Welcome to Al‑Anon/Alateen
in the Greater Minneapolis and St. Paul Area
Jointly sponsored by Minneapolis Al‑Anon/Alateen Information Services and St. Paul Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup

Al‑Anon Family Groups, which includes Alateen and Al‑Anon Adult Children, has been in existence for 65 years as a community resource providing support to those affected by someone else’s drinking.

There are more than 24,000 Al‑Anon and over 2,300 Alateen groups in 115 countries. Our meetings are anonymous and confidential. There are no dues or fees for membership. Find out if Al‑Anon, Al‑Anon Adult Children or Alateen might be right for your client, patient or student.

Al‑Anon is a separate fellowship from Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Al‑Anon is based on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous.

Alateen groups are Al‑Anon groups whose meetings are designed for the younger relatives and friends of alcoholics through age nineteen. Members conduct their own meetings with the guidance of adult sponsors who are Al‑Anon members. Alateen follows the same Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (slightly modified) as Al‑Anon.

People are referred to Al‑Anon and Alateen groups to learn the facts about alcoholism as an illness and how it has impacted their lives physically and emotionally. They benefit from contact with others who have similar problems and improve their own attitudes and behaviors through the study and practice of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Beginners’ meetings are a good place for them to start.

Al‑Anon and Alateen members are helped when they attend meetings on a regular basis, make telephone contact with other members, read Al‑Anon/Alateen literature, have a sponsor, apply the Twelve Steps of recovery to their lives and become involved in Al‑Anon Service work.

Al‑Anon/Alateen Groups Do Not:

  • Give advice.
  • Indulge in gossip or criticism.
  • Discuss members religious beliefs, or lack of them.
  • Endorse or oppose any cause, therapy, or treatment.

Adapted with permission of Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.

A complete schedule of Al-Anon, Alateen and Al-Anon Adult Children meetings in the Twin Cities area is available on this website. Because of the pandemic, we also maintain a schedule of virtual meetings. In addition there is an online schedule of meetings in the southern half of Minnesota and you can find meetings throughout the United States and Canada on the Al-Anon World Service Office find a meeting page.

Al-Anon and Alateen Literature may be purchased at Minneapolis Al-Anon/Alateen Information Services or St. Paul Al-Anon/Alateen Intergroup.

Some Resources for Professionals

Fact Sheet for Professionals in English, French or Spanish (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions.

Open Letters to Professionals (PDF)

For More Information and Literature

Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
1600 Corporate Landing Parkway
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
Tel # 757-563-1600, Fax # 757-563-1655
E-mail: wso@al-anon.org
For national meeting information call 1-888-4AL-ANON 8 am to 6 pm ET Monday–Friday, except holidays, or you can interactively search for a meeting on the national website. For Twin Cities Area meeting information see the meeting schedule and the virtual meeting schedule on this website.  For meetings in southern Minnesota outside the Twin Cities metropolitan area see minnesotasouth-al-anon.com/tools/meetings.  For non-metro meetings in northern Minnesota see minnesotanorth-al-anon.org.

Updated 2 January 2024

Al‑Anon / Alateen Information Services of Greater Minneapolis, Minnesota
7204 West 27th Street
Suite 101
St. Louis Park, MN 55426-3112 USA (map)

Hours: MTWThF 9am - 4pm, Sa 9am - 1pm;
please call before you come.

Email: info@aismpls.org
Phone: 952-920-3961

Minneapolis AIS Home Page

St. Paul Area Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup
253 State Street
Saint Paul, MN 55107-1612 USA (map)

Hours: Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Noon to 4 pm, Wednesday Noon to 8 pm, Saturday Closed

Email: stpaulafg@pobox.com
Phone: 651-771-2208

St. Paul Intergroup Home Page

Minnesota South Area
P.O. Box 1059
Minnetonka, MN 55345-0059

Email: info@minnesotasouth-al-anon.com

Minnesota South Area Website: www.minnesotasouth-al-anon.com

Al‑Anon Faces Alcholism 2021
Al‑Anon Faces Alcoholism

(download PDF file)
(Spanish, French)

Cover of the current Forum

The Forum
Al‑Anon’s Monthly Magazine