com for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/9/25 7734, 13 Island of Serenity
[9, 7750]
Wed. 7:00 PM Robbinsdale Alano Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
8/19/21 7750, 9 Robbinsdale Wednesday Night Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30811789]
Mon. 11:30 AM Only on Zoom
New meeting, not part of in-person Superior Street AFG
Zoom ID is 892 8578 8506, passcode is 884070 or phone connection through 312‑626‑6799 (Chicago) 10/31/24 30811789, 8 Superior Street Virtual AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 30841796]
Mon. 6:00 PM Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 865 5468 9140, passcode is 926860 3/11/25 30841796, 8 Hope for Today Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 500590]
Mon. 6:00 PM St. John’s Church Click to join Goolgle Meet meeting
Also meeting in person
8/11/22 500590, 8 Men’s Monday 6:00 Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 54699]
Mon. 7:00 PM Virginia Street Church Zoom ID is 840 7992 7982, passcode is Wisdom
Also meeting in person
6/27/22 54699, 8 I Y F Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30843068]
Mon. 7:15 PM On zoom Meeting only on Zoom
Zoom ID is 817 6932 2847, passcode is 420271
1/8/25 30843068, 8 Midway Men’s Monday Night Online AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 7881]
Tues. 9:30 AM Uptown House Zoom ID is 324 055 2488, passcode is 032811
Also meeting in person as separate meeting
12/20/22 7881, 8 Uptown Tuesday 9 30 AM Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 7830]
Tues. 11:00 AM On Zoom
Formerly at Uptowh House
Email 11amtuesday​@gmail.com for login information
Meeting virtually only
3/19/25 7830, 8 Tuesday 11AM Trad 12X12 AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 44797]
Tues. 4:45 PM Saint Paul Zoom ID is 321 555 9366, passcode is sober
Meeting only virtually
Formerlay at Uptown House
3/19/25 44797, 8 Uptown One Day at a Time Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, unknown]
Tues. 6:30 PM Only on Zoom
Formerly part of Uptown 630 PM Al‑Anon A
Zoom ID is 687 337 8961, passcode is 878696
Meeting only virtually
3/19/25 -999, 8 Just for Today Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 7883]
Tues. 6:30 PM Uptown House Connection information not yet available
Also meeting in person
6/15/21 7883, 8 Uptown Tuesday Al‑Anon B
Saint Paul
[8, unknown]
Tues. 7:00 PM Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 847 8599 0376, passcode is 127727 1/27/25 Unknown, 8 Midwest Hope Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30704128]
Wed. 10:00 AM On Zoom Zoom ID is 890 3840 8270, passcode is 207293 3/16/25 30704128, 8 Detach With Love Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30606556]
Wed. 2:00 PM Episcopal Homes Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
12/26/24 30606556, 8 Compassion Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30821254]
Wed. 5:00 PM Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 868 3630 3127, passcode is Summitw5! 1/29/24 30821254, 8 Summit Hill Wednesday Online AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 30691183]
Wed. 6:45 PM Hazelden Betty Ford Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
6/8/22 30691183, 8 Our Journey Too Parents’ Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 63550]
Fri. 6:00 PM On Zoom
Formerly at Como Park Lutheran Church
Email comoAFG​@gmail.com for connection instructions. 3/19/25 63550, 8 Como Park Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 37933]
Sat. 8:30 AM On Zoom
Formerly at Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church
Zoom ID is 883 8501 8637, passcode is 170223 3/20/25 37933, 8 Virtual Saturday 8:30 AM 12X12 AAC Al‑Anon Family Group
Saint Paul
[8, 28511]
Sat. 10:00 AM Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church Zoom ID is 775 5417 6660, passcode is 3Dxc97
Also meeting in person
6/19/21 28511, 8 Saturday 10:00 am Al‑Anon Adult Children
[7, 7838]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Presbyterian Church of the Way Zoom ID is 819 2904 1007, passcode is 758519
Also meeting in person
11/19/21 7838, 7 Fireside Al‑Anon
St. Louis Park
[11, 30580520]
Sun. 6:30 PM Only on Zoom Register at bit.ly/p2rafgzoom to join Zoom meeting 5/30/22 30580520, 11 Paths to Recovery AFG
St. Louis Park
[11, 28009]
Mon. 7:30 PM Union Congregational Church Zoom ID is 871 0985 7459, passcode is 015046 2/17/21 28009, 11 Park Serenity Al‑Anon Step Group
St. Louis Park
[11, 30681715]
Tues. 7:00 AM Rojo Mexican Grill-Rojo Room Zoom ID is 561 797 9340, passcode is 442175
Also meeting in person
3/31/23 30681715, 11 Tuesday AM Al‑Anon
St. Louis Park
[11, 53562]
Tues. 6:30 PM Vista Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 885 6573 4801, passcode is Wooddale
To protects members anonymity, please turn on video and identify yourself
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/30/24 53562, 11 Wooddale Women’s Al‑Anon
St. Louis Park
[11, 28917]
Wed. 7:30 PM
New time
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
Sahara Club Zoom ID is 869 1259 3890, passcode is 221823 1/27/25 28917, 11 With Open Spirits AFG
St. Louis Park
[11, unknown]
Sat. 8:00 AM Rojo Mexican Grill-Rojo Room Zoom ID is 561 797 9340, passcode is 442175 3/31/23 Unknown, 11 Saturday AM Al‑Anon
[1, 7938]
Tues. 7:00 PM St. Croix Alano Society For connection instructions, email tuesnightafg208​@gmail.com
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
10/7/24 7938, 1 Stillwater Tuesday Al‑Anon
[1, 30507120]
Wed. 6:00 PM St Croix Alano Society Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
8/7/21 30507120, 1 Living in the Solution Al‑Anon
[1, 30553323]
Sat. 8:00 AM Only on Zoom Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Meeting only virtually
8/31/22 30553323, 1 St. Croix Valley Zoomers
[13, 52188]
Wed. 7:00 PM Zoom
Formerly at Moravian Church
Zoom ID 881 2579 4832, passcode 037610 3/11/25 52188, 13 Victory Al‑Anon
West St. Paul
[2, 30713258]
Wed. 7:00 PM Zoom
Formerly at Amore Coffee
Zoom ID is 914 667 0865, passcode is 2649411 3/20/25 30713258, 2 Highbridge Al‑Anon
White Bear Lake
[7, 29080]
Mon. 7:00 PM First Presbyterian Church For conference call hookup call 1-605‑313‑4166, provide password 436190#
Also meeting in person with masks & distancing
11/4/21 29080, 7 You're Not Alone Al‑Anon
White Bear Lake
[7, 7997]
Wed. 10:00 AM St. Stephen Lutheran Church Email group at alanon​serenityseekers​@gmail.com for instructions on how to join conference call meeting
Also meeting in person
4/2/22 7997, 7 Serenity Seekers Al‑Anon
White Bear Lake
[7, 503173]
Sat. 11:00 AM South Shore Trinity Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 824 4808 8218, passcode is 123456
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/3/24 503173, 7 Steps to Inner Peace Al‑Anon

Go to top

Schedule of Virtual Meetings by Day and Time
Schedule by City and Time | Schedule by District and City

Note: For security reasons, for Zoom meetings we post only the ID number and passcode (if needed) rather than providing a clickable link to join a Zoom meeting. For more see above.

[District, ID]
Day & Time Location If In Person Instructions Updated ID & District # Name
[5, 30515925]
Sun. 8:30 AM Anoka Today Alano Zoom ID is 108 643 633, passcode is qYzv0D
Also meeting in person
10/26/22 30515925, 5 Sunday AM 11th Step Meditation Meeting
[10, 30589906]
Sun. 1:00 PM St. Albert the Great Parish House Zoom ID is 781 8697 7041, passcode is tn4RB8
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
2/27/25 30589906, 10 Conscious Contact AFG
Maple Grove
[9, 30691180]
Sun. 6:00 PM
New time
Maple Grove Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 873 7724 9722, passcode is Welcome
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/27/25 30691180, 9 Welcome Home AFG
New Hope
[9, 36194]
Sun. 6:00 PM New Hope Alano Zoom ID is 845 4723 7481, passcode is Serenity
Also meeting in person as separate meeting
5/8/21 36194, 9 Combined New Hope Al‑Anon Groups
St. Louis Park
[11, 30580520]
Sun. 6:30 PM Only on Zoom Register at bit.ly/p2rafgzoom to join Zoom meeting 5/30/22 30580520, 11 Paths to Recovery AFG
[11, 32083]
Sun. 8:00 PM Lake Harriet UMC Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
1/25/22 32083, 11 Lake Harriet Sunday Steps and Traditions AFG
[12, 30229]
Mon. 9:30 AM Richfield/​Bloomington Alano Zoom ID is 861 623 7082, passcode is 487292 2/17/21 30229, 12 Monday Morning Al‑Anon “D”
Saint Paul
[8, 30811789]
Mon. 11:30 AM Only on Zoom
New meeting, not part of in-person Superior Street AFG
Zoom ID is 892 8578 8506, passcode is 884070 or phone connection through 312‑626‑6799 (Chicago) 10/31/24 30811789, 8 Superior Street Virtual AFG
[10, 7552]
Mon. 1:30 PM Keewaydin Neighborhood Center Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions 6/30/20 7552, 10 Keewaydin Mon PM Step Group
[10, 26946]
Mon. 5:45 PM Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
New location
Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
12/14/23 26946, 10 1900 Men’s AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 30841796]
Mon. 6:00 PM Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 865 5468 9140, passcode is 926860 3/11/25 30841796, 8 Hope for Today Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 500590]
Mon. 6:00 PM St. John’s Church Click to join Goolgle Meet meeting
Also meeting in person
8/11/22 500590, 8 Men’s Monday 6:00 Al‑Anon
[13, 30733275]
Mon. 6:30 PM
New time
Hope Lutheran Church Email experiencestrength​hopealanon​@gmail.com for connection instructions.
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/1/25 30733275, 13 Experience Strength and Hope AFG
[13, 502800]
Mon. 7:00 PM Westwood Community Church Chanhassan Campus Email westwoodfamilygroup​@gmail.com for connection instructions
Also meeting in-person in hybrid format
10/19/24 502800, 13 Westwood Al‑Anon
Elk River / Otsego
[99, 7327]
Mon. 7:00 PM Elk RIver Alano Society Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
9/19/24 7327, 99 Monday Al‑Anon
[10, 7547]
Mon. 7:00 PM
New time
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 964 4965 4946, passcode is 058635
Also meeting in person
1/30/23 7547, 10 Courage to Change Al‑Anon
New name
Prior Lake
[13, 7734]
Mon. 7:00 PM Holy Trinity Methodist Church Email ios16170pl​@gmail.com for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/9/25 7734, 13 Island of Serenity
Saint Paul
[8, 54699]
Mon. 7:00 PM Virginia Street Church Zoom ID is 840 7992 7982, passcode is Wisdom
Also meeting in person
6/27/22 54699, 8 I Y F Al‑Anon
White Bear Lake
[7, 29080]
Mon. 7:00 PM First Presbyterian Church For conference call hookup call 1-605‑313‑4166, provide password 436190#
Also meeting in person with masks & distancing
11/4/21 29080, 7 You're Not Alone Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30843068]
Mon. 7:15 PM On zoom Meeting only on Zoom
Zoom ID is 817 6932 2847, passcode is 420271
1/8/25 30843068, 8 Midway Men’s Monday Night Online AFG
Mounds View
[7, 7647]
Mon. 7:30 PM New Brighton Alano Zoom ID is 949 2257 6143
For audio only, call 651‑372‑8299, enter Zoom ID
Also meeting in person
5/10/23 7647, 7 New Brighton/Mounds View Monday Al‑Anon
St. Louis Park
[11, 28009]
Mon. 7:30 PM Union Congregational Church Zoom ID is 871 0985 7459, passcode is 015046 2/17/21 28009, 11 Park Serenity Al‑Anon Step Group
[2, 7388]
Mon. 8:00 PM Hasting Alano Zoom ID is 830 896 642, passcode is 948887
In person; at 7:00 PM
Continuing to meet virtually at 8:00 PM
7/15/21 7388, 2 Hastings Monday Night Al‑Anon
St. Louis Park
[11, 30681715]
Tues. 7:00 AM Rojo Mexican Grill-Rojo Room Zoom ID is 561 797 9340, passcode is 442175
Also meeting in person
3/31/23 30681715, 11 Tuesday AM Al‑Anon
[11, 501890]
Tues. 9:30 AM Meeting only virtually Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions 4/10/23 501890, 11 Tuesday Morning Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 7881]
Tues. 9:30 AM Uptown House Zoom ID is 324 055 2488, passcode is 032811
Also meeting in person as separate meeting
12/20/22 7881, 8 Uptown Tuesday 9 30 AM Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 7830]
Tues. 11:00 AM On Zoom
Formerly at Uptowh House
Email 11amtuesday​@gmail.com for login information
Meeting virtually only
3/19/25 7830, 8 Tuesday 11AM Trad 12X12 AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 44797]
Tues. 4:45 PM Saint Paul Zoom ID is 321 555 9366, passcode is sober
Meeting only virtually
Formerlay at Uptown House
3/19/25 44797, 8 Uptown One Day at a Time Al‑Anon
[11, 30753504]
Tues. 6:15 PM Minnetonka Community Center Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person with masks & distancing required
11/11/20 30753504, 11 Minnetonka Men’s AFG
Elk River / Otsego
[99, 30652614]
Tues. 6:30 PM
New time
Elk River Alano Society Contact AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions to Zoom meeting.
Also meeting in person
9/29/24 30652614, 99 Day by Day
Saint Paul
[8, unknown]
Tues. 6:30 PM Only on Zoom
Formerly part of Uptown 630 PM Al‑Anon A
Zoom ID is 687 337 8961, passcode is 878696
Meeting only virtually
3/19/25 -999, 8 Just for Today Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 7883]
Tues. 6:30 PM Uptown House Connection information not yet available
Also meeting in person
6/15/21 7883, 8 Uptown Tuesday Al‑Anon B
St. Louis Park
[11, 53562]
Tues. 6:30 PM Vista Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 885 6573 4801, passcode is Wooddale
To protects members anonymity, please turn on video and identify yourself
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/30/24 53562, 11 Wooddale Women’s Al‑Anon
[2, 503606]
Tues. 7:00 PM River Hills Methodist Church Email newview​alanon​@gmail.com for connection instructions
Meeting virtually and in person in hybrid format
2/28/24 503606, 2 A New View Parents Group
[11, 61028]
Tues. 7:00 PM Lake Harriet UMC
New location
Zoom ID is 703 672 043, passcode is 286155
Also meeting in person in hybrid format at new location
11/9/22 61028, 11 Into Action AFG
[11, 64010]
Tues. 7:00 PM Mayflower Church Email skys_teens​@proton.me to request an invitation
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
10/8/24 64010, 11 Sky’s the Limit Alateen
[11, 29458]
Tues. 7:00 PM
1.25 hour meeting
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 886 2057 6326, passcode is 026358
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/1/25 29458, 11 Listen and Learn Al‑Anon
[9, unknown]
Tues. 7:00 PM
New time
Hazelden Betty Ford Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
10/14/24 -999, 9 Our Journey Al‑Anon
Meeting for parents
Saint Paul
[8, unknown]
Tues. 7:00 PM Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 847 8599 0376, passcode is 127727 1/27/25 Unknown, 8 Midwest Hope Al‑Anon
[1, 7938]
Tues. 7:00 PM St. Croix Alano Society For connection instructions, email tuesnightafg208​@gmail.com
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
10/7/24 7938, 1 Stillwater Tuesday Al‑Anon
[13, 36825]
Tues. 7:30 PM Chaska Moravian Church Zoom ID is 262 486 1663, passcode is 486915
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/12/22 36825, 13 Serenity Seekers Al‑Anon
[6, 7533]
Tues. 7:30 PM Fridley Alano Zoom ID is 748 9001 2104, passcode is xJB9zq
Also meeting in person
4/20/21 7533, 6 Fridley Al‑Anon Group K
Golden Valley
[11, 7369]
Tues. 7:30 PM
1.5 hour
Calvery Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 896 1886 6549, passcode is 797393
Also meeting in person
12/29/22 7369, 11 Hope for Parents
[9, 7617]
Tues. 7:30 PM Oak Knoll Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 836 2195 8204, passcode is 747909
Also meeting in person
7/12/23 7617, 9 Plymouth II Tuesday Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30704128]
Wed. 10:00 AM On Zoom Zoom ID is 890 3840 8270, passcode is 207293 3/16/25 30704128, 8 Detach With Love Al‑Anon
White Bear Lake
[7, 7997]
Wed. 10:00 AM St. Stephen Lutheran Church Email group at alanon​serenityseekers​@gmail.com for instructions on how to join conference call meeting
Also meeting in person
4/2/22 7997, 7 Serenity Seekers Al‑Anon
[11, 48152]
Wed. 10:30 AM Minnetonka Community Center Zoom ID is 819 4384 6271, passcode is 453070
Questions? Email mtkaserenes​@gmail.com
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
11/3/21 48152, 11 Minnetonka Serenes
[11, 53099]
Wed. 12:00 PM Normandale Lutheran Church
New location
Zoom ID: 822 5154 6626, passcode: noon
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/27/25 53099, 11 Wednesday Noon Edina Al‑Anon
New name
[10, 7513]
Wed. 12:00 PM 410 N 2nd Ave Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
4/20/22 7513, 10 Al‑Anon in the Sky
Saint Paul
[8, 30606556]
Wed. 2:00 PM Episcopal Homes Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
12/26/24 30606556, 8 Compassion Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30821254]
Wed. 5:00 PM Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 868 3630 3127, passcode is Summitw5! 1/29/24 30821254, 8 Summit Hill Wednesday Online AFG
[99, unknown]
Wed. 6:00 PM Joy Lutheran Church Parsonage 10/15/21 -999, 99 By the Book Al‑Anon
[1, 30507120]
Wed. 6:00 PM St Croix Alano Society Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
8/7/21 30507120, 1 Living in the Solution Al‑Anon
Maple Grove
[9, 30687286]
Wed. 6:30 PM Suburban North Alano
New location 12/2022
Zoom ID is 464 205 8755, password is 961976
Also meeting in person
12/26/22 30687286, 9 Twelve Stepping to Recovery AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 30691183]
Wed. 6:45 PM Hazelden Betty Ford Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
6/8/22 30691183, 8 Our Journey Too Parents’ Al‑Anon
[5, 60684]
Wed. 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Zoom ID is 510 307 760, passcode is 080312
Also meeting in person
8/27/21 60684, 5 New Beginnings AFG
Apple Valley
[2, 7212]
Wed. 7:00 PM Only on Zoom
Formerly at Christus Victor Church
Zoom ID is 850 6000 1287, passcode is 144161 6/28/23 7212, 2 Cliff Hangers Al‑Anon
[9, 7750]
Wed. 7:00 PM Robbinsdale Alano Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
8/19/21 7750, 9 Robbinsdale Wednesday Night Al‑Anon
[13, 52188]
Wed. 7:00 PM Zoom
Formerly at Moravian Church
Zoom ID 881 2579 4832, passcode 037610 3/11/25 52188, 13 Victory Al‑Anon
West St. Paul
[2, 30713258]
Wed. 7:00 PM Zoom
Formerly at Amore Coffee
Zoom ID is 914 667 0865, passcode is 2649411 3/20/25 30713258, 2 Highbridge Al‑Anon
[10, 32878]
Wed. 7:30 PM St Joan of Arc Catholic Church Email ARCAlanon​@google​groups.com to request an invitation
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
8/16/23 32878, 10 ARC Al‑Anon
Mounds View
[7, 7647]
Wed. 7:30 PM New Brighton Alano 9/27/21 7647, 7 New Brighton/Mounds View Wed Al‑Anon
St. Louis Park
[11, 28917]
Wed. 7:30 PM
New time
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
Sahara Club Zoom ID is 869 1259 3890, passcode is 221823 1/27/25 28917, 11 With Open Spirits AFG
[11, 28016]
Thurs. 9:00 AM Bethlehem Lutheran Church Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
3/17/21 28016, 11 Thursday Morning Al‑Anon
[12, unknown]
Thurs. 10:00 AM Only on Zoom
New virtual group
Email hopespokenhereafg​@gmail.com for connection information 4/26/23 Unknown, 12 Hope Spoken Here Al‑Anon
[1, 51395]
Thurs. 11:00 AM St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 862 1949 1262, passcode is 375468
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
2/17/23 51395, 1 Inner Peace Thursday Al‑Anon
[11, 7554]
Thurs. 12:00 PM Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church Email islesafg​@gmail.com for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
3/8/22 7554, 11 Lake of the Isles Thursday Noon
[2, 30839018]
Thurs. 2:00 PM Only on Zoom
For members who are caregivers for someone with Alzheimer’s, dementia or Parkinson’s
Email restoreustosanity2024@gmail.com for connection information
Also meeting online at 7:00 PM Thursdays
12/2/24 30839018, 2 Restore Us to Sanity Al‑Anon
Mounds View
[7, 7647]
Thurs. 5:30 PM New Brighton Alano Zoom ID is 456 123 1212
Also meeting in person
11/12/21 7647, 7 New Brighton/Mounds View Thursday Al‑Anon
[5, 7097]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Andover Alano Soc. Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
8/3/21 7097, 5 Andover #2 Al‑Anon
[5, 7111]
Thurs. 7:00 PM
Join at 6:50
Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 960 867 3833, passcode is 8675309
Meeting only virtually
9/3/24 7111, 5 Hope in Al‑Anon
Apple Valley
[2, 501906]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Christus Victor Lutheran Church Email AVTeens​@proton.me for Zoom meeting information
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
Not meeting 11/28
11/26/24 501906, 2 Apple Valley Alateen
[9, 30542738]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Champlin United Methodist Church Zoom ID is 850 9831 4730, passcode is 611195
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
4/9/22 30542738, 9 Alone No More AFG
[2, 7311]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Dakota Alano Dial 978‑990‑5000, use Access Code 517521 to join by phone
Also meeting in person#
11/16/21 7311, 2 Dakota Thursday Evening Al‑Anon
[2, 30839018]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Only on Zoom
For members who are caregivers for someone with Alzheimer’s, dementia or Parkinson’s
Email restoreustosanity2024@gmail.com for connection information
Also meeting online at 2:00 PM Thursdays
12/2/24 30839018, 2 Restore Us to Sanity Al‑Anon
[10, 52631]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Southeast Christian Church Call 617‑675‑4444, use PIN 833 248 978 9294# to connect on Google Meets 8/30/22 52631, 10 SE Minneapolis Al‑Anon
[11, 60391]
Thurs. 7:00 PM West Suburban Alano Club Zoom ID is 827 8276 0403, passcode is 898685
Also meeting in person
10/27/22 60391, 11 Keep Coming Back AFG
[9, 7986]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Messiah Lutheran Church Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
4/22/21 7986, 9 One Day At a Time Al‑Anon
[7, 7838]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Presbyterian Church of the Way Zoom ID is 819 2904 1007, passcode is 758519
Also meeting in person
11/19/21 7838, 7 Fireside Al‑Anon
[12, 7168]
Thurs. 7:30 PM St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
New location
Connect to the meeting through myrecovery.com/​online-meeting/
Also meeting in person with masks recommended
8/22/24 7168, 12 Quiet Moments Al‑Anon
[15, 7208]
Thurs. 7:30 PM Buffalo Evangelical Free Church Zoom ID is 306 986 301
Also meeting in person
8/5/21 7208, 15 Buffalo Thursday Night AFG
Norwood Young America
[13, 65949]
Thurs. 8:00 PM All Saints Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 827 1811 6071, passcode is 556907 7/25/24 65949, 13 NYA Step Group
[10, 502105]
Fri. 7:00 AM Only on Zoom
Formerly at YWCA
Zoom ID is 835 7218 8114, passcode is 887965 12/22/23 502105, 10 Early Risers AFG
[11, 30838796]
Fri. 9:30 AM On Zoom Zoom ID is 829 5374 6851, passcode is 951448
Formerly part of Friday morning on France AFG
8/11/24 30838796, 11 Friday Morning Connect AFG
[10, 30809863]
Fri. 10:00 AM Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 879 3085 5340, normal passcode is RECOVERY12
For dial-in connection, call 312‑626‑6799, use passcode 4188305799
Separate group from Steeple Women’s Al‑Anon which meets in person
7/25/24 30809863, 10 Steeple Friday Women’s Al‑Anon Online
Saint Paul
[8, 63550]
Fri. 6:00 PM On Zoom
Formerly at Como Park Lutheran Church
Email comoAFG​@gmail.com for connection instructions. 3/19/25 63550, 8 Como Park Al‑Anon
[1, 66848]
Fri. 7:00 PM St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church To join conference call, dial 720‑844‑1225, then 701‑802‑5223, use pass code 5336143
Also meeting in person#
1/20/22 66848, 1 Al‑Anon Works Family Group
[10, 30515622]
Fri. 7:00 PM Yoga Studio at Solomon’s Porch
New location
Zoom ID is 295 236 860
Also meeting in person
2/5/22 30515622, 10 LGBTQ and Friends Community AFG
St. Louis Park
[11, unknown]
Sat. 8:00 AM Rojo Mexican Grill-Rojo Room Zoom ID is 561 797 9340, passcode is 442175 3/31/23 Unknown, 11 Saturday AM Al‑Anon
[1, 30553323]
Sat. 8:00 AM Only on Zoom Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Meeting only virtually
8/31/22 30553323, 1 St. Croix Valley Zoomers
Saint Paul
[8, 37933]
Sat. 8:30 AM On Zoom
Formerly at Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church
Zoom ID is 883 8501 8637, passcode is 170223 3/20/25 37933, 8 Virtual Saturday 8:30 AM 12X12 AAC Al‑Anon Family Group
[11, 63223]
Sat. 9:00 AM Meetinghouse Church
New name
Zoom ID is 896 8804 6752, passcode is 941658
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
6/13/22 63223, 11 Free to Be Me Al‑Anon Adult Children
[10, 30728671]
Sat. 9:00 AM Northeast Recovery Room Zoom ID is 861 4003 6615, passcode is alanon
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
11/18/23 30728671, 10 NE Minneapolis Men’s Al‑Anon
[9, 65493]
Sat. 9:00 AM Plymouth II Alano Zoom ID is 813 0039 1375 with passcode 735657
Also meeting in person with masks & distancing
12/21/21 65493, 9 Women’s 4th Step Al‑Anon
[11, 502058]
Sat. 9:45 AM Lake Harriet UMC Connect to the meeting through
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
11/3/22 502058, 11 TGIS Al‑Anon
[3, 62419]
Sat. 10:00 AM Little Prairie United Methodist Church Email littlepalanon​@gmail.com for connection information for Zoom meeting
No longer meeting in person
10/31/24 62419, 3 Little Prairie AFG
[10, 30741304]
Sat. 10:00 AM
New time
Northeast Recovery Room Zoom ID is 859 667 966
Women and non-binary only
1/2/23 30741304, 10 Women of Wisdom Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 28511]
Sat. 10:00 AM Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church Zoom ID is 775 5417 6660, passcode is 3Dxc97
Also meeting in person
6/19/21 28511, 8 Saturday 10:00 am Al‑Anon Adult Children
[6, 7544]
Sat. 11:00 AM
New time
Fridley Alano Contact AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions 4/10/21 7544, 6 Fridley Al‑Anon group W
White Bear Lake
[7, 503173]
Sat. 11:00 AM South Shore Trinity Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 824 4808 8218, passcode is 123456
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/3/24 503173, 7 Steps to Inner Peace Al‑Anon

Schedule of Virtual Meetings by District and City
Schedule by City and Time | Schedule by Day and Time

Note: For security reasons, for Zoom meetings we post only the ID number and passcode (if needed) rather than providing a clickable link to join a Zoom meeting. For more see above.

[District, ID]
Day & Time Location If In Person Instructions Updated ID & District # Name
[1, 51395]
Thurs. 11:00 AM St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 862 1949 1262, passcode is 375468
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
2/17/23 51395, 1 Inner Peace Thursday Al‑Anon
[1, 66848]
Fri. 7:00 PM St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church To join conference call, dial 720‑844‑1225, then 701‑802‑5223, use pass code 5336143
Also meeting in person#
1/20/22 66848, 1 Al‑Anon Works Family Group
[1, 7938]
Tues. 7:00 PM St. Croix Alano Society For connection instructions, email tuesnightafg208​@gmail.com
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
10/7/24 7938, 1 Stillwater Tuesday Al‑Anon
[1, 30507120]
Wed. 6:00 PM St Croix Alano Society Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
8/7/21 30507120, 1 Living in the Solution Al‑Anon
[1, 30553323]
Sat. 8:00 AM Only on Zoom Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Meeting only virtually
8/31/22 30553323, 1 St. Croix Valley Zoomers
Apple Valley
[2, 7212]
Wed. 7:00 PM Only on Zoom
Formerly at Christus Victor Church
Zoom ID is 850 6000 1287, passcode is 144161 6/28/23 7212, 2 Cliff Hangers Al‑Anon
Apple Valley
[2, 501906]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Christus Victor Lutheran Church Email AVTeens​@proton.me for Zoom meeting information
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
Not meeting 11/28
11/26/24 501906, 2 Apple Valley Alateen
[2, 503606]
Tues. 7:00 PM River Hills Methodist Church Email newview​alanon​@gmail.com for connection instructions
Meeting virtually and in person in hybrid format
2/28/24 503606, 2 A New View Parents Group
[2, 7311]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Dakota Alano Dial 978‑990‑5000, use Access Code 517521 to join by phone
Also meeting in person#
11/16/21 7311, 2 Dakota Thursday Evening Al‑Anon
[2, 30839018]
Thurs. 2:00 PM Only on Zoom
For members who are caregivers for someone with Alzheimer’s, dementia or Parkinson’s
Email restoreustosanity2024@gmail.com for connection information
Also meeting online at 7:00 PM Thursdays
12/2/24 30839018, 2 Restore Us to Sanity Al‑Anon
[2, 30839018]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Only on Zoom
For members who are caregivers for someone with Alzheimer’s, dementia or Parkinson’s
Email restoreustosanity2024@gmail.com for connection information
Also meeting online at 2:00 PM Thursdays
12/2/24 30839018, 2 Restore Us to Sanity Al‑Anon
[2, 7388]
Mon. 8:00 PM Hasting Alano Zoom ID is 830 896 642, passcode is 948887
In person; at 7:00 PM
Continuing to meet virtually at 8:00 PM
7/15/21 7388, 2 Hastings Monday Night Al‑Anon
West St. Paul
[2, 30713258]
Wed. 7:00 PM Zoom
Formerly at Amore Coffee
Zoom ID is 914 667 0865, passcode is 2649411 3/20/25 30713258, 2 Highbridge Al‑Anon
[3, 62419]
Sat. 10:00 AM Little Prairie United Methodist Church Email littlepalanon​@gmail.com for connection information for Zoom meeting
No longer meeting in person
10/31/24 62419, 3 Little Prairie AFG
[5, 7097]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Andover Alano Soc. Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
8/3/21 7097, 5 Andover #2 Al‑Anon
[5, 30515925]
Sun. 8:30 AM Anoka Today Alano Zoom ID is 108 643 633, passcode is qYzv0D
Also meeting in person
10/26/22 30515925, 5 Sunday AM 11th Step Meditation Meeting
[5, 60684]
Wed. 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Zoom ID is 510 307 760, passcode is 080312
Also meeting in person
8/27/21 60684, 5 New Beginnings AFG
[5, 7111]
Thurs. 7:00 PM
Join at 6:50
Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 960 867 3833, passcode is 8675309
Meeting only virtually
9/3/24 7111, 5 Hope in Al‑Anon
[6, 7533]
Tues. 7:30 PM Fridley Alano Zoom ID is 748 9001 2104, passcode is xJB9zq
Also meeting in person
4/20/21 7533, 6 Fridley Al‑Anon Group K
[6, 7544]
Sat. 11:00 AM
New time
Fridley Alano Contact AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions 4/10/21 7544, 6 Fridley Al‑Anon group W
Mounds View
[7, 7647]
Mon. 7:30 PM New Brighton Alano Zoom ID is 949 2257 6143
For audio only, call 651‑372‑8299, enter Zoom ID
Also meeting in person
5/10/23 7647, 7 New Brighton/Mounds View Monday Al‑Anon
Mounds View
[7, 7647]
Wed. 7:30 PM New Brighton Alano 9/27/21 7647, 7 New Brighton/Mounds View Wed Al‑Anon
Mounds View
[7, 7647]
Thurs. 5:30 PM New Brighton Alano Zoom ID is 456 123 1212
Also meeting in person
11/12/21 7647, 7 New Brighton/Mounds View Thursday Al‑Anon
[7, 7838]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Presbyterian Church of the Way Zoom ID is 819 2904 1007, passcode is 758519
Also meeting in person
11/19/21 7838, 7 Fireside Al‑Anon
White Bear Lake
[7, 29080]
Mon. 7:00 PM First Presbyterian Church For conference call hookup call 1-605‑313‑4166, provide password 436190#
Also meeting in person with masks & distancing
11/4/21 29080, 7 You're Not Alone Al‑Anon
White Bear Lake
[7, 7997]
Wed. 10:00 AM St. Stephen Lutheran Church Email group at alanon​serenityseekers​@gmail.com for instructions on how to join conference call meeting
Also meeting in person
4/2/22 7997, 7 Serenity Seekers Al‑Anon
White Bear Lake
[7, 503173]
Sat. 11:00 AM South Shore Trinity Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 824 4808 8218, passcode is 123456
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/3/24 503173, 7 Steps to Inner Peace Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30811789]
Mon. 11:30 AM Only on Zoom
New meeting, not part of in-person Superior Street AFG
Zoom ID is 892 8578 8506, passcode is 884070 or phone connection through 312‑626‑6799 (Chicago) 10/31/24 30811789, 8 Superior Street Virtual AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 30841796]
Mon. 6:00 PM Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 865 5468 9140, passcode is 926860 3/11/25 30841796, 8 Hope for Today Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 500590]
Mon. 6:00 PM St. John’s Church Click to join Goolgle Meet meeting
Also meeting in person
8/11/22 500590, 8 Men’s Monday 6:00 Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 54699]
Mon. 7:00 PM Virginia Street Church Zoom ID is 840 7992 7982, passcode is Wisdom
Also meeting in person
6/27/22 54699, 8 I Y F Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30843068]
Mon. 7:15 PM On zoom Meeting only on Zoom
Zoom ID is 817 6932 2847, passcode is 420271
1/8/25 30843068, 8 Midway Men’s Monday Night Online AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 7881]
Tues. 9:30 AM Uptown House Zoom ID is 324 055 2488, passcode is 032811
Also meeting in person as separate meeting
12/20/22 7881, 8 Uptown Tuesday 9 30 AM Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 7830]
Tues. 11:00 AM On Zoom
Formerly at Uptowh House
Email 11amtuesday​@gmail.com for login information
Meeting virtually only
3/19/25 7830, 8 Tuesday 11AM Trad 12X12 AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 44797]
Tues. 4:45 PM Saint Paul Zoom ID is 321 555 9366, passcode is sober
Meeting only virtually
Formerlay at Uptown House
3/19/25 44797, 8 Uptown One Day at a Time Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, unknown]
Tues. 6:30 PM Only on Zoom
Formerly part of Uptown 630 PM Al‑Anon A
Zoom ID is 687 337 8961, passcode is 878696
Meeting only virtually
3/19/25 -999, 8 Just for Today Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 7883]
Tues. 6:30 PM Uptown House Connection information not yet available
Also meeting in person
6/15/21 7883, 8 Uptown Tuesday Al‑Anon B
Saint Paul
[8, unknown]
Tues. 7:00 PM Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 847 8599 0376, passcode is 127727 1/27/25 Unknown, 8 Midwest Hope Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30704128]
Wed. 10:00 AM On Zoom Zoom ID is 890 3840 8270, passcode is 207293 3/16/25 30704128, 8 Detach With Love Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30606556]
Wed. 2:00 PM Episcopal Homes Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
12/26/24 30606556, 8 Compassion Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 30821254]
Wed. 5:00 PM Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 868 3630 3127, passcode is Summitw5! 1/29/24 30821254, 8 Summit Hill Wednesday Online AFG
Saint Paul
[8, 30691183]
Wed. 6:45 PM Hazelden Betty Ford Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
6/8/22 30691183, 8 Our Journey Too Parents’ Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 63550]
Fri. 6:00 PM On Zoom
Formerly at Como Park Lutheran Church
Email comoAFG​@gmail.com for connection instructions. 3/19/25 63550, 8 Como Park Al‑Anon
Saint Paul
[8, 37933]
Sat. 8:30 AM On Zoom
Formerly at Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church
Zoom ID is 883 8501 8637, passcode is 170223 3/20/25 37933, 8 Virtual Saturday 8:30 AM 12X12 AAC Al‑Anon Family Group
Saint Paul
[8, 28511]
Sat. 10:00 AM Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church Zoom ID is 775 5417 6660, passcode is 3Dxc97
Also meeting in person
6/19/21 28511, 8 Saturday 10:00 am Al‑Anon Adult Children
[9, 30542738]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Champlin United Methodist Church Zoom ID is 850 9831 4730, passcode is 611195
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
4/9/22 30542738, 9 Alone No More AFG
Maple Grove
[9, 30691180]
Sun. 6:00 PM
New time
Maple Grove Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 873 7724 9722, passcode is Welcome
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/27/25 30691180, 9 Welcome Home AFG
Maple Grove
[9, 30687286]
Wed. 6:30 PM Suburban North Alano
New location 12/2022
Zoom ID is 464 205 8755, password is 961976
Also meeting in person
12/26/22 30687286, 9 Twelve Stepping to Recovery AFG
[9, 7617]
Tues. 7:30 PM Oak Knoll Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 836 2195 8204, passcode is 747909
Also meeting in person
7/12/23 7617, 9 Plymouth II Tuesday Al‑Anon
[9, 65493]
Sat. 9:00 AM Plymouth II Alano Zoom ID is 813 0039 1375 with passcode 735657
Also meeting in person with masks & distancing
12/21/21 65493, 9 Women’s 4th Step Al‑Anon
New Hope
[9, 36194]
Sun. 6:00 PM New Hope Alano Zoom ID is 845 4723 7481, passcode is Serenity
Also meeting in person as separate meeting
5/8/21 36194, 9 Combined New Hope Al‑Anon Groups
[9, unknown]
Tues. 7:00 PM
New time
Hazelden Betty Ford Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
10/14/24 -999, 9 Our Journey Al‑Anon
Meeting for parents
[9, 7986]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Messiah Lutheran Church Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
4/22/21 7986, 9 One Day At a Time Al‑Anon
[9, 7750]
Wed. 7:00 PM Robbinsdale Alano Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
8/19/21 7750, 9 Robbinsdale Wednesday Night Al‑Anon
[10, 30589906]
Sun. 1:00 PM St. Albert the Great Parish House Zoom ID is 781 8697 7041, passcode is tn4RB8
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
2/27/25 30589906, 10 Conscious Contact AFG
[10, 7552]
Mon. 1:30 PM Keewaydin Neighborhood Center Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions 6/30/20 7552, 10 Keewaydin Mon PM Step Group
[10, 26946]
Mon. 5:45 PM Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
New location
Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
12/14/23 26946, 10 1900 Men’s AFG
[10, 7547]
Mon. 7:00 PM
New time
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 964 4965 4946, passcode is 058635
Also meeting in person
1/30/23 7547, 10 Courage to Change Al‑Anon
New name
[10, 7513]
Wed. 12:00 PM 410 N 2nd Ave Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
4/20/22 7513, 10 Al‑Anon in the Sky
[10, 32878]
Wed. 7:30 PM St Joan of Arc Catholic Church Email ARCAlanon​@google​groups.com to request an invitation
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
8/16/23 32878, 10 ARC Al‑Anon
[10, 52631]
Thurs. 7:00 PM Southeast Christian Church Call 617‑675‑4444, use PIN 833 248 978 9294# to connect on Google Meets 8/30/22 52631, 10 SE Minneapolis Al‑Anon
[10, 502105]
Fri. 7:00 AM Only on Zoom
Formerly at YWCA
Zoom ID is 835 7218 8114, passcode is 887965 12/22/23 502105, 10 Early Risers AFG
[10, 30809863]
Fri. 10:00 AM Only on Zoom Zoom ID is 879 3085 5340, normal passcode is RECOVERY12
For dial-in connection, call 312‑626‑6799, use passcode 4188305799
Separate group from Steeple Women’s Al‑Anon which meets in person
7/25/24 30809863, 10 Steeple Friday Women’s Al‑Anon Online
[10, 30515622]
Fri. 7:00 PM Yoga Studio at Solomon’s Porch
New location
Zoom ID is 295 236 860
Also meeting in person
2/5/22 30515622, 10 LGBTQ and Friends Community AFG
[10, 30728671]
Sat. 9:00 AM Northeast Recovery Room Zoom ID is 861 4003 6615, passcode is alanon
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
11/18/23 30728671, 10 NE Minneapolis Men’s Al‑Anon
[10, 30741304]
Sat. 10:00 AM
New time
Northeast Recovery Room Zoom ID is 859 667 966
Women and non-binary only
1/2/23 30741304, 10 Women of Wisdom Al‑Anon
[11, 53099]
Wed. 12:00 PM Normandale Lutheran Church
New location
Zoom ID: 822 5154 6626, passcode: noon
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/27/25 53099, 11 Wednesday Noon Edina Al‑Anon
New name
[11, 63223]
Sat. 9:00 AM Meetinghouse Church
New name
Zoom ID is 896 8804 6752, passcode is 941658
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
6/13/22 63223, 11 Free to Be Me Al‑Anon Adult Children
Golden Valley
[11, 7369]
Tues. 7:30 PM
1.5 hour
Calvery Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 896 1886 6549, passcode is 797393
Also meeting in person
12/29/22 7369, 11 Hope for Parents
[11, 32083]
Sun. 8:00 PM Lake Harriet UMC Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
1/25/22 32083, 11 Lake Harriet Sunday Steps and Traditions AFG
[11, 61028]
Tues. 7:00 PM Lake Harriet UMC
New location
Zoom ID is 703 672 043, passcode is 286155
Also meeting in person in hybrid format at new location
11/9/22 61028, 11 Into Action AFG
[11, 64010]
Tues. 7:00 PM Mayflower Church Email skys_teens​@proton.me to request an invitation
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
10/8/24 64010, 11 Sky’s the Limit Alateen
[11, 29458]
Tues. 7:00 PM
1.25 hour meeting
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 886 2057 6326, passcode is 026358
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/1/25 29458, 11 Listen and Learn Al‑Anon
[11, 7554]
Thurs. 12:00 PM Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church Email islesafg​@gmail.com for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
3/8/22 7554, 11 Lake of the Isles Thursday Noon
[11, 30838796]
Fri. 9:30 AM On Zoom Zoom ID is 829 5374 6851, passcode is 951448
Formerly part of Friday morning on France AFG
8/11/24 30838796, 11 Friday Morning Connect AFG
[11, 502058]
Sat. 9:45 AM Lake Harriet UMC Connect to the meeting through
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
11/3/22 502058, 11 TGIS Al‑Anon
[11, 501890]
Tues. 9:30 AM Meeting only virtually Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions 4/10/23 501890, 11 Tuesday Morning Al‑Anon
[11, 30753504]
Tues. 6:15 PM Minnetonka Community Center Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person with masks & distancing required
11/11/20 30753504, 11 Minnetonka Men’s AFG
[11, 48152]
Wed. 10:30 AM Minnetonka Community Center Zoom ID is 819 4384 6271, passcode is 453070
Questions? Email mtkaserenes​@gmail.com
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
11/3/21 48152, 11 Minnetonka Serenes
[11, 28016]
Thurs. 9:00 AM Bethlehem Lutheran Church Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
3/17/21 28016, 11 Thursday Morning Al‑Anon
[11, 60391]
Thurs. 7:00 PM West Suburban Alano Club Zoom ID is 827 8276 0403, passcode is 898685
Also meeting in person
10/27/22 60391, 11 Keep Coming Back AFG
St. Louis Park
[11, 30580520]
Sun. 6:30 PM Only on Zoom Register at bit.ly/p2rafgzoom to join Zoom meeting 5/30/22 30580520, 11 Paths to Recovery AFG
St. Louis Park
[11, 28009]
Mon. 7:30 PM Union Congregational Church Zoom ID is 871 0985 7459, passcode is 015046 2/17/21 28009, 11 Park Serenity Al‑Anon Step Group
St. Louis Park
[11, 30681715]
Tues. 7:00 AM Rojo Mexican Grill-Rojo Room Zoom ID is 561 797 9340, passcode is 442175
Also meeting in person
3/31/23 30681715, 11 Tuesday AM Al‑Anon
St. Louis Park
[11, 53562]
Tues. 6:30 PM Vista Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 885 6573 4801, passcode is Wooddale
To protects members anonymity, please turn on video and identify yourself
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/30/24 53562, 11 Wooddale Women’s Al‑Anon
St. Louis Park
[11, 28917]
Wed. 7:30 PM
New time
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
Sahara Club Zoom ID is 869 1259 3890, passcode is 221823 1/27/25 28917, 11 With Open Spirits AFG
St. Louis Park
[11, unknown]
Sat. 8:00 AM Rojo Mexican Grill-Rojo Room Zoom ID is 561 797 9340, passcode is 442175 3/31/23 Unknown, 11 Saturday AM Al‑Anon
[12, 30229]
Mon. 9:30 AM Richfield/​Bloomington Alano Zoom ID is 861 623 7082, passcode is 487292 2/17/21 30229, 12 Monday Morning Al‑Anon “D”
[12, unknown]
Thurs. 10:00 AM Only on Zoom
New virtual group
Email hopespokenhereafg​@gmail.com for connection information 4/26/23 Unknown, 12 Hope Spoken Here Al‑Anon
[12, 7168]
Thurs. 7:30 PM St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
New location
Connect to the meeting through myrecovery.com/​online-meeting/
Also meeting in person with masks recommended
8/22/24 7168, 12 Quiet Moments Al‑Anon
[13, 502800]
Mon. 7:00 PM Westwood Community Church Chanhassan Campus Email westwoodfamilygroup​@gmail.com for connection instructions
Also meeting in-person in hybrid format
10/19/24 502800, 13 Westwood Al‑Anon
[13, 36825]
Tues. 7:30 PM Chaska Moravian Church Zoom ID is 262 486 1663, passcode is 486915
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/12/22 36825, 13 Serenity Seekers Al‑Anon
[13, 30733275]
Mon. 6:30 PM
New time
Hope Lutheran Church Email experiencestrength​hopealanon​@gmail.com for connection instructions.
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/1/25 30733275, 13 Experience Strength and Hope AFG
Norwood Young America
[13, 65949]
Thurs. 8:00 PM All Saints Lutheran Church Zoom ID is 827 1811 6071, passcode is 556907 7/25/24 65949, 13 NYA Step Group
Prior Lake
[13, 7734]
Mon. 7:00 PM Holy Trinity Methodist Church Email ios16170pl​@gmail.com for connection instructions
Also meeting in person in hybrid format
1/9/25 7734, 13 Island of Serenity
[13, 52188]
Wed. 7:00 PM Zoom
Formerly at Moravian Church
Zoom ID 881 2579 4832, passcode 037610 3/11/25 52188, 13 Victory Al‑Anon
[15, 7208]
Thurs. 7:30 PM Buffalo Evangelical Free Church Zoom ID is 306 986 301
Also meeting in person
8/5/21 7208, 15 Buffalo Thursday Night AFG
[99, unknown]
Wed. 6:00 PM Joy Lutheran Church Parsonage 10/15/21 -999, 99 By the Book Al‑Anon
Elk River / Otsego
[99, 7327]
Mon. 7:00 PM Elk RIver Alano Society Call AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions
Also meeting in person
9/19/24 7327, 99 Monday Al‑Anon
Elk River / Otsego
[99, 30652614]
Tues. 6:30 PM
New time
Elk River Alano Society Contact AIS (952‑920‑3961) for connection instructions to Zoom meeting.
Also meeting in person
9/29/24 30652614, 99 Day by Day

Go to top

Updated 2:56 PM sat Mar 22, 2025

Al‑Anon / Alateen Information Services of Greater Minneapolis, Minnesota
7204 West 27th Street
Suite 101
St. Louis Park, MN 55426-3112 USA (map)

Hours: MTWThF 9am - 4pm, Sa 9am - 1pm;
please call before you come.

Email: info@aismpls.org
Phone: 952-920-3961

Minneapolis AIS Home Page

St. Paul Area Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup
253 State Street
Saint Paul, MN 55107-1612 USA (map)

Hours: Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Noon to 4 pm, Wednesday Noon to 8 pm; Saturday closed.

Email: stpaulafg@pobox.com
Phone: 651-771-2208

St. Paul Intergroup Home Page

Minnesota South Area
P.O. Box 1059
Minnetonka, MN 55345-0059

Email: info@minnesotasouth-al-anon.com

Minnesota South Area Website: www.minnesotasouth-al-anon.com

Al‑Anon Faces Alcholism 2021
Al‑Anon Faces Alcoholism

(download PDF file)
(Spanish, French)

Cover of the current Forum

The Forum
Al‑Anon’s Monthly Magazine