Welcome to Al-Anon/Alateen in the Greater Minneapolis and St. Paul Area

Contact Information
Al‑Anon / Alateen Information Services
of Greater Minneapolis
Saint Paul Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup
Address: 7204 W 27th St., Suite 101, St. Louis Park, MN 55426 (map)
Hours: MTWThF 9am - 4pm, Sa 9am - 1pm
Email: info@aismpls.org
Phone: 952-920-3961
Address: 253 State St., Saint Paul, MN 55107 (map)
Hours: MTThF 12 - 4pm, W 12 - 8pm, Sa Closed
Email: stpaulafg@pobox.com
Phone: 651-771-2208

All Al‑Anon groups welcome new members
Unless otherwise noted, attendance at Al‑Anon meetings is limited to members and prospective members – anyone who feels their life has been or is being deeply affected by someone else’s drinking. A meeting listed as “Open” or “Speaker Meeting” may be attended by anyone interested in Al‑Anon/Alateen.

You never need to make advance arrangements to attend a meeting; just show up and you will be warmly welcomed.
Although many meetings are in houses of worship, this implies no affiliation. It usually reflects the fact that the rent there is affordable.
Unless listed otherwise, most meetings are one hour long.

In the wake of the pandemic, most groups have restarted in person or virtually; a few groups remain suspended. See the virtual meeting information page for more information, including a schedule and connection instructions for most virtual meetings.

There are currently no pandemic-related restrictions on in-person get togethers, including recovery meetings such as Al‑Anon and Alateen. None the less, many groups continue to meet virtually and some are strongly recommending masks be worn in face-to-face meetings.

Groups that are meeting in person are indicated by light yellow in the schedule. Groups that remain suspended are indicated by pink and virtual groups meeting only virtually are indicated by green. Some in-person groups are also meeting virtually, possibly in “hybrid” format, that is, with some members on site in person and others attending electronically. A white background for a group’s entry in the meeting schedule means only that we have no information about the status of the group — whether it is in-person, suspended or virtual.

Monday Al-Anon Meetings in the Minneapolis Area
     In person      Virtual      Suspended      New in past year      Recently disbanded      Status not known
City Time Location Address Directions Group
ANOKA 6:30 PM Anoka Today Alano 2700 North Ferry St. (map) Men’s group
Meeting in person with optional masks
Anoka Men’s Al-Anon
ARLINGTON 8:00 PM St. Mary’s Catholic Church 504 7th Ave NW (map) Church hall
Meeting in person
Arlington Al-Anon
BIG LAKE 7:00 PM Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church 440 Lake St N (map) Outside by playground, weather permitting; Bring a chair. Otherwise in church annex.
Meeting in person with distancing and masks.
Big Lake Al-Anon
BLAINE 7:00 PM Blaine Alano 13536 Hwy 65 NE, Ham Lake (map) W frontage to 133rd,2 1/2 blocks
Meeting in person with masks and distancing.
Serenity Al-Anon
(formerly on Thursday)
BLOOMINGTON 9:30 AM Richfield/Bloomington Alano 9321 Bryant Ave S. (map) Child care; 2 blks E of 35W and 94th, Back bldg w/AA logo
Only virtual meeting until further notice
Richfield Bloomington Monday AM AFG
BLOOMINGTON 7:00 PM Westwood Community Church Bush Lake Campus 6301 Cecilia Circle (map) Room 134
In-person meeting
Hope For Today Al-Anon
BUFFALO 7:30 PM Buffalo Evangelical Free Church 2051 50th Street NE (map) Concurrent Alateen meeting on 2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Meeting in person with distancing and masks.
Monday Al-Anon
CHANHASSEN 7:00 PM Westwood Community Church Chanhassan Campus 3121 Westwood Drive (map) West on Tanadoona from Rt. 41, then left on Westwood Drive. Room varies
Meeting in person with masks and distancing; also meeting virtually.
Al-Anon At Westwood
COON RAPIDS 6:30 PM Coon Rapids Alano 1635 Coon Rapids Blvd NW (map) Suite 100.
Meeting in person with masks and distancing
Steps to Serenity Al-Anon
7:30 PM
7:00 PM
Light of Christ Lutheran Church 3976 County Line Rd. SE. (map) Meeting in person; church requires masks.
Delano Monday Al-Anon
Beginner’s Orientation at 7:00
EDEN PRAIRIE 7:00 PM City Hill Church 12901 Roberts Drive (map) Room 114
Meeting in person with distancing. No longer meeting virtually.
River Valley Al-Anon
ELK RIVER 7:00 PM Elk RIver Alano Society 9231 Odean Ave. NE, Otsego (map) In Otsego W of Hwy 101 onCty. 39 near 37
Meeting in person with masks and distancing; also meeting virtually.
Monday Al-Anon
EXCELSIOR 7:15 PM Christ Community Church
New location
897 3rd Avenue (map) Upstairs in Freplace Room
Restarted in person
New Beginning Al-Anon
ISANTI 7:00 PM Isanti Alano 790 Heritage Blvd NE (map) Just E of Hwy 65
Meeting in person
Isanti Monday Al-Anon
6:30 PM
New time
Hope Lutheran Church 201 Hope Avenue (map) Enter through the side door to the right of main entrance. Look for Al-Anon sign at door.
Meeting in person; masks welcome but not required; also meeting virtually in hybrid format
Experience Strength and Hope AFG
South Central
1:30 PM Keewaydin Neighborhood Center 3030 East 53rd St (map) Just west of 30th Ave S. Meets Tuesday when Monday is holiday
Only virtual meeting until further notice
Keewaydin Mon PM Step Group
South Central
1:30 PM Minnehaha United Methodist Church 3701 East 50th St (map) Just east of 37th Ave S
Meeting in person
Monday Minnehaha AFG
5:45 PM Hennepin Avenue United Methoidist Church
(New location)
511 Groveland Ave. (map) No meetings most holidays
Meeting in person and virtually in hybrid format
1900 Men’s Al-Anon
7:00 PM Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 3014 NE McKinley St (map) Meeting in person NE Beginners’ Meeting
7:00 PM Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 3014 NE McKinley St (map) Meeting in person; also meeting virtually in hybrid format Courage to Change Al-Anon
7:30 PM Creekside UCC
(new location 3/25)
106 E Diamond Lake Rd (map) Meeting only in person
Nu-Life Al-Anon
(new time)
Oak Knoll Lutheran Church 610 Hopkins Crossroad (map) R Door marked Plymouth II at W end of church Rm 167
Meeting in person with distancing and masks
Plymouth II Monday Al-Anon
MINNETONKA 7:00 PM Minnetonka Community Center 14600 Minnetonka Blvd. (map) St. Alban’s Room. Fragrance free meeting.
Meeting in person only.
Monday Evening Al-Anon
NEW HOPE 5:00 PM New Hope Alano Club 7550 Bass Lake Rd (map) Room 3
Meeting in person
New Hope 4th Step Al-Anon
NEW HOPE 6:30 PM New Hope Alano Club 7550 Bass Lake Rd
Room 4
Meeting in person
New Hope Men’s AFG Squad M
New time
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 1300 East Main St. (map) At E Main and SE 10th Ave.
Meeting in person
New Prague Mon. PM
PRINCETON 7:00 PM Princeton Evangelical Free Church 12140 317th Ave NW (map) Formerly met 7 PM Wednesdays
Meeting in person
Keys to Freedom Al-Anon
PRINCETON 7:00 PM Princeton Alano Bldg 1315 North 3rd St. (map) Meeting in person Princeton Monday Al-Anon
PRIOR LAKE 7:00 PM Holy Trinity Methodist Church 16170 Arcadia Ave SE (map) Enter through front door of house next to church.
Meeting in person; also meeting virtually
Island of Serenity Al-Anon
ST. LOUIS PARK 7:30 PM Union Congregational Church 3700 Alabama Ave. (map) Meeting held in basement
Only virtual meeting until further notice
Park Serenity Al-Anon Step Group
WAYZATA 7:00 PM Redeemer Lutheran Church 115 W. Wayzata Blvd (map) Wayzata Blvd. just West of Ferndale; enter from Ferndale
Meeting in person with distancing. Mask required to enter church.
Just for Today
WAYZATA 7:30 PM Wayzata Community Church 125 E. Wayzata Blvd. (map) In the Colonnade
Meeting in person with mask required if unvaccinated.
Monday Night Al-Anon
This schedule is provided as a service to members and prospective members of Al‑Anon and Alateen.
The group names and addresses are not to be used as a mailing list or for any form of solicitation or commercial venture.
     In person      Virtual      Suspended      New in past year      Recently disbanded      Status not known

(Updated 22 March 2025)