Welcome to Al-Anon/Alateen in the Greater Minneapolis and St. Paul Area

Contact Information
Al‑Anon / Alateen Information Services
of Greater Minneapolis
Saint Paul Al‑Anon/Alateen Intergroup
Address: 7204 W 27th St., Suite 101, St. Louis Park, MN 55426 (map)
Hours: MTWThF 9am - 4pm, Sa 9am - 1pm
Email: info@aismpls.org
Phone: 952-920-3961
Address: 253 State St., Saint Paul, MN 55107 (map)
Hours: MTThF 12 - 4pm, W 12 - 8pm, Sa Closed
Email: stpaulafg@pobox.com
Phone: 651-771-2208

All Al‑Anon groups welcome new members
Unless otherwise noted, attendance at Al‑Anon meetings is limited to members and prospective members – anyone who feels their life has been or is being deeply affected by someone else’s drinking. A meeting listed as “Open” or “Speaker Meeting” may be attended by anyone interested in Al‑Anon/Alateen.

You never need to make advance arrangements to attend a meeting; just show up and you will be warmly welcomed.
Although many meetings are in houses of worship, this implies no affiliation. It usually reflects the fact that the rent there is affordable.
Unless listed otherwise, most meetings are one hour long.

In the wake of the pandemic, most groups have restarted in person or virtually; a few groups remain suspended. See the virtual meeting information page for more information, including a schedule and connection instructions for most virtual meetings.

There are currently no pandemic-related restrictions on in-person get togethers, including recovery meetings such as Al‑Anon and Alateen. None the less, many groups continue to meet virtually and some are strongly recommending masks be worn in face-to-face meetings.

Groups that are meeting in person are indicated by light yellow in the schedule. Groups that remain suspended are indicated by pink and virtual groups meeting only virtually are indicated by green. Some in-person groups are also meeting virtually, possibly in “hybrid” format, that is, with some members on site in person and others attending electronically. A white background for a group’s entry in the meeting schedule means only that we have no information about the status of the group — whether it is in-person, suspended or virtual.

Monday Al-Anon Meetings in the St. Paul Area
     In person      Virtual      Suspended      New in past year      Recently disbanded      Status not known
City Time Location Address Directions Group

7:00 PM Sage Prairie Treatment Center 1440 Duckwood Drive (map) Suite 100. 1 block W of Pilot Knob Rd and S of Yankee Doodle Rd.
Former Fairview Eagan Clinic
Meeting in person with masks and distancing.
Stepping Into Serenity
EAGAN 7:00 PM St. John Neumann Church 4030 Pilot Knob Road (map) Concurrent Alateen meeting
Meeting in person with masks and distancing.
Monday Night Al-Anon
1/20/25 meeting shifted to 7 PM Wed. 1/22
HASTINGS 7:00 PM Hastings Alano 205 East 3rd Street (map) Meeting in person; will continue to meet virtually at 8:00 PM Hastings Monday Serenity
LAKEVILLE 7:00 PM Messiah Lutheran Church 16725 Highview Ave. (map) Previously at Ebenezer Ridges Nursing Home. Lower level room 11
Meeting in person with masks and distancing.
South Suburban Monday NIght Al-Anon
MAPLEWOOD 6:00 PM Maplewood Alano Club 1955 Prosperity Road (map) Prosperity at Frost, white building behind church (men’s group)
Meeting in person
Maplewood Monday Men’s
MAPLEWOOD 7:30 PM Gethsemene Lutheran Church 2410 Stillwater Avenue (map) Corner of McKnight and Stillwater
Meeting in person with masks and distancing.
Maplewood Just for Today Al-Anon
MOUNDS VIEW 7:30 PM New Brighton Alano 2284 County Road I (map) 35W to Cty Rd. I, West 3 blocks
Meeting in person. Also meeting virtually
New Brighton/Mounds View Monday Al-Anon
NORTHFIELD 11:30 AM Emmaus Baptist Church 712 Linden St N (map) Use back door
Meeting in person
Tradition 5 Al-Anon
ROBERTS, WI 6:00 PM Cross Lutheran Church 1246 County Rd TT (map) Meeting in person
Community AFG
West End
11:30 AM Church of St. Stanislaus 398 Superior St. (map) Superior & Western.
In church basement, enter side door.
Meeting only in person
Superior Street Al-Anon
SAINT PAUL 11:30 AM Only on Zoom On Zoom Meeting only virtually Superior Street Virtual Al-Anon
Cathedral Hill
6:00 PM St. John’s Church 60 Kent St (map) Entrance on Kent St, Use elevator to 3rd floor unless posted otherwise
Meeting in person; also meeting virtually.
Men’s Monday 6:00 Al-Anon
SAINT PAUL 6:00 PM On Zoom Virtual Meeting only virtually Hope for Today Al-Anon
6:00 PM House of Hope Presbyterian Church 797 Summit Avenue (map) NE Corner of Summit and Avon. Enter in the westernmost door on Portland; 1st floor, library (follow signs). Handicap accessible.
Meeting only in person.
Summit Hill Monday
6:00 PM Uptown House 1344 Summit Avenue (map) SW Corner of Summit and Hamline. Upstairs
New in-person meeting. Masks are optional.
Stepping Into Recovery
Cathedral Hill
7:00 PM Virginia Street Church 170 Virginia Street (map) Off Selby Ave, Enter by door on Selby.
Meeting in person; also meeting virtually.
I Y F Al-Anon
7:15 PM Midway Club 1161 Sherburne Ave (map) Buff colored bldg, NW Corner of Sherburne & Dunlap (men’s group)
Meeting in person.
Virtual branch now a separate meeting.
Midway Men’s Monday 7:15
SAINT PAUL 7:15 PM On Zoom On Zoom Meeting virtually
Formerly part of 7:15 PM group at Midway Club
Midway Men’s Monday Night Online Al-Anon
West side
8:00 PM Recovery Church 253 State St. (map) How Al-Anon Works book study
Meeting in person
Extending Hope Women’s Al-Anon
SUNFISH LAKE 6:45 PM South Suburban Alano (St. Anne’s Church) 2035 Charlton (map) Meeting in person
South Suburban Group 1
WHITE BEAR LAKE 10:00 AM United Methodist Church 1851 Birch Street (map) Women’s group. Off Linden St, just East of Hwy 61.
Meeting in person with masks if unvaccinated.
Hang Loose Women’s Al-Anon
WHITE BEAR LAKE 7:00 PM First Presbyterian Church 4821 Bloom Avenue (map) At 5th Street
Meeting in person with masks and distancing; also meeting virtually by conference call.
You Are Not Alone Al-Anon
WOODBURY 7:30 PM Woodbury Lutheran Church 7380 Afton Road (map) Use East entrance
Meeting in person
Monday Valley Creek Al-Anon
This schedule is provided as a service to members and prospective members of Al‑Anon and Alateen.
The group names and addresses are not to be used as a mailing list or for any form of solicitation or commercial venture.
     In person      Virtual      Suspended      New in past year      Recently disbanded      Status not known

(Updated 19 March 2025)