Welcome to Al‑Anon/Alateen
in the Greater Minneapolis and St. Paul Area
Jointly sponsored by Minneapolis Al‑Anon/Alateen Information Services and St. Paul Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup

Answer these questions to see if Al‑Anon Adult Children could be right for you…

Did you grow up with a problem drinker?

Alcoholism is a family disease – those of us who have lived with this disease as children sometimes have problems which the Al‑Anon program can help us to resolve. These 20 questions are designed to help you decide whether you might benefit from attending an Al‑Anon Adult Children group. Find out more about alcoholism.

  1. Do you constantly seek approval and affirmation?
  2. Do you fail to recognize your accomplishments?
  3. Do you fear criticism?
  4. Do you over extend yourself?
  5. Have you had problems with your own compulsive behavior?
  6. Do you have a need for perfection?
  7. Are you uneasy when your life is going smoothly, continually anticipating problems?
  8. Do you feel more alive in the midst of a crisis?
  9. Do you still feel responsible for others, as you did for the problem drinker in your life?
  10. Do you care for others easily, yet find it difficult to care for yourself?
  11. Do you isolate yourself from other people?
  12. Do you respond with fear to authority figures and angry people?
  13. Do you feel that individuals and society in general are taking advantage of you?
  14. Do you have trouble with intimate relationships?
  15. Do you confuse pity with love, as you did with the problem drinker?
  16. Do you attract and/or seek people who tend to be compulsive and/or abusive?
  17. Do you cling to relationships because you are afraid of being alone?
  18. Do you mistrust your own feelings and the feelings expressed by others?
  19. Do you find it difficult to identify and express your emotions?
  20. Do you think someone’s drinking may have affected you?

If you answered yes to some of these questions, Al‑Anon Adult Children may be able to help you. A good place to start is a Beginners’ Meeting. Also see the schedule of Al‑Anon Adult Children meetings.

Download a printable copy of these questions (S-25, PDF)

Reprinted with permission, Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.

Questions to help you decide if you need Al‑Anon or Alateen

Updated 28 August 2024

Al‑Anon / Alateen Information Services of Greater Minneapolis, Minnesota
7204 West 27th Street
Suite 101
St. Louis Park, MN 55426-3112 USA (map)

Hours: MTWThF 9am - 4pm, Sa 9am - 1pm;
please call before you come.

Email: info@aismpls.org
Phone: 952-920-3961

Minneapolis AIS Home Page

St. Paul Area Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup
253 State Street
Saint Paul, MN 55107-1612 USA (map)

Hours: Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Noon to 4 pm, Wednesday Noon to 8 pm, Saturday Closed

Email: stpaulafg@pobox.com
Phone: 651-771-2208

St. Paul Intergroup Home Page

Minnesota South Area
P.O. Box 1059
Minnetonka, MN 55345-0059

Email: info@minnesotasouth-al-anon.com

Minnesota South Area Website: www.minnesotasouth-al-anon.com

Al‑Anon Faces Alcholism 2021
Al‑Anon Faces Alcoholism

(download PDF file)
(Spanish, French)

Cover of the current Forum

The Forum
Al‑Anon’s Monthly Magazine